Changes since V3.36
- f1gp.library v36 - major update, including new game patches:
- The game will now work with non-15kHz AGA screenmodes including
DblPAL, DblNTSC and Multiscan (i.e. not PAL or NTSC)
- Patched the game to utilize the faster fetch modes of the AGA chipset,
making the game slightly faster/smoother on an A1200 or A4000
- Major change to the "Less cars in races" memory patch. This option
has been removed. It is replaced by a patch that is always saved to
the F1GP binary or memory, which means you can save less than 26 to
the game without having to worry about installing the patch. Of
course, the patch will now work even if F1GP-Ed is not running.
- The game will now attempt to load f1gp.library and patch itself when
you run it - this means that the VBR problem, for example, will
disappear for good! No longer will you have to run F1GP-Ed in the
background to enable the 'use VBR' patch! Only takes effect once you
have saved to the F1GP binary with this new version
- Moved wet weather options out of the preferences into a new seperate
wet weather window, joined by a new option which changes the way wet
weather is determined during a championship season
- Added option to disable the unnecessary requestors that show up in the
game after loading or saving a file successfully
- Added two more symbols to the GPPatch HUD which tell you that a car
will be pitting this lap (differentiates between damage and tyre stops)
- Due to popular demand, it is now possible to preset the turbo keys
- Automatically fixes a problem with the game's file requester, removing
the limit of only displaying a maximum of 64 entries
- Viewer screens for the backdrops and cockpit designs are now opened
using the most appropriate screenmode, instead of defaulting to PAL/NTSC
- Bug Fixes:
- Due to a bug in the ILBM reader code I 'borrowed', F1GP-Ed could hang
(or simply show corrupted images) when decoding IFF-ILBM files using the
cockpit and backdrop windows. This only happened if the image has been
saved in PPaint or DPaint with a stencil switched on
- The digital joystick dual gear change button feature now works as it
should have - before, it was impossible to preset button 2 for changing
up a gear
- The calculator no longer creates incorrect perf values for a teams'
first driver when no lap time was specified for that driver (0:00.000)
- The sound samples module should have been recompiled in V3.34 - the
sound sample save to memory feature hasn't been working properly since
then due to this
- Not all the keyboard shortcuts worked in the GPPatch window
- Starting F1GP-Ed via a datafile icon in different directory now works
Last modified: Tuesday 02 June 1998 - 17:03