{ Messages from the Lightworker Mailing List
February 16th - 20th, 1995 }

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 13:23:55 -0600 
From: "Richard L. Shapiro"  
Subject: The Positive UFO friends? 
To: "Light Workers List"  
My name is Joshua Shapiro, just joining this mailing list thanks to a 
few e-mails with Rene (who is doing a great job)!!! 
Wanted to throw out a question on this list and see what type of  
reaction comes back? 
I have been gathering UFO information via Internet and most of the  
focus is on the so-called controlling races (Greys - Orion, etc ...)  
which I believe for the most part is true. 
However, when I start to read information from more loving and non- 
intervening races (Pleiadians, Andromadeans, etc ) there are so many  
scenarios, it is incredible.  One thing I do know is that humanity  
will need to cooperate and work together to survive the coming  
transformation and according to this guide (my future me perhaps?) a  
Golden Age will result. But with all the interference apparently going  
on, who is really helping us? I hear about landings (via Sheldon  
Nidle) and this and that ... but it seems to me that the receiving of  
messages from spirit or Space Brothers there is a great deal of  
interference.  My only vision is for each of us to visualize  
the most loving energy surrounding the planet, all living creatures  
(above, on the surface and below) and to those in charge.  Why did the  
Greys ask that the Gov't not reveal their presence, seems to me, if we  
link into our inner part, the soul in unity, the power of this energy  
is beyond any technology used to control. 
Well enough said, for a first post ... just some thoughts going in my  
noggin ... if you have an insight, hope to hear it (or write  
personally if you want) 
Peace & Light always ... just another lightworker trying to figure it  
all out  ...............   R. Joshua 
P.S. -- my wife and I are in Brad Steiger's new book, "Angels of  
Love", talks about how we met in Brasil ... be interested to hear what  
you think if you have a chance to see it .... (not a commercial ...  
just a thought :-) ) 

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 01:25:41 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard Andersen" To: lightwork-l@ethr.protree.com Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? In message Thu, 16 Feb 1995 13:23:55 -0600, "Richard L. Shapiro" writes: Hi Joshua, > I have been gathering UFO information via Internet and most of the > focus is on the so-called controlling races (Greys - Orion, etc ...) >which I believe for the most part is true. Agreed (though I don't know much about the Orion's, and what they are doing here). > However, when I start to read information from more loving and non- > intervening races (Pleiadians, Andromadeans, etc ) there are so many > scenarios, it is incredible. One thing I do know is that humanity > will need to cooperate and work together to survive the coming > transformation and according to this guide (my future me perhaps?) a > Golden Age will result. But with all the interference apparently > going on, who is really helping us? I hear about landings (via > Sheldon Nidle) and this and that ... but it seems to me that the> > receiving of messages from spirit or > Space Brothers there is a great deal of interference. My only > vision is for each of us to visualize the most loving energy > surrounding the planet, all living creatures (above, on the surface > and below) and to those in charge. Why did the Greys ask that the > Gov't not reveal their presence, seems to me, if we link into our > inner part, the soul in unity, the power of this energy is beyond > any technology used to control. Things looks complicated to me too. But for what I know, those who serve the Light must not interfere, unless we ask them to (directly, by prayer or whatever). Those on the other side will probably gladly help without being asked, but only in their own interest. I too feel, that our inner Light is much stronger that any physical technology, and that we have to focus upon this, more than anything else. Anyway, I'm not in doubt that the planet will ascend one way or the other. What we can do is just helping it go smoother or faster, by our spirit. Light and Peace, -Rich

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 01:25:45 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard Andersen" To: rshapiro@interaccess.com Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? In message Thu, 16 Feb 1995 13:23:55 -0600, "Richard L. Shapiro" writes: Hi again Joshua, I have some things I am in the middle of translating into American, it is from a Danish woman, who is channeling for the White Brotherhood/Light Federation. There is a piece from an E.T. called Archos - not the whole piece, but I hope to have it all finished soon. And a piece from a long channeling from Jesus, and his future prediction for the Earth. There may be some linguistic errors, but I hope its understandable anyway. Enjoy, -Rich ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INTERPLANETARIC FEDERATION [This text is dictated by a spiritual being who calls himself Archos.] I belong to the wide circle of people, who have joined what we call "The Interplanetary Federation". It is a co-operation, which includes all planets in this universe with physical life on them. I am now residing in the spiritual dimensions, but else I belong to a planet, which is beyond the Earth in state of evolution. All physical