Welcome to Desert Gen2HTML Version 2.04 © 1996-1997
Terence M. Nichols

Last updated 22 Apr 1997 19:28:04 by Terence Nichols

This is an update release of DGen © a Scion © Genealogy Database to Hyper Text Markup Language page producing program for the Amiga © Computer. This program is not Public Domain although it has been released under a modified form of the GNU Public Licence as Shareware. Please read the Licence Agreement.

Special thanks to Robbie J. Akins for creating Scion © and Neil Simmonds for inspiring me to finally complete version 2.0 of DGen2HTML and for his constructive comments during initial construction.
This program is dedicated to my lovely Wife (Mandy). Who supplied me with meals, understanding and love etc. during the long days and nights that it has taken to rebuild DGen ©.

DGen is an Arexx © program script and requires :
The above can be found in the Aminet Amiga Archive in :
DGen has been completely rebuilt and has had many new features included.

All configuration is via the DGen2HTML.rexx program icon. The major benefit of this new version of DGen © is the huge savings that are achieved by the redesign of the index and personal pages.

NOTE : -

  1. Version 2.04 now builds the correct links into the GENDEX.txt file. In my rush to complete V2.03 I forgot to ensure the links were correct in the GENDEX.txt file. Again I thank Neil Simmonds for his assistance in reporting this error.

  2. Version 2.03 is a update due to a couple of major errors that were overlooked in earlier versions I appologise for any inconvenience.

  3. Version 2.03 now correctly handles multiple part SURNAMES. It was a gross error on my part that I failed to take this into concideration earlier and I thank Neil Simmonds for pointing this MAJOR ERROR out to me.


Undocumented features (BUGS) should be reported to Terence Nichols

  • User definable text and HTML code

    As you can see DGen © has many many new features.

    TO DO :

    You can download your copy of DGen2HTML V2.04. NOW. Remember, registration will ensure the continued development of this program and every registered user that puts there information online will be entitled to have a link from my Dgen Users page.
    Page created by Terence Nichols spinne@networx.net.au