Amiga, 32 bit pre-emptive multitasking since 1985
Scandinavian Amiga resources
- SYSCOM - MEMATEX, authorized Phase5 dealer and one of the best Swedish Amiga delars since 1988.
- #AmigaSWE, the not so official page.
- AGA, Amiga Graphic Users.
- Amiga Gateway.
- Amiga Team, new Swedish Amiga user group (even scene demos).
- AmigaInfo, (printed) Swedish Amiga magazine.
- AmigaPosten, Norwegian low-cost printed Amiga magazine.
- Applause, Scandinavia's largest Amiga dealer.
- AUGS, Amiga User Group Sweden.
- BETAFON APS, Amiga dealer in Denamrk.
- Christiansen Elektriske, Amiga dealer in Norway.
- COMPREX HB, Swedish Amiga dealer.
- DataKompaniets, Number one Amiga delar in Scandinavia, Norway.
- Delta Software, Amiga hardware/software/CDROMS.
- Epic Data, good Amiga dealer in Denmark.
- Fabbes BBS, Amiga BBS in Linköping, Sweden. Telnet access - telnet:// To test log in as: anonym with the password: anonym.
- IRC #AmigaSWE channel, who are in there?.
- JonaCom, Swedish Amiga dealer.
- Mr Data, Swedish computer dealer.
- MUX-Elektronik, AMIGA books.
- N'TEK, Swedish Amiga post order company.
- Orebro Videoreklam, Amiga and DRACO dealer.
- PF-Elektronik .
- PLEA, ISP that supports Amiga platform.
- RAGE, the Swedish demo group.
- SAM, Svenska AmigaMagazin, (printed) Swedish amiga magazine.
- Svenska Amigahemsidan.
- Swedish Amiga resources and shops.
- Swedish Amiga web pages.
- Swedish PGP page.
- TRICOM, Swedish Amiga delaer.
- VIDAMUS Multimedia, Amiga hardware/software/training programs.
Top ranked Amiga resources
Amiga Companies
- 17 Bit, CDROMs and shareware softwares.
- Aardman Animations, Oscar-winning production company using Amigas.
- Accadia Electronic Arts, MotionCLIPS CD-ROM.
- ACID Software, BlitzBasic, Conk, Skidmarks.
- Alex Electronics, Amiga software development services.
- Almathera, Photogenics.
- Amblin Imaging, they used 60+ Amigas to make the special effects in SeaQuest DSV.
- AMG, Inc., Persoanl Video Production and 3D Animaion, Lightwave.
- AmiCheck, Checkbook/finance manager program.
- AmiCom!, Excelsior! professional BBS system.
- Amiga keyboard Resource, SwitchHitter and KB-10.
- AmiTel Banking Software for the Amiga.
- AmiTrix Development, Amiga hardware.
- ARG, Amiga Animation Studio.
- ARG, The Amiga Animation Studio.
- Armadillo computing.
- ArtWork, clip art, drawings and designs.
- Asimware Innovations Inc., MasterISO CD Writing, AsimCDFS, PhotoCDManager.
- AugmenTek, MultiVol, Rexinda, RexxVar, TorqueWare.
- AUSTEX Software, Amiga Chunky Graphics Adapter, Uropa².
- AV Solutions Inc., Amiga Video Solutions.
- AWS, WWW server for the Amiga.
- BetaSoft, Assistans Inventarier Swedish accounting application.
- Black Belt Systems, ImageMaster R/t, Board Master.
- Bug Free development, CheckItOut!, Stack.
- Canon Europe, printer drivers.
- CARDTRONIX SATELLITE PRODUCTS, Amiga battery powered smart card AO series.
- CeV Design - Computer Enhanced Video, tower boxes for Amigas.
- Chameleon, tower boxes for Amigas.
- Chaocity, VistaPro, Distant Suns, GeoMorph, MakePath and TerraForm.
- Cloanto, PersonalPaint, PersonalFont, etc.
- Cloanto, PersonalPaint, the US distribution.
- Compact, portable, language for creating graphical, audio, multimedia, network, and control applications.
- Complex Computers, GBRoutePlus, Amiga route planner for the UK.
- CONSULTRON, CrossDOS, CrossMac.
- Creative Edge Software, Adventure Design System.
- Cronus, Fred Fish CDROMs.
- CyberGraphX softwares.
- CyberGraphX and 24bit picture datatype.
- Cygnus Software, Mand2000, CygnusEditor.
- CygnusSoft, CygnusEditor - Phone: (608) 277-0413.
- Datel Online, developer of some odd devices. Nothing Amiga specific online though.
- Deltagraphx, French Amiga company.
- Desktop Images, Instructional videotapes for for the Video Toaster.
- Digita International, WordWorth, Organiser etc.
- DiGiTAL ARTS SOFTWARE, Amiga PD and shareware reseller.
- Digital Lightyear Technologies, Plasma32 video board (8 MB) and HyperSound 32.
- DKB information, Amiga hardware developer.