inhabitable planets exists in a hierachic pattern in their relation to each other. Some has just developed physical life, others are in a evolutionary state, far beyond that of The Earth. On all planets which develops a possibility for physical life, there will develop beings of biological origin in a certain evolutionary pattern, which is much like the one on Earth. Seen in the long perspective, the planets this way are much alike. But within the different eras, there may be many special forms of life, which is unique for each certain planet. Human beings, in the sense of unique beings, which develop a strong potential of intelligence and possibilities of diviniation(?) of soul and body, will develop on all these planets. We can be a little different by structure and height etc., but on all planets the human beings will develop through more coarse types, into more delicate ones, as the divine energi more and more illuminates their body and consciousness. There are a countless number of possibilities for variation, and like people in different areas of The Earth develops certain, characteristic appearances and features, it is also possible to know people from certain planets by their appearance. The mineral, plant and animal realms on the certain planets will also develop in different ways. On my planet for example, we have not had as many reptiles as you have had, but in return we have had more species of predators over a rather long period. My planet is a bit beyond The Earth in terms of development, therefore The Interplanetary Federation (IPF)has decided, that I, Archos, shall be among those who actively contact the people of the Earth, to instruct about this federation and the possibilities it offers. The development of the Earth belongs to the most important missions for IPF at the time. The Earth is in a serious condition, it is in crisis, but we can see from the spiritual dimensions, that it is also strong, and can stand a great deal. Like people helps other people who are in crisis, this way planets helps other planets, in suchs periods of crisis. Any crisis has at the same time a possibility in it for a great change, a transformation. The first issue of IPF is to prevent more human caused destruction on this planet. The two most common ways to destroy a planet is through war and pollution. This way The Earth makes no exception to the common pattern. One of The Earths most vulnerable issues, as already known by many people, is the forest areas. Some planets are not as vulnerable, because they have many areas with different kinds of vegetation, which serves the same functions as the forests. But on Earth you are very dependent upon the forest areas, and one of the most common reasons for the decay of civilizations has been the destruction of the forests. Therefore, we from The Interplanetary Federation will call upon everyone, who reads this, to one way or the other to contribute to the preservation of all kinds of forest areas, not just the rainforests. Contribute to create a new respect and deference for the trees, and for their indispensable function within the ecological cyklus. In your own life, and, if possible, in a larger scale. The two greatest threats against the Earth however, comes from all the negative images of thought,which is connected to concrete acts of violence or war, and to pollution. These negative thoughts penetrates the mental aura of The Earth, and has a very strong influence upon it. This area has different colours, but negative influences shows as foggy and very dark, concentrated areas surrounding the planet. From TIF we, as a counteraction, send different very large groups of Angels, to surround The Earth, in different formations, for example as a great spiral which reaches from pole to pole. You can support this operation by meditating upon our formations of Angels surrounding the Earth. You can also help to neutralize these negative clouds surrounding The Earth simply by asking God to heal and neutralize them. In some areas these negative influences are so strong, that they act as curses. When a sufficiently large amount of people are thinking in terms which is solely guided by hate, revenge, and a desire for violence, the collective pattern of thought will turn into a such curse. By asking God to help The Earth to purify itself from this, you can, as a single person, assist in making the way for a real purification. The pollution issue is also one of our projects on Earth. It includes a lot of different kinds, but the most important are the chemical forms, which influences life within a long range of time. But all areas, where humans in ignorance and greed make a mess of and soils nature, so it eventually dies, are threatened areas in the whole of the Earths aura. Each time you think with a loving, respectful, and open mind of one of the creatures in nature, whatever it is a beautiful flower you meet, a lovely tree, or a beautiful stream, you are helping with neutralizing all kinds of soiling of nature. In each action you take to show, that you try to live in a way that in all respects is in balance with the laws of nature, you will be with us in this big cleansing and cleaning project. Like in any other process of development, it is the human consciousness which is the motive power. We have a kind of pollution army here, which can help in areas, which are really seriously polluted, but this help must be coordinated with a similar level of understanding in the human consciousness. Even though humans beings in many