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Welcome to the Mystique Kids' Software Forum, an essential resource for ideas and thoughts on children's software on the Amiga!

Have you got any ideas or thoughts about children's software that you would like to share or talk about?

Developer, parent or child, we welcome all ideas and suggestions.

Remember, this is a place for you to put forward your ideas and comments and it is our aim to have these ideas acted upon so that our children may have better software to use on their Amiga computers!!

Forum Updated - 26/01/1998

Go NOW!! Kid's Software In General
General comments about current software available and ideas people have to solve certain problems etc.

Go NOW!! Future Software For Children
Ideas and thoughts on what the future will hold for children's software including such things as what people would like to see and how people would like to see things done!

Go NOW!! Children's Software Development
Forum for all (not just developers) where ideas, comments and problems with the development of children's software packages can be discussed - including the discussion of such things as standards, user-interface, ease-of-use etc.

Please note that we are open to all ideas here and will consider any suggestions made about the structure or running of this forum!

Share Your Views!!

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Click the image on the left to make your voice heard to the entire Amiga Community!!

We would prefer for you to use the custom form made for this forum but if, for some reason, you can't use this form, then please send an email with the following details to forum@mystcorp.u-net.com

  • Subject
  • Your E-Mail Address
  • Your Name
  • Your Comments
  • Your Details (Parent/Child/Developer/Other)
Items in bold are compulsory - we must have these details before we can add your comments to the forum. Thanks!!

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