- DKB, Hardware manuafactor.
- DLG Development, Dialog, DLG, Industrial-strength BBS software.
- DnS Development, BurnIt CD mastering software.
- DPS, designs and manufactures video electronics for broadcast and studio use, including PAR for the Amiga.
- DraCo System, powerful AMIGA clone.
- Dynamic Amiga Technologies, HyperSound32, ZorroPlus, FlopNET.
- Dynamic Realities, Lightwave related programs including Impact.
- E.M. Computergraphic / Safari, Developers, Publishers and Distributors of award winning Amiga format cd-rom discs.
- E.S. productions, Amiga art.
- Eagle Computer, maker of Amiga clones.
- Eden Software, Jabbar the ITC client and MegaBook.
- ELSAT s.c, ProGrab24RT/Graffito24 video digitizer, E1208 memory card for the A1200, CD ProModules, Teletext Decoder and Arizona the Digital Video Mixer..
- Endicor Technologies, EnPrint and ASDG GPIB (IEEE-4888) Boards driver.
- EPic marketing, many CD-Roms including the Epic Interactive Encyclopedia.
- Epson printers, review.
- EuroCD, bi-monthly Amiga CD-Rom release with latest PD and shareware releases.
- Expansion Systems, HighFlyer, DataFlyer, BaseBoard 601C-1200C.
- F1 Software, Amiga's leading Licenceware vendor.
- Fairbrothers, Educational language learning and games.
- FARGO Electronics, Inc., Pictura, PrimeraPro color printers.
- Finale Development, Inc. Java VM for AmigaOS, web browser, news client etc.
- Flexi-Link, Link 2 Amiga computers together.
- FOCUS GbR, GraphicRECALL, GraphicRECALL Pro (visual databases).
- Fourth Level Developments, AmiFile safe, ZIP drives.
- Franke & Partner, German developer of Amiga CDs.
- GamaSoft Ltd, Sign-Cutting with AMIGA ProVector 3.
- Geodesic Designs, multimedia and home automation devices, AirLink III.
- Gillet Multimedia, The little gem micro audio mixer.
- GoldenGate, Use ISA card slots in your Amiga.
- GoldenImage (UK), Amiga hardwares.
- GP Software, DirectoryOpus, GPFax, EasyLedgers II, GPTouch.
- Gramma Software & Systems, NagPlus, Cal, FreD and FLO.
- Gramma, BaudBandit communications program.
- GVP-M Inc. Great Valley Products - M Inc, Amiga hardware developer.
- haage_partner, StormC C/C++ development package, ArtEffect.
- HardKore Software, MRBackUp Professional, DateBook.
- HASP, Hardware-based system against software piracy.
- HiQ Limited, Siamese, Amiga<>PC SCSI/parallel interface.
- HiSoft, Cinema4D, Squirrel, Squirrel MPEG, Twist 2, Aura, DiskMAGIC.
- Horizon West Productions, Instructional videotapes.
- IBrowse, author's site.
- Impulse INC., Imagine information.
- Impulse Inc., Imagine.
- Ingenieurbüro, small plugin hardware that allows you to connect any PC mouse to your Amiga.
- Innovative Digital Dynamics, IDD Port Monitor.
- Innovative Digital Dynamics, Pretium checkbook, Port Monitor Home security.
- Intangible Assets Manufacturing, Envoy, Connect your Amiga, DiskSalv.
- Interest Verlag, Publisher.
- Interworks, Professional Networking Solutions, Amiga Novell Network software etc.
- Intrinsic Computer Systems, Multimedia expansion system.
- IrseeSoft, Turbo Print, Picture Manager, Pelican Press etc.
- ith Kommunikationstechnik GmbH, German manufacturer of the ISDN-Master II for the Amiga.
- KeyBang software, Children Amiga software KeyBang and ArtBang.
- KR, MultiFax for Amiga.
- Lascelles Productions, educational softwares.
- Legendary Design Technologies, Address It!, dataTAX, dataMIX, Link It!.
- Lincware computers, DBLScan4000 and Delfina DSP sound card.
- LSP, Video Backup System Amiga.
- Lyppens Software Productions, Video Backup System.
- MainConcept, MainActor, MainActor Pro, MainActor Broadcast.
- MainConcept, MainActor, MainActor Pro, MainActor Broadcast.
- MathVISION Inc. (Seven Seas Software), MathVISION, Image Mirros.
- Matrix Productions, video/Toaster production.
- MAXON-Computer, Cinema4D, MaxonCad, MaxonC/C++ etc.
- MD+F Inc., SX Image Editor.
- MegageM Digital Media, FractalPro, AmiVR, SpaceMaker.
- Micro R. & D. Inc., Amiga hardware, software, children products.
- Micro R.&D. Amiga dealer and developer.
- MicroWorks, desktop video and animation.
- Mirage, the new and system friendly paint program for Amiga.
- Moebius Technologies inc. WWBBS BBS system.
