Hot Keys

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ESC - Quit Game without confirmation (same as SHIFT-A-Q).
RETURN - Begin/End Turn
SPACE - Begin/End Turn
- Cycle through available pieces in placement mode.

A-? - About...
A-1 - New Game - Same Amiga
A-2 - New Game - TCP/IP...
A-3 - New Game - Amiga is Red
A-4 - New Game - Amiga is Blue
A-C - Chat...
A-I - Iconify
A-G - Open - Open Game...
A-O - Open - Open Setup...
A-P - Prefs...
A-Q - Quit...
A-R - Restart Game
A-S - Save - Save Setup...
A-W - Save - Save Game...

LMB - Left Mouse Button - Select, swap, attack, etc.
- Clicking on the background while the pieces panel is active cycles through the available pieces (same as SPACE key)
RMB - Right Mouse Button - Menu button
MMB - Middle Mouse Button - acts as Begin/End Turn during game play
- cycles through the available pieces during setup (same as SPACE key - above)

NOTE: If you use Stratego with a language catalog, the hot keys (for the menu items) are configurable from within the catalog file. This is useful for catalog translators who wish to assign meaningful hotkeys to the menu items.