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Whois Oper MSGs for Syntax

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, XiRCON Scripts

Title: Whois Oper MSGs for Syntax 2

Format: Win OS

Description: This is a scripting fragment rather than a whole script. Its very simple, basically adding a hook that triggers when you whois an IRCop. The script prints one of its 20 or so quotes as part of the whois reply.

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, XiRCON Scripts

Title: kano 14

Format: Win OS

Description: Kano is absolutely overflowing with features, not all IRC related, but all useful, and just about all (dare I say) bug free as far as I can tell. Kano has a module system meaning anything you don't like can be unloaded, making the script run more quickly. You can tailor Kano to suit you, and it's easy to do so. If you don't like a module, all you need do is move it from the '...kano\addons' directory and type '/reload' in XiRCON (modules can be loaded and unloaded while you're running Kano without any trouble). Modules that come with Kano include: Email checking/sending (mail.ka), Emacs hotkey emulation (emacs.ka), A spell-checker that works as you type (spellfix.ka) and loads of other enhancements to what is a really fully-featured script to start with. Installation is simple and the instructions are clear as to how it all works. Even aptly titled text and .bat files are included...such as "Don't unzip into its own directory.txt" and "Click to load extra addons.bat", all helping to make Kano

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, Irc Chat Clients

Title: Bersirc 1.4

Format: Win9x/Me/NT/2000

Description: A relatively new IRC client that compiled all the good features from the other clients. It's very user-friendly and easy to use. Scripting is done either through Object Pascal scripts or DLL scripts (which it calls plugins). There appears to be some memory leak and the client might lose stability after long usage. There is no scripting help file yet, but if you join #bersirc on EFNet you'll get all the help you'll ever need. There is a separate script editor program that is recommended, but not necessary. A version for linux is in the pipeline.

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, Irc Chat Clients

Title: Bitchx

Format: Win9x/Me/NT/2000

Description: Built-in ANSI color. Ease of use. BitchX adds dozens of useful command aliases to reduce typing. Built-in notify, protection, bot, and shit lists. Built-in mass commands and tools. Extended set of DCC commands and built-in CDCC offering. Built-in link looker. Extended scripting functionality, including functions found nowhere else. Huge installed user base, an abundance of scripts A dedicated help channel (#BitchX on EFNET). Built-in screen client, allowing you to detach and re-attach to an irc session.BitchX is a VERY heavily modified ircII client. It includes many things such as built in CDCC (XDCC) offering, built in flood protection, etc. It is easier to script things in BitchX because unlike plain, vanilla ircII, half the script does not have to be devoted to changing the appearance of ircII. A popular client, especially on Unix-based machines. This client is available for practically all operating systems, and if that is not enough, the author also released the source code! However all

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, Irc Chat Clients

Title: Klient

Format: Win9x/Me/NT/2000

Description: A relatively new client with a cool flexible interface having customisable toolbars and more. It can connect to multiple servers, so you do not need to load multiple instances of the client. However, its power lies in its scripting capabilities, being able to run VBScripts and DLLs. To run Klient on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Workstation/Server, you need to have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed. If you have Windows 95 OSR1, you need to have DCOM installed too.

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