Football 365
Football 365 Homeground


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Tuesday 05 May 1998 Previous Homeground Next


Yes we know, there's not much to look at in this section at the moment.

However, don't be fooled by what you see here. Very soon, these few lines of text will be replaced by a whole host of news, match reports, previews, jokes, rumours and much more - all personalised around your favourite team.

In fact, we're confident that eventually your Homeground will be the most comprehensive source of club information to be found anywhere. If it's football and it concerns your team, you'll find it here.

In the meantime though, please be patient. As we've said before, Pride Park wasn't built in a day (although as some of you have pointed out, the toilets probably were.)

And if you have any suggestions or ideas for your Homeground section, please don't hesitate to email me, Phil Hornsey, at

All the best,

Phil Hornsey.
Homeground Editor




Welcome to your Football 365 Homeground, the little corner of cyberspace where we bring you all the latest goings-on at your favourite club. This is also the section of the newspaper that we're giving back to you, the fans. We want your match reports, your opinions, your rumours, jokes, memories, previews - in fact, we want anything that you think your several thousand fellow fans that have subscribed to 365 from all over the world would be interested in. However, this doesn't mean we'll be sitting around kicking our heels while you do the hard work (although the thought is attractive!) In fact, we'll be going flat-out to ensure that this Homeground is your first call for anything and everything that concerns your club. But if you'd like to share your thoughts with us (and make no mistake, we really want to hear from you) then please email Philip Hornsey at

Thankyou in advance for your help and continued support; Football 365 looks forward to hearing from you!












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