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See (Specials) for more!
New! Emplant MAC emulation Professional $31.95.
Get Moving Textures for $107.00.
Business Images Clip Art in EPS format (for Amiga DTP) $(Specials).
Family Images Clip Art (for Amiga DTP) $(Specials).
Image FX, (version 2.6) convert, draw, morph, enhance, and MUCH more--YOU NEED this if you have a Flyer or a Toaster!! you NEED it! $229.00
Link-It! Amiga to Amiga, Amiga to PC, and PC to PC file transfering software over serial or parallel cables. (Includes free cable!) $52.00
Envoy Amiga Peer to Peer Networking software $(Specials).
CD Boot for your A1200/4000 with a CD-ROM drive, makes it seem as a CD32 $(Specials).
GPFax for most modems (Class 1 & 2) $61.00
Aminet Set #5 now available for only $39.75!!
LightROM-3 CDs are in. Three CDs filled with LightWave, Imagine, Sculpt, Real3D and 3D Studio objects and scene fills, Toaster Wipes and CG Fonts, over 1000 DEMs for use with Vista Pro, Scenery Animator and World Construction Set on any platform. Lots of thumbnail renderings. Lots of useful Amiga and PC PD programs. Our price is $45.90.
Do you have a CD-ROM drive? If you do, you owe it to yourself to get Eric Schwartz' Animations CD. YOU WILL LOVE IT! $22.44.
You don't have a CD-ROM drive? Eric Schwartz' Animations CD is the reason to get one!
There's a new CD for people with AGA machines. Full of demos, games, utilities and other stuff that take advantage of AGA, it's called (amazingly) "The AGA Experience", it costs $22.95 and is, of course, only for A1200s and A4000s.
Besides carrying all the high quality power supplies that Micro R&D has manufactured we're now carrying their new CD-ROM volume #5 "Mand 2000", written in conjunction with Bruce Dawson of Cygnus Software, it includes the latest version of Mand2000 and over 600MB of pre-rendered pictures and animations, $52.30.
Visual FX for LightWave (Vol. 1) $(Specials).
Visual FX for LightWave (Vol. 2) $Call or EMail.
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