areas are unconscious and thoughtless, you can however count on some help from us. We have several possibilities for reducing the pollution level, e.g we can induce life into dead areas, physically and mentally healing, and we can also by channeling through single persons provide for a constant raising of the generel level of consciousness. We are telling you this, to help you not lose your courage, even though many areas are in a serious condition. Help is available, both physically and spiritually. When the aura of the Earth is going through its final transformation, we will be very active also with the neutralization of pollution and with inducing life into dead areas. Know this in your heart and console yourself, that is why I send you these words. There are areas on the Earth which needs special attention, and you can help us by praying for the folowing areas: The Soviet-union (or that area, which previosly was called the Soviet- union) Eastern Europe USA The Arabian countries and Israel South America Africa Tibet When you pray for these areas and countries, you can imagine a shining golden-white cloud of love being sent from the Divine areas, in through the aura of the Earth and down to the actual area, surrounding every single living living being with its light, and letting the New Age' clarity and love for the planet penetrate everything. The Interplanetary Federation is a union of about *7 million planets*. This large number will ensure you, that the help needed is available. But I will repeat: the condition for receiving this help is a leap in the consciousness of the inhabitants of your planet, as a whole. We cannot help in a rate faster than the progress of this collective consciousness of yours. Therefore my very first advice to you is to raise your level of consciousness and help others to do the same; to work with your attitudes and worths in relation to the cosmic view and the conception of the Earth as a living organism. As you can see, we are a very big organization. We have a fully developed contact net to many people on Earth, and we are continually working on increasing the channeling of our knowledge. But I would like to point out, that we are in contact not only with human beings. Also the highest developed of the animals are a part of this contact net, like most of the dolphins and a lot of whales and other species. Dolphins and whales with their highly developed sensory and sonar system are the perfect receivers of signals from other planets, their inhabitants, and their spaceships, as well as they also can use these senses to receive impulses from the spiritual world. With their strong and well balanced chacra system they are indispensable in the seas on the planet. Even though a number of dolphins will be called back to God in the changes that is to come, a sufficient amount of them will survive to the benefit of the future on this earth. Apart from their superior receiving-abilities you could call them the Gems of the sea. Through their chacra system they radiate light and energy into the water, this way ensuring the waters penetratability of and ability to receive the Divine energy. Some dolphins are chosen to survive in close contact with humans in dolphinaria, where they must be given the optimal conditions. The water must be very deep, the basin must have as natural a shape as possible, and finally the basin and the room in which it is must be as large as possible, not to break down their sonar system. There are however some single individuals among the dolphins, which are so highly developed, that they can stand to live in even very difficult surroundings, and they have the similarly important duty to heal all the people, who come to see their show. While doing their show, they at the same time open and heal the people around them. We in IPF will strongly request for you to pray for all the dolphins and whales on the planet Earth. It is not only out of ignorance, that they are ruthlessly exploited. The dark forces know their importance for the development of the Light on the planet. Therefore they demand a special attention and protection, especially in the years to come. Apart from praying for them, you can contact them telephatically. No other creatures on Earth have so strong telepathic abilities as especially certain groups of dolphins. If you are a bit sensitive, you will therefore be able to feel a contact, whenever you are thinking of dolphins. Also the discarnated dolphins have inportant tasks, and some of them also participate actively in our co-operation from their spiritual position in their dolphin-area. Because of the dolphins' abilities and conscious reception of information from our co-operation, they form an important connecting link between IPF and the humans on Earth. By contacting the dolphins both physically in the dolphinaria and the sea, and spiritually by telepathy, you therefore will strengthen the important colloboration between the planets in this universe. You will strengthen the grid of telepathic communication which like shining patterns surrounds the Earth, and through which the creation of a strong and inviolable unity concerning Gods plan for the Earth is being attempted. That plan, which will lead the Earth through its very important transformation up through the 90's and into the next century. With all these words I for the first want to tell you, who reads this, that you are not alone - in no way, if you see the universe as a whole. Not only do you all of the time receive increasingly