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Give It To The Manager Straight


I was amazed to see the challenge that Norwich City are about to make an offer to Steve Bruce in 365 the other day:

It is thought Bruce will be offered the chance to lead the Norfolk club back into the Premiership within the next 10 days.

Daunting, to say the least. Most managers would expect to have a least a season to achieve promotion

Andy Sennitt, Naarden, The Netherlands

Presumably this is why Brucey has opted to stay at Birmingham. They surely can't be demanding promotion in the next !


Re; ‘SHEARER WATCH' in your paper on Sunday:

51 mins. Collects the ball in centre field, but is fouled by Winterburn, who is booked.

Now, either you possess incredible powers of vision, because everyone else I spoke to says that the 'foul' was a cast-iron dive by Shearer. Or you've lost your bottle and decided to join the 'Alan Shearer can do no wrong' brigade, led by MOTD, who managed to omit the incident from their coverage.


Did you not read Danny Kelly's outright castigation of everyone's fawning over the England star the other day? Or that fact that 365 rightly railed against the England captain's disgraceful challenge on Tony Adams on Saturday? Shearer is turning into a right pain in the butt to be honest. ‘Give Arsenal credit for not allowing us to play,' he said after Newcastle's tiresome performance on Saturday. Arsenal hardly needed to stop the negative Geordies during their ineffectual display, though, did they? When will Shearer just come out and say ‘Yes, we were absolutely shocking today. And I'd like to apologise to the fans for wasting their money coming to watch this useless display?' We suspect, of course, never.


I've been loving Football 365 so far, particularly since I live in a country in which, despite hosting the last World Cup, important news is hard to find. But I have one question for you. I support two clubs. Would it be possible to get the Homeground pages for both of them? I am currently receiving Homeground for Liverpool (love it) but would like to get it for Newcastle as well (when it becomes available). Is that possible?

Seth Davis, New York

Computer boffins have been labouring long and hard through the small hours to find out the answer to this deep, dark secret of 365 delivery. After many days of soul-searching they have finally found the answer. Yes, you can have more than one homeground. If you register twice. Clever, huh?


So Rangers lost the Scottish Cup Final against Hearts, but the result itself wasn't the thing that made me saddest about the day. The game was no doubt the last match that many players will ever take part in wearing the blue shirt and I for one would like to thank Walter Smith and all his playing staff for everything they have done for Rangers. Much success and happiness in the future to all of you. Now we all await the arrival of Dick Advocaat with baited breath.


And how about Wim Jansen as his number two? That would be good, wouldn't it?

Good? Good's too good a word for that scenario, surely?


I don't know if you've had any other feedback on the statistical 'head to head' sections that you've been including in the papers, but I have to say that I'm very impressed.

Being a practising 'statto' myself, I find this type of information very useful. Can you please tell me any more about who compiles these statistics ?

M Sexton

The enormous computer brain of Football365's Philip Cornwall is responsible for these intriguing sets of stats. And what's even more incredible… He's remembered every last detail in his head.


The people who run the Villa programme refused to run an ad for my novel in their Villa v Arsenal programme. All it said was: IF YOU HATE NICK HORNBY, YOU'LL LOVE OI, REF! a novel about love, hate and football Sceptre 10 quid everywhere - now.

What's all this worrying about away fans' sensibilities? What next - mutual applause?

Joseph Gallivan (who was on Moz Dee once), 106 Eagle St, #2L, Brooklyn NY 11222 USA

my home page
You can but it at

Your cunning ploy to get publicity for your book had us all fooled there for a moment, mate.

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