- Motion Effects, Animation and Compositing house.
- Mr Hardware, SBasePro database program.
- MUlti-Media Productions & 3-D, Consultation, Site Accessment, Engineering.
- National COntrol Devices, RS-232 Networkable Devices Combine up to 16 Devices in ANY Combination to the RS-232 Port of your Amiga.
- Natural Graphics, Scenery animator.
- Nerveware, Riffgrabber, Deluxe midi converter, music softwares for Amiga.
- NewTek, Inc., The Video Toaster, LightWave 3D.
- Nova Design Inc. ImageFX, Aladdin 4D.
- NSDi - Network Solutions Development Inc., AmiTCP/IP.
- NTitler, real-time, 3D multi-media video/web titler.
- Obviously, DICE C, C compiler for the Amiga.
- OctaMed, owerful tracker style midi/music editor.
- Odd hardwares, SimmAdapterA3000, 4MB/8MB SIMM Modules in A3000, Melodie (MPEG-Audio).
- Omnilink Corporation, Omnilink BBS software, AQCVid QuickCam digital camera interface.
- Opportunity With Learning (O.W.L.), Physics Laboratory in Mechanics.
- PanaService, SCRAMmer, for tuning up the motherboard parameters of the Amiga 3000 and A4091patch.
- Parallel motion grahics, professional sign-making software for the Amiga controls cutting plotters.
- PC-Task, the IBM PC emulator.
- Peterson Enterprises, C-Light, The Zebra Light.
- Petsoff, Delfina DSP sound board, Dbl4000 scan doubler.
- PF-Elektronik .
- Phantom Development LLC, ClassAct.
- Phantom Development LLC, Digital Quill, ClassAct.
- Phase 5 Digital Products, CyberStorm, CyberVision64, Blizzards.
- Phase5, Number 1 Amiga hardware developer company (USA).
- Phase5, Number 1 Amiga hardware developer company.
- PIOS Computer, maker of PPC computer running AmigaOS.
- Power Computing, UK Amiga developer.
- Pre'Spect Technics, MultiFace I/O cards.
- proDAD, Pro Digital Animation Development, p-OS (new Amiga compatible OS for PPC Amigas), Monument Designer, ClariSSA, Adorage, Animage, CAVIN.
- Productive Computer Systems, PCS Multimedia system.
- Prolific Inc., Schematic Capture and PCB Layout software.
- Pure Logic Software, On The Ball.
- Quasar, PCTask, DirWork, Quarterback, Quarterback Tools.
- Questar Productions, World Construction Set, ZBUF Plugin for LightWave 3D.
- Quikpak, formerly in charge for distribution, services and support for Amiga products in North America.
- Radical Eye Software, AmigaTeX, the powerful Tex engine for Amiga.
- RBF Software, OctaMED information.
- ReadySoft, A-Max - Amiga's first Mac emulator.
- RealSoft, Int., Real 3D rendering package.
- Red When Excited Ltd, Blitz Basic.
- Richmond Sound Design Ltd., audio systems based on Amiga.
- RMF - Resource Management Force, QuickNet, (EtherNet hardware/software) and QuickBase, (network-capable relational database).
- SAdENESS Software, CDROMs for Amiga.
- SAS Inc., tech support.
- SAS Institute, SAS C/C++ development package.
- SCALA Computer Television, MultiMedia applications, Norway.
- ScanQuix, Universal scanner driver system for the Amiga.
- Silent Paw Productions, the manufacture of Amiga laptops.
- Simila Soft, Amiga Internet connectivity and Bible studies.
- Sirius Design, Albin, Samle Studio etc.
- SoftLogik Publishing Corporation,PageStream, TypeSmith.
- Software Results, GoldenGate2 Bus+, ISA cards adapter.
- Softwood, Final Writer, Final Copy, Final Calc, Final Data.
- Stylus Inc., ProVector.
- Symphonie, 256 Channel/DSP/16 Bit advanced midi tracker.
- Syndesis Corporation, InterChange for translating between more than fifty 3D file formats.
- Syzygy Research & Technology Ltd., The Digital Universe.
- TFSnet, Amiga-oriented Internet provider.
- The Dreamers Guild, MaxTrax music driver.
- The MegageM Digital Media, NeuroPro (neural network system), CelPro, RPaint (the autopainter), JobTracker, BarProA, BarProB, Fravctal Videos etc.
- The NewTek Developer Support Program.
- The Puzzle Factory, ReSource, Macro68, Origins, FingerTalk.
- TVI Interactive Systems Inc. Home Banking Solutions.
- TVI Interactive Systems Inc., multimedia-based solutions.
- USRobotics, Amiga support page.
- Vaporware software, AmFTP, AmIRC and Voyager.
- Village Tronic Marketing Gmbh, Graphic card, AmigaOS 3.1.
- Village Tronic, Official FTP site - Ariadne and PicassoII+.
- Village Tronic, Picasso 24bit graphic card.
- Village Tronic, Picasso graphic card, Ariadne network card etc.
