At last there is a genuine leap in Graphic card performance for all Zorro based Amiga's!
The PICASSO IV is the next generation Amiga graphics card, offering blistering performance and a "future proof"
upgradable specification for all Zorro II or III Amiga's. At last there is a board that not only offers superb
performance but also includes an integrated flicker fixer - opening the world of high performance, low cost SVGA PC
monitors for all display modes. The PicassoIV graphics card is a Zorro II/III based 64-bit Amiga card using the
Cirrus Logic GD5446 graphics chip. It uses 45ns
EDO RAM and provides resolutions up to 1600x1200 in 16bit or max.1280x1024 in 24bit (non-interlaced). It has a programmable
onboard flicker fixer with Flash-EPROM to hold the configuration. There is also an onboard Audio signal switcher which enables you
to connect a CD-ROM audio output and a external audio source. You can directly connect active audio boxes. With this
feature the soundlevel of the CD-ROM output will not be lower then the orginal Amiga output and you are able to switch
the inputs with the software that is provided.
68020 (or better), OS3.0 or better
- Integrated AA FlickerFixer (100 Hz)
- ZorroII, Zorro III Autosensing
- 1280 x 1024 in TrueColour (24 Bit)
- 4 MB Fast EDO-RAM
- Integrated PCI-Technology with local PCI-Bus
- S-VHS/FBAS video input
- S-VHS/FBAS video output
- 15-pin VGA output
- 3.5mm Stereo audio input
- 3.5mm Stereo audio output
- Audiosignal switcher - switching between Amiga, extern, CD and AV module
- CD-ROM Audio input
- Internal flicker fixer
- Connector for Pablo II video encoder
- Local PCI connector
- 3D GFX module
- PowerPC module
- Multibridge
- Automatic Zorro II / III switching
- PCI controller
- Flash-EPROM controller
- Graphics memory : 4 MB fast 45ns EDO RAM
- Graphics processor
- 64-bit memory access
- 80MHz videofrequency
- 180MBytes/s fillspeed
- Videoscaling with interpolation
- Colorroomconverting
- 16Bit digital videoport
- Picture-in-picture
- Resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 in 24bit
- 15.5 - 84kHz horizontal frequency
- 50Hz interlaced up to 160Hz non-interlaced vertical frequency
- Flash-EPROM : stores flicker fixer data, programmable with the software provided
- Connector for Pablo II video encoder
- Flicker Fixer/Scandoubler, compatible with all standard Amiga resolutions (NTSC/PAL)
- Programmable refresh rate up to 160Hz
- Connector for video module
- Connector for sound module
- 8-bit video connector
- 16-bit video connector
- Audio connector for video module
- Connector for sound module
Supported by the latest Picasso 96 graphics card software standard
- Digital Genlock: digital Quality, PAL, NTSC,...
- VideoText Decoder: reading, saving and printing of VideoText-Pages
Software-Driver Picasso96
- 8, 16, 24, 32 bit Workbench
- Improved for use with Mac emulators
- Works with 2 Monitors at the same time!
- Highly compatible with software-applications
- Supports more graphic-boards of the same type (installed in *one* Amiga)
- CyberGraphics compatible
- ScreenManager is responsible for :
- Screens
- Flickerfixer
- Double Buffering
- Scaler
- Colour Space Conversion
- VideoWindow (on the Workbench)
- Needs very little FastRAM
- Driver for Photogenics, Mac Emulations, XiPaint,...
- Picasso96 API available for developers
There are many enhancements in development for the PicassoIV.
MPEG module
Still in development
- MPEG-I Decoder (to use video CDs and CD-I CDs)
- MPEG-I Encoder
3D GFXSpeeder Module
Still in development
PowerPC Module
Still in development
Sound module
Still in development
- 16 Bit stereo audio output in high quality (44,1 kHz)
- 16 Bit stereo sampling in high quality (44,1 kHz)
- External MIDI connector
- MIDI Wavetable connector
- 4-Channel audio mixer (Amiga, Extern, CD, AV Module)
- FM-Musiksynthesizer
Video module
Still in development
- Handling of three video sources (TV tuner, S-VHS/FBAS input)
- Stereo- / 2-channel decoder
- Linetelevisionable
- Hyberbandable
- Videotextable
Pablo II module
Still in development
- Creates S-VHS/FBAS signal
- The video signal will be displayed on the VGA monitor and also on the S-VHS/FBAS output.
You don`t need a seperate control monitor.
- Supports any television standards (PAL, NTSC, etc.)
- Reduces the flickering through vertical-linear pictureinterpolation.
Official Picasso IV/96 Frequently Asked Questions and Support
Here you can check out the latest information and software updates/tools directly from the developers.
Price : £299.95 UKP
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