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Backyard Brothers
Brothers on the yard

Cat for Onat M. Onat Cakit:
The man behind those ROCK tunes.
Used to be the vocal/guitarist of a local rock group. Composing tunes since 1991. He sold his Amiga (aaaargh!)in 1995 and still keeps composing on PC with Fast Tracker II.
He's a medical doctor.

Bro for Tunc Tunc Dindas:
The other one responsible from design and graphics.
Pixelling on Amiga since 1988 and he's the one behind the "Istanbul Style" slide-show. Just because of he lives in another city, he can't do as much as he can.
He's the chief of the news-graphics section of a local TV channel.

Bro for M.Ali Mehmet Ali Sahin:
The one behind of all. Programming, graphics, design, guides, sound effects, texts, level design.... this site... (huh, it's me!).
Using Amiga since 1990, programming since his ZX Spectrum days (1985).
He's a ceramics artist and graphics designer in a multimedia company.

We should thank to the following people, who helped a lot.

Tunc Taylan:
Who did the GREEEAAAT design of Backyard Brothers title screen.
Huseyin Yesilbas:
Who teached M.Ali how to code.
Sinan Gurkan, Guvenc Kaplan and all behind Amigart:
For helping us to be more known.

And to some people we know/like/love:
Ugur 'Vigo' Ozyilmazel, Burak 'Gart' Kucukler, Zebani, Edgar M. Vigdal, Luca Daneleon, Tolga 'Max' Meric,

All those who support us via their mails, registered ones and all Amiga society.

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