- Virtual Products, I-Glasses, the virtual reality headset.
- Visual Inspirations, software for LightWave 3D/Flyer.
- Visualcom, TV with an Amiga build in.
- VoiceCore, Life Simulator, Finder, Krypto.
- Wacom, drawing tablets with Amiga drives.
- Waterloo Maple Inc., Maple V, Mathematics and Visualization System.
- Xenolink, Xenolink BBS package.
- Young monkey, Midi system explore.
- Zyxel, modems, ISDN internet solution for Amiga.
Amiga Magazines
- Amazing Amiga, the first printed Amiga magazine.
- Amazing Amiga, the US Amiga magazine.
- Amazing Computing, the US Edition.
- Amiga Blast, montly web magazine.
- Amiga Computer Studio, the Polish Amiga magazine.
- Amiga Computing, the UK Edition.
- Amiga Format.
- Amiga Game Zone.
- Amiga Informer, the new US Amiga magazine.
- Amiga Link, online magazine.
- Amiga Power.
- Amiga Report International, Online Magazine.
- Amiga Report Technical Journal, Online Magazine.
- Amiga Shopper.
- Amiga User International - AUI, UK Amiga magazine.
- Amiga User International.
- Amiga-Agora, the Spanish Amiga magazine.
- AmigaEntertainment, monthly game magazine.
- AmigaInfo, New Swedish Amiga magazine.
- Amigames, Finnish Amiga games magazine.
- AmyNews, the news magazine.
- CU Amiga, the very best Amiga magazine.
- Enigma, the Italian Amiga magazine, published in 9 languages!.
- ExecBase, the online magazine for Amiga developers.
- German Amiga magazine.
- SAM, Svenska AmigaMagazin.
- The Amiga Monitor, online Amiga magazin.
- The Amiga Monitor, the online Amiga magazine.
- The Greek Amiga Computing magazine.
- The Third Dimension, 3D construction kit magazine.
Shareware and free software
- A-START, Clone of the Windows '95 Explorer task bar program.
- ADE, Amiga Development Environment.
- AlphaSpell, powerful spellchecker for many languages.
- ALynx, WWW client.
- Ami.HTML Webscape, standalone WWW maker.
- AmiBroker, stock charting/analysis.
- AmiFTG, vector based paint program.
- AmiFTP, FTP client.
- Amiga Foundation Classes, AFC, FreeWare and Public Domain library of Amiga Object Classes for programmers.
- Amiga Mesa, (OpenGL/SGI).
- Amiga Netrek.
- Amiga PGP.
- AmigaTIN, news client.
- AmigaTIN, with source code.
- aMiPEG, wonderful MPEG player for Amiga.
- amiwm, X window manager that make the X display look and feel like an Amiga Workbench.
- AMosaic, WWW Client.
- Andy Whiteley, Remdate PIM and TETREM the Tetris clone.
- APlayer, ST/NT module player.
- AROS, the Amiga Replacement OS.
- Asm-One, integrated assembly language development package.
- AWeb-FAQ, AWeb WWW client, FAQ.
- AWeb, WWW client.
- AWebEd, Pseudo-WYSIWYG web editing with AWeb.
- BeaVis (BEAST Visual), OO GUI system for Amiga.
- BGUI, GUI engine.
- BGUI, GUI engine.
- Blacks Editor, configurable text editor.
- Blitz Basic Projects.
- Blitz Basic Tuturial.
- Bomb!, MUI offline message reader - mailer.
- BSD-based Unix clone for many platforms including the Amiga.
- Button Strip, html tool for Final Writer.
- CadOS, operating system to work behind AGA demo-programming.
- CartoonStudio, good animation package for Amiga.
- CDTools, CD Writer software, using libscsi for direct device access.
- ChaosPro, Powerful Fractal program.
- ClassX, X-DVE the video engine, The Font Machine.
- Colour Junkie, the real-time musical kalidescope/spiral program.
- CyberSoft, full replacment for the org. WB Icons.
- Cyclone, Modula-2 Compiler for Amiga.
- DaFTP, MLink, Warped Software.
- DaFTP, FTP client.
- DAS (Das Module Player), ST/NT music player.
- Deneban software, HP deskjet controller.
- DFA, Advanced address database.
- Digital Audio Systems Designs, Amiga CDROMs, D.A.S.MP.
- DiskProtection, crypto device for Amiga.
- DiveClac, Diving competition manager program.
- DrawStudio, ImageStudio, TextureStudio.
- Easylink, Amiga<>PC parallel connecter.
- EasyPatch, customized requesters.
- Eddy Carroll, SnoopDos.
- EdHT, Amiga html text editor.
- EdWord Professional.
- EFE, Support page of the Amiga E front-end program.
- Elseware development, CallerID for Amiga.
- EMACS-W3, WWW client in GNU Emacs.
- Enforcer, advanced debugging tool for Amiga.
- EqEd, powerful Equation editor.
