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Wednesday 20 May 1998
Front Page
‘Let Me Down Again And You're Out' Warns Hoddle
By Harry Pratt
GLENN HODDLE yesterday warned Paul Gascoigne that the only bar he should worry about is the one the England midfielder is drinking in the Last Chance Saloon.
Worryingly for all supporters aware that a Gazza-less England would be a hopeless lost cause in France, this was not some idle threat from Hoddle delivered to appease the media hysteria surrounding the Middlesbrough man's night on the town with Rod Stewart at the weekend. After Hoddle had publicly urged Gascoigne to put his house in order, to see him hitting the headlines for the wrong reasons has clearly driven the coach to the very brink of the unthinkable - leaving the country's greatest talent behind..
That was spelt out in Monday night's showdown between the pair that took place on Monday evening immediately after England squad gathered to prepare for the Wembley clash with Saudi Arabia on Saturday and the two away games with Morocco and Belgium to come next week. We had a good long chat,'' said Hoddle. ''Paul knows the situation and what's being asked of him, he knows exactly. The things he's done this week weren't done under my wing. When I'm not there I can't control him, just like the other England managers couldn't.
''We can't be on his shoulder all the time. You can ask him and try to get him to see the situation. Paul definitely understands where I'm coming from. He knows I'm disappointed by what I've seen and that I'm disappointed I had to have a word with him.
''He's apologised and knows what the next stage is. He's never let us down when he's put an England shirt on, never let us down at the training ground or in the hotel. If he had stepped out of line under my jurisdiction he'd have been hammered a long time ago. He hasn't because he knows he wouldn't be wouldn't be with us now if that had been the case.
''But at the end of the day there's a set of guidelines. And if anybody steps over those guidelines they will be dealt with. The players will be going home after next week, but they'll still be on England duty and they can't afford to jeopardise that.
"Paul is 40 per cent away from match fitness and I can change the 22 players on June 9 if I want. This is the time for being with your family, not for nightclubbing. If he went out with Chris Evans or Danny Baker again in that period I'd be disappointed. I wouldn't want to see him on the front pages or in a nightclub - that's not what we're doing in the England camp. You don't have to go to a pub or a nightclub. He has to do what's in line with being on England duty. If not, I'll take him home with me!''
That flash of humour in a deadly serious statement of intent wasn't the only wisecrack of the day. When asked whether Hoddle had given him a dressing down, Gascoigne replied in typical style: "A dressing gown is the only thing Glenn gave me. But Gazza must be hoping the joke isn't on him.
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