How to use this order form:-

Use this form ONLY for online credit card orders.

Fill in the relevant boxes with your details and hit the "Send Details" button and your request will be sent off. You will get a "sent confirmation" message and when we receive your order we will process and despatch your goods.
If you have any queries regarding an order placed this way, please call, fax or use the email address. Please note that your order may be delayed if products are out of stock. Please do not use this form for product queries OR to ask us to call.
If you do not wish to make a credit card purchase in this manner, please use a different method (see details by clicking "ORDER INFO" on the home page)

  Name:                           Telephone:
Email:                             Fax:
Credit Card Number:                Card Expiry Date:

Your Computer:

Your order:

Thank you for your order!
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