- et another IRC client, for Amiga.
- Excellent Amiga Dos online reference manual.
- Executive, the multitasker.
- FastIPrefs, WBPattern etc.
- FLM, Foreign Language Master, English<>German dictionary.
- FLX, FLI/FLC animation viewer. WBPatch, 200% faster WRITE PIXEL.
- Free Software Lovers Unite.
- FreeBSD Inc.a x86 BSD port.
- FrexxEd, configurable text editor.
- FrexxED, Editor from FrexxWare.
- Games Master System, GMS.
- GetURL, fetch Web pages across the network.
- GIF-Toolkit, create, view and edit GIF animations.
- GoldEd, powerful programmer's editor.
- Grapevine, IRC client.
- GUI-FTP, FTP client for Amiga.
- H.S.W. Tools, FastIPrefs, AFR, SetFunction.
- hardware projects, Jerry Barlow.
- he Linux/m68k for the Amigas.
- HTML-Heaven, web maker.
- HTTPJ, the WWW mirror manager.
- Hyperion, WWW client.
- HyperText Datatype System (HTDS), XRef-System, UniView (MultiView replacement).
- IBrowse "Plugins".
- IBrowse, WWW client.
- Iconian, icon editor.
- Image Engineer, image processing program.
- Image processing program for Amiga.
- IPDial, support pages.
- ISN, multithreaded newsreader for Amiga.
- iX-Guide, powerful hypertext system for Amiga. Compatible with Amigaguide.
- JACOsub, Professional Video Subtitles.
- JPEG loader for ImageFX with "progressive mode" support.
- Juggler, WWW client.
- KingFisher and a lot of other smaller Amiga programs.
- Koffie, Java-compatible virtual machine implementation for Amiga.
- LS-FTPD, FTP daemon for Amiga using MUI. Local access to an onlined Amiga.
- MagiC64, C64 emulator for Amiga.
- MagicMenu, 3D popup menus for Amiga.
- MagicWB, Beautiful icons for Amiga.
- magnifiCAD, the CAD system.
- MakeCD, burns CD-ROMs and creates ISO9660+RR images at a very low price.
- Manuel Lemos, RTF filter for FinalWriter, Upper Disk Tools.
- MathScript, a WYSIWYG equation editor.
- mathX, mathematical software package (predecessor is Graph2D).
- MBench, replacement WorkBench project.
- MCP, home page.
- Miami, PPP, AmiWin, Holger Kruse home page.
- MIDI-Player.
- MidiPlay, powerful player for Midi files.
- MidiTracker, sequencing software in tracker-style for the Amiga.
- Mike Rivers, ModePro, UnWarp.
- MiniMail, , Plantir, Amiga mailers.
- MLink, Multilink, AmiTCP/PPP replacement for Shell account.
- MUI Help Zone, for programmers.
- MUI mailinglist, sorted by thread.
- MUI, Magic User Interface, powerful GUI engine for Amiga.
- MultiCX, Multi-functional commodity.
- Multilink, AmiTCP/PPP replacement for Shell account, support site.
- NetBSD, highly portable BSD (Amiga port is available).
- NetFace, an Internet installer for Amiga.
- Network languages and FidoNet utilites.
- Nils Corneliusen, Dreamscape one of the very first demos to use CV64 and a 68060.
- OwnWords, dictionary searcher program for Amiga.
- Oxyron, OxyPatcher - CyberPatcher for all 68060 boards.
- P'Jami, HotJava compatible WWW browser.
- ParBench, parallel port networking solution for the Amiga - Parnet.
- PC2Amiga, Use PC devices as Amiga devices.
- PhoneWizard, Answerphone for voice modems with ADPCM2/4.
- Picasso96, PatchPens, PopShell etc.
- Pine, Internet mailer.
- Power LOGO, the programming language.
- ProTracker, the official homepage.
- ProWB, new style icons for Amiga.
- Ptolemy, Amiga WYSIWYG editor for clickable image maps.
- RayLab, The RayLab raytracer.
- RayStorm, ray tracer.
- RDAG2HTML, AmigaGuide to HTML converter.
- Recall, PIM and other useful programs.
- Revtest, a program which monitors your automobile's ignition pulses through a interface in the parallel port.
- RTT, Amiga rtg.library and texture mapping.
- SASG International, Standardized AMIGA shareware group, Magic User Interface (MUI), DFA, MagicWB, MagicCX.
- Scalos, the Workbench-Replacement.
- ScanQuix, scanner software for Amiga.
- ShapeShifter and Frodo, Mac II and C-64 emulator.
- Shapeshifter, Mac II Emulator, FAQ.
- ShapeShifter, Simon McGills page.
- Shapeshifter, the reference page.
- Smaller Amiga projects, DataBase and mathematical program.
- Software Ambience, programming freely distributable softwares.
- Soliton, good Solitaire card game for Amiga and MathX.
- Sonic Dreams Software, MidiPro, GMPlay.
