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NSX (Nibbler Super eXtra)

Title screen of N.S.X.

The first title of Backyard Brothers.

NSX is another (best?) Nibbler clone. The main difference of NSX is the graphics. 6 bitplanes 64 colors EHB screens, 16x16 block level graphics, 20 frames of background animations (or a cool cycle animation) for every level. Passages between sides. Lots of tricks, lots of extras, lots of levels. 50 frames of Nibby vs Lemmy animation.
Level graphics changes in every 4 level which we call 'worlds'. There are 25 worlds (100 normal + 25 bonus levels) in the full version, 11 worlds (44 normal + 11 bonus levels) in the unregistered version.
Extra world datas to play more levels for both versions.

Extras are the other difference of NSX. Funny things which will give you extra life, shorter nibby, reverses nibby, twice points, bonus points, pacman (!.), ghost (!!!..), lemming, scissor, clock, key, dynamite (!), joker (??)... Great fun.
High scores saveable to disk. Hard disk installation. Joystick, cursor controls.

There's also a level editor to design extra world sets in the full version.

screenshots and gfx samples

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