more help from more and more spiritual guides and angels. But also a the physical level is the help increasing here from our interplanetary colloboration, which consist of large numbers of human beings in both physical and spiritual shape. I, Archos, represent for the time the host from the spiritual dimensions of this universe. This host of helping people, who from other planets have been able to SEE - with their third eye - what is going on in the whole univere and thereyby also on Earth. They are now out of incarnation, but continue their help ............. ------------------------------- "I see the forces of the dark dress themselves in new clothes and try to create new setbacks for the Earth, and I see how the aura of the Earth now seriously is wawing forth and back in polarizations and battles. I see the dark spots grow again, and how the aura of the Earth is drawn totally wry, because of the imbalance created by the dark forces. I see how the earth begin to move and tilt around, but then the Light expands, man is now one with God and with me, and we stop the motion towards the total destruction. I appear so all can see me, and with my arrival the aura of the Earth will be whole and beautiful again. I see a new heaven vault within the different layers around the Earth, where the lowest layers have disappeared, and where the Light now penetrates everything in a sparkling twinkle of the Earth as Paradise." Jesus

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 19:27:03 -0500 (EST) From: Jal Kae To: "Richard L. Shapiro" cc: Light Workers List Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? Hi, Richard, We at Starbuilders are living our lives on the assumption that the Force of Evolution is at work on the Planet. There may be Greys, Government conspiracies, and the like, but the combined force of all of these "negatives" or "interference" is negligible when compared to the Force of Evolution. It's like ants on a beach conspiring to stop a tidal wave. There are so many e.t., angelic, and other dimensional masters living and working in human bodies today that it is hard to imagine that this shift in Planetary Consciousness is not supported by the Force of Evolution and The Planetary Consciousness herself. This is not even including the billions of masters who are here, but not embodied. Tere is a universal principle: Whatever you are fascinated with, you get more of. It is like, if you focus your valuable consciousness on something, the universe says, "Oh, this is important to him... here's more." We have done much work on ourselves, and we have narrowed our focus of fascination/interest to only those things (more or less) which support the co-creation of Heaven on Earth with other masters. If there are Greys, so be it. If there are bad guys in the wings, so be it. (In the Cosmic Version of this human drama, there are no Bad Guys.) If the Force of Evolution wants to use us, totally cool! So be it. In Love, Support, and Oneness KenDon

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 21:03:08 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" KenDon (*** - Joshua responding to KenDon previous message above ) After seeing some of your other response on snet, I knew you would offer some insights. There are two thoughts here ... one is, if we chose to focus on only the positive reality then we won't see anything else. The second is, in order to help others, one must understand the current situation and not walk blindly. Seems at the moment, I am walking this second area ... and kind of finding myself involved with all the possibilities. The person who is my future self speaks to me occassionally, I believe (at least my interpretation if you will) and clearly the Earth is moving forward into a Golden Age, of this there is no doubt. Perhaps, since you have stated you are in direct contact with Star Brothers and Sisters, you see this also. However, how can we help the people here, if our eyes are only in the sky? Many people are going to deal with quick changes coming and without knowledge and connection to the inner self will be confused. What is interesting to me is that in 60-80's most messages printed from the Space Brothers were positive and we kind of ignored the people being abducted, but now this is increasing or the awareness is increasing. The bottom line is that to move through this in the most successful way I feel, we must cooperate. Which is to acknowledge our oneness. Some souls may not be ready, but we can give them a chance. All are our brothers and sisters. In any case, this is a good place to share thoughts and ideas. Perhaps what I am seeking is to find a balance, to reintegrate some new information I have and find a way to help others find this balance. Thanks for your insights .... I can sense through your message your Light shining bright .... Joshua

Date: February 16th, 1995 From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Answering Richard's Anderson message from February 17th) Rich -- thanks for your feedback === I agree the key is to stay true to our light, even if our human nature might like to know what is about to happen === with so many prophecies and diff scenarios, maybe it is only a good idea to know of them (without expectation so we don't put energy behind any particular one) as I know that in the end we will reach a Golden Age and the best we can do is share our love and light, help others and visualize a wonderful future. Joshua (for you is already Feb. 17th, you must be in Europe!!)