- SoundFX, impressive and powerful sample editor and sound effect engine.
- StarDustr's MCF, integrated ARexx scripts for use with AmIRC.
- Stefan Becker, ToolManager, CVMode.
- Stefan Becker, ToolManager.
- Step4, WWW client.
- STFax, the new FAX program for Amiga.
- STFax, the powerful FAX program for Amiga.
- StoneWare SoftWorks, WordSmith, Com-mentor, language translation.
- SuperView, universal image display and processing program.
- Swaz, ALertPatch, SwazInfo, SwazBlanker, Homer.
- Swiss Army Knife Utilities, shareware programs and support site for gtlayout.library.
- TaskBar, win95 Taskbar clone.
- teamEz, EZ Explorer, EZ Trash, EZ Midiplayer.
- Tempest BBS, BBS software for Amiga.
- Tempest BBS, BBS software for Amiga.
- Thai language on the Amiga and developer support material and technical manuals.
- The Amiga Apache, homepage.
- The Amiga HotJava Porting Project, P'Jami.
- The Eric Schwartz Web Page.
- The Games Master System, game support in the OS.
- The Unix Amiga Emulator, UAE, for Amiga.
- The Unofficial ShapeShifer Support Page.
- THOR, Internet and fido mailer/News application.
- TowerSystems, JPEG coder/decoder software for the Amiga.
- Toysoft, AirMail - e-mail client.
- ToySoft, AirMail, World News.
- Tracks&Fields, new and very powerful midi software for Amiga.
- Triton, GUI creation system.
- UA, the Amiga emulator for Amiga.
- UAE, Screenshots, The Unix Amiga emulator.
- UAE, AMiga emulator, another version.
- UAE, The Unix Amiga emulator.
- unix/X11 programs, Fractint, Xv, Xanim, Xmgr, Xfig, Xpdf (Amiga ports).
- Vocabulum, Easy-to-use vocabulary checker.
- Voodoo, Internet mailer.
- Vormel, VRML plug-in for IBrowse.
- Voyager, WWW client.
- WeatherExperience, Internet software that shows cities weather data.
- WEB Link, WWW client (another page).
- WebCleaner, nice fonts for WEB browsers.
- WebLink, WWW client.
- WebPlug, Web maker.
- Windows emulator.
- WorkbenchIV, Workbench replacement project.
- WorkbenchNG, the new Workbench for Amiga.
- XBase, relational object-oriented database program for Amiga.
- Xenolink, BBS software for Amiga.
- XFig , XAnim, X softwares for Amiga.
- XPK, compression and decryptions libraries for Amiga.
- xpkmaster.library, and much more.
- XTrace, the amazing bitmap to vector converter for Amiga.
- Xtruder antivirus, Vinci and NewChange.
- YAM, Amiga mailer.
- YAM, Yet Another Mailer.
- Zee, quasi-visual programming language for Amiga.
- ZION Software Productions, Zion Mail'n'News.
Amiga games resources
- 1497: Five Years After, Civilization/Colonization-clone.
- Alien Breed 3D ][, the unofficial support page.
- Amiga Games Patch List.
- AmyPlanets, VGA-Planets inspired Amiga game.
- Aurora Works Inc., Zone 99 a challenging 2 player game for Amiga.
- AUSTEX Software, Uropa².
- Bevelstone Production, Fields of Battle.
- Bitmap Brothers, The Chaos Engine, Gods.
- Breathless, the unofficial page.
- clickBOOM and PXL, Myst for Amiga.
- clickBOOM, Capital Punishment (FTP:
- Cyan, Myst.
- Dark Unicorn Productions, FMV games.
- Digital Warp, "YOKOZUNA" the new 3D game for Amiga.
- DSP Projects, ALmagica.
- ed When Excited Ltd. Blitz Bomber, Blitz Support Suite.
- FIELDS of VISION, Breathless.
- Flyin' high, texturemapped 3D racing game.
- GLOOM, the Offical Pages, Amiga Wolf3D clone.
- Great Effects Development, including Kang Fu game for Amiga.
- Invasion Force, wargame for Amiga.
- Invasion Forces, Empire style strategy game.
- Invictus Team, action-adventure games for Amiga.
- Llamasoft, Jeff Minter's games.
- Murder Digitized game.
- Old Amiga games that work on new Amigas.
- Orgin, GREAT AMIGA Games Page.
- Paranoid Software, M*A*S*H I, M*A*S*H II.
- Prelusion Software, Gilbert Goodmate and Mushrooms of Phungoria.
- Psycon Software, Cybersphere.
- Pulsar Software, Lemming Combat.
- Ravager, Marathon and Battlecraft (warcraft clone).
- Sean Emerson, WarGame Processor for the Amiga.
- Sillytuna, XTreme Racing.
- Space Battleship, Tactical war game of space combat for the Amiga.
- Team 17.
- The Breed 96, Amiga game.
- The Hyperion, Space Escpae, The Monster Maze, The Demons of Darkness.
