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Type: Maths / Simple Addition

Developer: Mark Murray

For Ages: 2 To 4/5

Graphics: PAL & NTSC Only (Not VGA)

RAM: Unknown

CPU: All 680x0 chips

System: Only tested on 3.x

  Care Bears Sums

ScreenshotsStarting Care Bears Sums, you are presented with a cute title screen accompanied with a music track that seems to be written by the author.

This track is quite pleasant and repeats endlessly throughout the use of the program which gives the software a cartoony atmosphere.

The idea of Care Bears Sums is simple - some of the Care Bear's friends have been trapped in cages and you have to get a certain number of addition problems correct in order to free each little friend.

ScreenshotsThe sums are easy to read, but the maximum value of an addition is 12, severly limiting the age range/usefulness of the software!!

To answer a sum, you must click on one of the twelve numbers along the bottom of the screen - be warned though that your child has to actually click on the number itself and not just inside the box which surrounds the mouse - this may lead to lot of confusion for your child.

ScreenshotsAnother bug with the input is that only a sound is used to tell you whether or not you answered the question correctly and no solutions are given if you answered incorrectly.

This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that it isn't clear at first which sound means that you got the sum right and which means you got it wrong!!

The animation overall is well done for such a basic little program, although your child may become a little impatient with it as each time you get a question right or wrong, you have to wait for the animation to finish before you can try another question.

When you have answered a certain number of questions correctly, the Care Bear is given a key which is used to open one of the cages, freeing one of the little friends.

This little friend bounces around the screen in quite a pleasant manner for the rest of the game - a satisfying reward for a small child!!


This is quite a nice program let down by some serious oversights. The Amos source is included though, so maybe in the future we will see a version which tells you about the answer you gave and addresses the issue of the long animations.

However, even with these bugs, it is still a very atmospheric little program and should keep the smallest children happy once they learn which sound means what and where exactly to click to answer the questions.

Download it now and try it out!!

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Care Bears Sums is approximately 135K

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