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 05:59:30 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard Andersen" To: rshapiro@interaccess.com Cc: Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? In message Thu, 16 Feb 1995 20:54:19 -0600 (CST), "Richard L. Shapiro" writes: Hi Joshua, > Rich -- thanks for your feedback === I agree the key is to stay true > to our light, even if our human nature might like to know what is > about to happen === with so many prophecies and diff scenarios, > maybe it is only a good idea to know of them (without expectation so > we don't put energy behind any particular one) as I know that in the > end we will reach a Golden Age and the best we can do is share our > love and light, help others and visualize a wonderful future. I have known of the channeling I sent you for several years, and my impression was therefore, that all E.T.'s were friendly. So I had to rearrange my picture, when I connected to Internet a few months ago, and learned about Greys and conspiracy, and a lot of other horrible things going on. So I have studied this a lot myself, to find out what was really going on, and understand it. Anyway, I find it hard to find out what is true or not, so I don't take it too seriously. I think the best one can do is to live in the moment, and follow ones spirit. And most of all, be positive. Peace and Light, -Rich

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 07:19:19 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Responding to Richard Anderson's Message listed just before ) The message I received in 1991 about the Greys was that humanity in general will not make a change unless they find themselves in a challenging situation. Also I remember Stan Friedman once said at a UFO panel in California, that if aliens were watching how humanity conducts itself, with all the wars and killing of each other that we have done and still do (to a lesser extent), than why would we worry if they take a few people for experiments since we have such low respect for human life. The law of attraction stated by the ancient philosopher Hermes states that like attracts like ... so on our world we have both positive and so-called negative (energy of confusion I prefer) here. Thus we are drawing both types of aliens. The positive seem to communicate more via telepathy (channeling) so as not to interfer and the negative (confused or selfish) are doing things on a more physical manner. In the end Truth and Love will win out. Richard, are you in touch with New Age organziations or networkers in Denmark. If you could suggest or send some contacts, would appreciate it. Please go to Rene's Web Page (Spirituality and Consciousness), under channelling and prophecy, there is an article called the Inca Prophecy which is quite interesting. Good to see you are actively pursuing these subjects. Perhaps as more info about the Grey and Orion activities becomes more public (just read that such information was shared at the UFO Congress in Las Vegas this december) it will bring people together who normally wouldn't work together to bring humanity to a higher level!!! All is in perfection they say .... Joshua

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 19:00:20 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard Andersen" To: rshapiro@interaccess.com Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? (*** - Richard Anderson's answer to Joshua's message above ) > The message I received in 1991 about the Greys was that humanity in > general will not make a change unless they find themselves in a ........ Things can be seen from many angles. If someone gets abducted, the first reaction often is: That's awful, what are these Greys for guys, who do they think they are? And you may get angry and want to kill these Greys, or you may see it from a more loving point of view, and focus on the victims instead, feeling compassion for them and wanting to help, and seeing the Greys as some kind of children who don't know what they are doing. You may also see it from the point of view, that whatever we are confronted with, there is a reason for it, in the name of evolution. That whatever happens to us are for the best, no matter what it is. Sometimes we find it hard to understand this, we feel we are "victims" of the surroundings, and that injustice is being done to us. But whatever happens to us of negative things, it is something we attract ourselves, in order to show us something about ourselves, that needs to be corrected. Until we begin to deal with these things, we will constantly be confronted with them. It's just feedback from evolution, to guide us into a positive direction. I try to see it from a non- emotional point of view - it is all just a big evolutionary process - cool - nothing personal, it just happens. It is often when we begin to get emotional about it, we lose our insight (and then we get corrected, till we open our eyes again). > Please go to Rene's Web Page (Spirituality and Consciousness), > undering challenging and prophecy, there is an article called the > Inca Prophecy which is quite interesting. Thanks, I will look at it (there are a lot of things I would like to look at there, and in other places, but all this mail!!!). Think I'll need some alternative personalities