Licence and Legal stuff
The Desert Gen2HTML ( Dgen ) program is Shareware. Copyright (c) 1996-1997 of the
source code remains with the author - Terence Nichols. DGen is freely
distributable as per the GNU General Public Licence. Subject to the
following conditions.
- (1) The © Copyright of pages and files produced by DGen belong to the author.
However, the © Copyright of the information on the pages belongs to the user.
- (2) DGen may produce information that may infringe on the privacy and rights
of an individual. It is the users legal responsibility to obtain approval
from such individuals prior to use or display. The user accepts all legal
responsibility in such cases.
- (3) The user accepts all legal responsibity and absolves and indemnifies
the author from any or all legal action that may or may not result from
the user or any other person using this program or any data output by this
- (4) The author makes no warranty real or implied as to the usefullness of
this program or data produced by this program for any particular purpose.
- (5) Compilers of Public Domain Disks / Libraries, BBS systems Etc. must
obtain a written licence approval from the author prior to redistribution
if a fee is charged for the Disk / CD , Downloading Etc. Robbie J Akins,
Fred Fish and the Aminet Amiga Archive are automatically granted free licence
approval to redistribute this program in it's original form. All others are
required to pay any licence fee that the author requests. The current
licence fee is obtainable by negotiation with the author.
- (6) Individuals allowing public access to pages or files produced by this
program are required to register with the author. In return the author may
at his discretion place the URL of the pages onto a public access site of the authors choice.
- (7) Registered users will were possible be notified of any updates that
the author produces of this program. The author is however under no
obligation to produce upgrades or updates of this program.
- (8) DGen versions up to Version 1.5 have a zero licence / registration fee
for private individuals. The author reserves the right to charge a fee for
future releases and upgrades. Companies or fee charging individuals using DGen to produce DGen data for others must obtain a separate licence agreement from the author.
- (9) Acceptance and agreement of the above conditions forms part of usage
licence and copyright of this program. Usage of this program or the data
produced by this program automatically confers acceptance by the user of the
above terms and conditions.
Page created by Terence Nichols