- Tower Software, card games.
- Virtual Karting.
- Vulcan Software, Valhalla, TimeKeepers, Hillsea Lido etc.
- X-Treme Software, Justice.
Amiga Art and Music resources
- A Gallery of Amiga Art.
- AGA, Amiga Graphic Users.
- Al Mackey, nice artwork by Al Mackey done with Brilliance.
- Anders Erlandsson, Amiga graphic.
- ARG, Amiga Animation Studio.
- Asha DeVelder, Amiga artist.
- Boy Of The North, Amiga art, picture, animations, modules.
- Bradley W. Schenck, of former "Terra NOva Development" (Magic Lantern) and designer of "Labyrinth of Time" the first Amiga CD-only graphic adventure game.
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy Animations.
- Discount Don's 3D Gallery, Imagine and Lightwave renderings and animations.
- Eric Schwartz, Amiga artist.
- Glenn's Graphics Gables, Lightwave and Imagine utilities.
- Ian Matthew Smith's (Imagine).
- Imagine Tutorials.
- Laser Stars, Astrophysics Site created exclusively on an Amiga 4000 computer.
- Les Dietz/Rachel Raccoon, Amiga art.
- Louie Volpe's (Graphic).
- m0n0 online, Music group based on the Amiga.
- Mesh Mart, 3D studio objects.
- Midian StudioS, 3D images and 3D and 2D animations designer.
- Quality Cel Animation and CGI Studio.
- Rainbow of Chaos, Amiga art.
- Razor's Amiga graphic, nice graphic work.
- Real 3D Galley.
- Sidewinder's MOD page.
- SLANG's Amiga page.
- SLANG, Amiga graphic.
- Steve's 3D Page, Lightwave rendering on the Amiga, pictures, objects and tuturials.
- Texture Land, tons of textures and backgrounds.
- The Amiga Exotic Music Page.
- The Artwork of James D. Sachs, talented Amiga artist.
- WaveRider, Lightwave art, anims, objects, and support.
Amiga Dealers and Shops
- Alex & Co., Amiga hardware and software source in central Oklahoma.
- Amazing Software And Accssories, Amiga dealer in Canada.
- Amazing Software And Accssories, Canadian Amiga dealer.
- Amiga shop located in Valencia, Spain.
- Amiga Video Warehouse, Amiga Video dealer.
- AmigaLand, Hardware and software dealer in Switzerland.
- Applause, Scandinavia's largest Amiga dealer.
- B&S Digitronic, Amiga dealer in Swiss.
- BETAFON APS, Amiga dealer in Denamrk.
- Better Concepts.
- Blittersoft UK. Utilities Unlimited etc.
- Christiansen Elektriske, Amiga dealer in Norway.
- Click Grafix, Amiga dealer in Malaysia.
- COMPREX HB, Swedish Amiga dealer.
- Compuquick Media Center, Ohio.
- DataKompaniet ans (Norway).
- Db-Line, Italy.
- Delta Software.
- Digital Arts Software, PD disk distributor in the UK.
- Digital media interactive, UK Amiga dealer.
- Elswear, Computer-oriented clothing (T-shirts, Sweats, Hats, etc.).
- Epic Data, good Amiga dealer in Denmark.
- Euro Digital Equipment, Italian Amiga hardware and software reseller.
- Eyetech, hard-to-find Amiga products.
- Fonhof Computer Supplies (Austrailia).
- GfxBase Electronics, Amiga parts and service.
- JonaCom, Swedish Amiga dealer.
- KDH-Datentechnic, German Amiga dealer.
- L@ Bine Productions, Amiga Technologies and CSA dealer.
- Maxximum Video Creations, Boise, Idaho.
- MicroTech, Lightwave.
- Mr Data, Swedish computer dealer.
- MUX-Elektronik, AMIGA books.
- N'TEK, Swedish Amiga post order company.
- National Amiga Price List.
- National Amiga.
- Ossowski's Schatztruhe, German Amiga dealer.
- Paxtron Corp. Replacement & Upgrade Chips.
- PF-Elektronik .
- Power Computing.
- Safe Harbor, Waukesha, WI..
- Sigmacom, in Australia with on-line ordering.
- Software Express Mall - Order software over the net.
- SYSCOM - MEMATEX, authorized Phase5 dealer and one of the best Swedish Amiga delars since 1988.
- The CD-ROM Shop, CD-ROM retailer.
- TRICOM, Swedish Amiga delaer.
- VAVEL computers, Amiga delar and video producer in Cyprus.
- VIDAMUS Multimedia.
- Viking Computers, Norwich, Norfolk (UK).
- VisionSoft (memory and Amiga hardware chips and parts).
- Wave Systems.
- Wonder Computer CANADA.
- Zipperware Amiga Store (mail-order company).
Amiga Users
Other Amiga Resources
- #Amiga, the IRC Channel.
- #AmigaCafe, the IRC Channel.
- 680x0 and PowerPC user manuals, from Motorola.