to get time for it all. :) > Good to see you are actively pursuing these subjects. Perhaps as > more info about the Grey and Orion activities becomes more public > (just read that such information was shared at the UFO Congress in > Las Vegas this december) it will bring people together who normally > wouldn't work together to bring humanity to a higher level!!! > All is in perfection they say .... Joshua At least I'm tryin to understand it all. I don't think the Greys or whoever it might be are especially important. There is just a lot of focus on them, probably because of fear. Very few talk about (or perhaps even know about) the Asthar Command, or other positive E.T.'s. I think it is better to try to understand what's behind the things that's going on, what we can learn from it. Understand the whole process, instead of focusing on certain things, getting lost in details. I feel this is a much more positive way to see it all. Light and Peace - Rich

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 23:03:25 -0500 (EST) From: Jal Kae Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** KenDon Response to Joshua's Message on Feb. 16th, 1995) Hi, Rich. Thanks for the insights. > There are two thoughts here ... one is, if we chose to focus on only > the positive reality then we won't see anything else I believe it's impossible to avoid what can called negativity and illusion while in human form. Sometimes it's plain-ol' in your face. The point I was implying was that our fascinations are like roads - each one takes us on a different safari. Journeys into the Paranoid Jungle will get you scared. Fascination with the Light will bring you more insights in that area. Lastly, in fifth-dimensional reality, "positive" reality (although it is not viewed or experienced in dualistic terms) is the only thing we can see. This is good; I'm sure everyone who has a memory of it would highly recommend it. > The second is, in order to help others, one must understand the > current situation and not walk blindly. I have reservations about "helping others," although I offer whatever I can from a certain perspective. Commonly, to "help others" implies that they are somehow helpless, ignorant, unknowing, a victim, or lacking in some way. I know that they are not. I know that everything they need is available to them from their spirit. I realize also that the universe my use me as an instrument to deliver whatever that being needs in that moment. In this sense, I am not helping them, but simply "delivering pizzas" (or whatever is called for) for the universe. This way, both parties can remain in their integrity as Divine beings. > Seems at the moment, I am walking this second area ... and kind of > finding myself involved with all the possibilities. The person who > is my future self speaks to me occassionally, I believe (at least my > interpretation if you will) and clearly the Earth is moving forward > into a Golden Age, of this there is no doubt. Perhaps, since you > have stated you are in direct contact with Star Brothers and > Sisters, you see this also. However, how can we help the people > here, if our eyes are only in the sky? Many people are going to > deal with quick changes coming and without knowledge and connection > to the inner self will be confused. I am not absolutely sure the Earth will ascend; I am, however, confident enough to "bet my life on it." I am spending my life in service to this probable Event, but there are no guarantees. Other-dimensional beings work through me; I am a "Star Brother," although I do not use that term. You very well may be one, as well. Discovering your Cosmic Identity is a life-long process - something worthy of one's fascination. My eyes are currently focused on my moment-to-moment experience. The information I share with others is based on these observations. Although I like to chat about the Ascension, I also talk about how humanity has this "being right" thing, their suffering, and other things. I do not get that from "looking at the sky," but by examining my experience while in human form. Whether my insights "help" others is not my responsibility; I can only do what I can do. > The bottom line is that to move through this in the most successful > way I feel, we must cooperate. Which is to acknowledge our oneness. > Some souls may not be ready, but we can give them a chance. All are > our brothers and sisters. I appreciate your sincerity and support what you are saying. > In any case, this is a good place to share thoughts and ideas. > Perhaps what I am seeking is to find a balance, to reintegrate some > new information I have and find a way to help others find this > balance. I agree; it's a great vehicle for this. Go for it! > > Thanks for your insights .... I can sense through your message your > Light shining bright .... Joshua > Thanks for your support. In Love, Support, and Oneness KenDon

