PatchF1GP 1.9 (5.9.95)

by Grant Reeve (

What is it?

PatchF1GP is a neat little program which adds some nice new features to F1GP. For example: Traction Control On/Off & Smooth Gear Changes. The feature which will please most of you is the frame rate changer, which alters the true frame rate in the same way as the PC version!

Have a look in the docs for more info. F1GP-Ed V3 incorporates PatchF1GP features, so if you have more than 1Mb of memory you won't need to use the stand-alone PatchF1GP.

Note: You must turn TC off before you replay any replays made with TC off (ditto for TC on) or the replay goes completely mental, and will probably end up in accelerated time.

Download the latest version

Last modified: Fri Sep 6 11:40:19 1996

Amiga Formula One