About CTOOLS browser watch - just for fun.
1.5 free hours to kill during a Sunday evening and a good computer
to program and the very early version of AccessWatch was borned ;)
There are a few BrowserWatch sites available on the Internet. None
of them is dedicated to Amiga and Amiga users. This one is.
Some people wanted to see a BrowserWatch here and now this simple
tabel generator is available right a click away from you.
A few notes about the program:
- I am not acting as a net police. I have no interest in knowing
the version number of the browser that you are using to access
this site.
I don't care if you are using browser A version x-beta or
browser B version z-demo. Fair enough, ok?
- AccessWatch is an Amiga program. The tabels are generated
locally here on this Amiga. At the moment I have no intention
to automate the process of generating the tabels and sending
them to the CTOOLS site more than once a week. email me if you
want me to update the tabels more often.
If noone asks for it, I will update the remote copies of the
tabels when I feel for it.
- I even want to know if you want to see graphical presentations
of the access tabels? How about a CountryWatch? Now that would
be cool ;)
Copyright © 1995-1997 CTOOLS. Last Modified 1-Jan-97.
For comments, suggestions, questions E-Mail webmaster@ctools.pp.se