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 07:12:53 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Joshua's Response to KenDon's Message Before ) KenDon, What is the most incredible experience on the journey of life is to meet other people who's perception of reality is so different from ours and that little voice saids, there is something for us, some bit of truth in what they are saying. IN this life I feel I have gone through many deaths and rebirths .... and I trust that since all is in perfection, that what I am doing at the moment is where I am to be for that NOW. > Fascination with the Light will bring you more insights in that > area. Lastly, in fifth-dimensional reality, "positive" reality > (although it is not viewed or experienced in dualistic terms) is the > only thing we can see. This is good; I'm sure everyone who has > a > memory of it would highly recommend it. IN this time, it appears that we can not see the whole picture, as one person in a human body to another, but we each have pieces and this forum here on Internet is our chance to share our pieces. > I have reservations about "helping others," although I offer > whatever I can from a certain perspective. Commonly, to "help > others" implies that they are somehow helpless, ignorant, unknowing, > a victim, or lacking in some way. I know that they are not. I know > that everything they need is available to them from their spirit. I > realize also that the universe my use me as an instrument to deliver > whatever that being needs in that moment. In this sense, I am not > helping them, but simply "delivering pizzas" (or whatever is called > for) for the universe. This way, both parties can remain in their > integrity as Divine beings. About helping others, you are correct, we can't do it for them just as no one can do it for us. but I find if I tune into another person and open myself to the universe flowing through me, than perhaps I can plant a seed or speak in words they understand, to provide a re- awakening of who they are .... if all are part of me, then I must try my best to offer (if they accept) something without expect of return or if they will agree. Thus, the highest help we can offer is to be an example of the Truth which radiates inside of us!!! I think we are a visual society and if someone sees you are happy and your life is fullfilling, some people may ask why, what are you doing? > I am not absolutely sure the Earth will ascend; I am, however, > confident enough to "bet my life on it." I am spending my life in > service to this probable Event, but there are no guarantees. > Other-dimensional beings work through me; I am a "Star Brother," > although I do not use that term. You very well may be one, as well. > Discovering your Cosmic Identity is a life-long process - something > worthy of one's fascination. I am absolute sure that this dimension of the earth or reality will move into a Golden Age. This is why the Truth is coming out and time is moving so fast. For me, I know I have many invisible friends who help me and I have felt a kinship to the Wanderers that G.H. Williamson wrote about. So the near future holds many surprises and new doors are going to open. It seems to me it is imperative to have connection with one's inner self, higher self, or soul to be able to understand what is happening and also to receive inner verification of what is the best place to be and things to be doing. Peace & Light always ... just another brother on the path ... Joshua (Joshua is the spiritual name I use for the New Age work)

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 20:13:51 -0800 (PST) From: "Lori E. Tostado" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" On Thu, 16 Feb 1995, Richard L. Shapiro wrote: > Hello, > > My name is Joshua Shapiro, just joining this mailing list thanks to > a few e-mails with Rene (who is doing a great job)!!! > > Wanted to throw out a question on this list .... > > I have been gathering UFO information via Internet and most of the > focus is on the so-called controlling races (Greys - Orion, etc ...) > which I believe for the most part is true. > Lori here: Welcome to the list! Just wanted to add my few bits here... Yeah, I hear about them too, some are "good" some are "bad" but you can't stereotype a particular race as totally one way or the other, you know? Just like, you can't say, all Earth humans are "good" or "bad"--see, I hate to use this good/bad analogy--it's too limiting. And life, the universe, and everything (what was the ultimate answer? I think it was 42...but what was the question? Ha ha ha!--I was referencing the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams here for anyone who didn't get the joke.) it's like, so unlimited, even though we don't see it all from our perspective...You know, in actuality, that guy Douglas Adams had some pretty interesting ideas that I have come to notice may be some of the way things work...if you kind of read between the lines and jokes, you know? Hmmmm...?... > However, when I start to read information from more loving and non- > intervening races (Pleiadians, Andromadeans, etc ) there are so many > scenarios, it is incredible. One thing I would say is, everyone who is here is participating in some fashion--because THEY'RE HERE. Everyone who is here is intervening in some way. No matter how much they claim to just be here to watch...or whatever. Incredible, yes I'd agree. > One thing I do know is that humanity will need to cooperate and work > together to survive the coming transformation and according to this > guide (my future me perhaps?) a Golden Age will result. But with > all the interference apparently going