- Aardvark Amiga-oriented BBS in Yorktown (TelNet).
- Aardvark Amiga-oriented BBS in Yorktown (WEB).
- AFS, independant FAQ.
- AHI, Hardware independent audio for Amiga.
- Amiga 3000 Desktop Technical Information.
- AMIGA Amateur Radio User Group.
- Amiga and Amiga games, news and rumours.
- Amiga Audio Cards Home Page.
- Amiga Buyer´s Guide!.
- Amiga C programming info.
- Amiga Developer Network.
- Amiga Developers Project.
- Amiga games music modules.
- Amiga Internet Software.
- Amiga Mailing Lists.
- Amiga Network Applications List.
- Amiga Program/Games Compatibility List.
- Amiga Programmers Web Site.
- Amiga programming material.
- Amiga programming projects.
- Amiga programming page.
- Amiga Rumors.
- Amiga Support, good inet resources and reviews.
- Amiga Team, new Swedish Amiga user group (even scene demos).
- Amiga Translators' Organization.
- Amiga users in Russia.
- Amiga White Pages.
- Amiga Zone.
- Amiga.
- Amigas on the Internet.
- AmigaWorld, support, AK datatype, etc.
- Aminet WWW mirror list.
- A\box vs. Pentium MMX.
- Blitz Basic Program Collection with source.
- Blitz Basic programming support page.
- BOOPSI Classes, for Amiga.
- BOOPSI Sources, available for download.
- Bridgeboards, Frequently Asked Questions.
- BrowserWatch, Check how popular your net browser is.
- C Language - Index.
- C Optimisation tutorial.
- CanDo corner, Cando tips and updates.
- Code Bits, information on game programming for the Amiga in 'C'. Tips algorithms and more.
- collection of legends, folklore, and [mis]remembered stories about the Amiga, its creators, and its history.
- Comp.sys.amiga.announce.
- Create GIF animation in Deluxe Paint IV and V.
- CVMode help by its author., .
- Cydonia, Australia's premier Amiga demo group.
- Daniel Kovacs, C sources.
- Deja News, Usenet News searching.
- Emulators for Amiga.
- Ethernet options on the Amiga.
- Ethernet options on the Amiga.
- Fellow, Amiga A500 emulator for MS-DOS.
- FIRST Production - Profile, Amiga user group in Denmark.
- Graphics boards available for Amiga.
- Hungarian Amiga Users.
- Interview between Amiga Online and the Finale Development (Java -> Amiga).
- List of Famous Amiga Uses.
- Mac Emulators for the Amiga.
- Mailing Lists, Amiga related.
- Materials for Amiga Programmers.
- Materials for Amiga Programmers.
- Materials for Amiga Programmers.
- Materials for Amiga Programmers.
- Materials for Amiga Programmers.
- Materials for Amiga Programmers.
- Motorola Experimental Computer Club of Arizona.
- MP3 on the AMIGA.
- MUI tutorial files for programmers.
- Networking, Win NT and Amiga.
- Official Picasso IV/96 Frequently Asked Questions Page.
- Packet Radio for Amiga.
- Paul Overaa, several AREXX and C programmering books.
- PCQ pascal, support page.
- PGP.
- Positive Shareware Authors List.
- PowerUP Homepage, Amiga goes PowerPC - Home.
- PPC/060/News page
- Productive Computer Systems, Dr.Amiga answers to all of your Amiga releated questions.
- Programmer's InfoPage.
- Programming articles and sources.
- Programming in C.
- Programming.
- Protracker home page.
- Pure Amiga, news.
- Pure Amiga, nice Amiga page.
- R.A.W. the scene magazine.
- RAGE, the Swedish demo group.
- Ratings.Org, Rate your Amiga programs.
- RoboFlight, Amiga generated gfx in this SF film.
- SceneOnline Amiga groups.
- Siamese System, author's page.
- Some C++ classes.
- Spanish Amiga page, Spanish laguage hardware and software support.
- Spock's Logical Amiga Page (WorkBench snapshots).
- Spock's Logical, info about different Amiga computers, jumper settings and more.
- Sweet Cheater, games' cheats.
- Team Amiga.
- Team AMIGA.
- The AMIGA assembler page.
- The Amiga Printer Driver Home Page.
- The Bars & Pipes Page, FAQ, tips and much more.
- The Hardware Book, compilation of pinouts,connectors, cables etc.
- The Industrial Council, Open Amiga Page.
- The Macintosh/Amiga Web Directory.
- The Unofficial Blizzard 1260 Page.
- The Unofficial Shape Shifter Support Page .
- Tutorials and developer stuffs.
- UAE, the Amiga emulator for DOS and Windows95.
- UMS (Universal Message System), RFC Homepage.
- Warpzone, Amiga demo scene major page.
- Workbench snapshots.
- WWW Browsers for the Amiga.
- Zip Drives install on Amiga.
Copyright © 1995-1997 CTOOLS. Last Modified 7-Jul-97.
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