on, > who is really helping > us? I hear about landings (via Sheldon Nidle as listed in his book > "You Are Becoming a Galactic Human") Well, the ones I know of, are here to help us HELP OURSELVES... not to do it for us. > and this and that ... but it seems to me that the receiving of > messages from spirit or Space Brothers there is a great deal of > interference. My only vision is for each of us to visualize the > most loving energy surrounding the planet, all living creatures > (above, on the surface and below) and to those in charge. I'll join you there! :) > Why did the Greys ask that the Gov't not reveal their presence, > seems to me, if we link into our inner part, the soul in unity, the > power of this energy is beyond any technology used to control. Yes...by letting the Light into your soul, manifesting it in your life, makes you go beyond anyone else's control...Acting from Love instead of fear, you realize your true Self, you have Integrity, Peace, and Joy...the sharing of this to others is the greatest gift we can give to another person (accepting them as another aspect of the One that we all are...us and all of Creation.) Thanks for your sharing, until we meet again... Love and Light .... Lori > P.S. -- my wife and I are in Brad Steiger's new book, "Angels of > Love", talks about how we met in Brasil ... be interested to hear > what you think if you have a chance to see it .... (not a commercial > ... just a thought :-) ) Hmm, interesting, I'll have to check that one out. Brad Steiger's "the Star People" was one of the first metaphysical books I ever read. Gave me some of the first glimmerings of why I was here, after I had forgotten. :)

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 07:28:34 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Joshua answering Lori's previous message ) Well after speaking with several people here Lori, I seem to be a bit more clear today. Did a meditation with a special smoky quartz crystal last night from Brasil, which has a very special energy.!!! On Thu, 16 Feb 1995, Lori E. Tostado wrote: > Just wanted to add my few bits here... Yeah, I hear about them too, > some are "good" some are "bad" but you can't stereotype a particular > race as totally one way or the other, you know? Just like, you > can't say, all Earth humans are "good" or "bad"--see, I hate to use > this good/bad analogy--it's too limiting..... One thing I have been doing is expanding my energy to experience these Grey aliens, to see what I feel and what I got is that some of them are interested in us because we are beginning to activate our Light and that through our emotions, we are lead to experience joy and love via the heart chakra. So I send a mental message to them, wouldn't it be great if our two civilizations walked together as equals? > One thing I would say is, everyone who is here is participating in > some fashion-- because THEY'RE HERE. Everyone who is here is > intervening in some way. No matter how much they claim to just be > here to watch...or whatever. Incredible, yes I'd agree. This idea of course falls along the line that the Earth is evoling and that every being or energy here is participating in some way. Good show!! > Yes...by letting the Light into your soul, manifesting it in your > life, makes you go beyond anyone else's control...Acting from Love > instead of fear, you realize your true Self, you have Integrity, > Peace, and Joy...the sharing of this to others is the greatest gift > we can give to another person (accepting them as another aspect of > the One that we all are...us and all of Creation.) > Thanks for your sharing, until we meet again...Love and Light ... > Lori Maybe through the group meeting here, we could try an experiment for each of us each morning, to visualize only for 2 or 3 minutes when we get up in the morning our world surround by love, touching all beings and seeing a vision of humanity walking together. I feel since the beginning of this year it is important to do this every day. > > P.S. -- my wife and I are in Brad Steiger's new book, "Angels of > > Love", talks about how we met in Brasil ... > Hmm, interesting, I'll have to check that one out. Brad Steiger's > "the Star People" was one of the first metaphysical books I ever > read.... Yes, I know Brad and his wife and I always recommend Star People. I usually give some insights to Star People as I travel. I see a Star Person by the Light coming from their eyes and then I start to get a feeling or images in my mind of where they come from. Many children being born now I think are Star Children, if nothing else bring their light to help Mother Earth!!! To members of this list, sorry to answer anyone's message but I am a writer and I can do it fast, also being an Aries and if I don't do it now , when I am inspired .... it won't happen .... sorry to get carried away but with all the research I've been doing, I have too much information inside of me now ..... ou vay!!!

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 17:24:40 -0600 From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" >In message Fri, 17 Feb 1995 07:19:19 -0600 (CST), > "Richard L. Shapiro" writes: > >> The message I received in 1991 about the Greys was that humanity in >> general will not make a change unless they find themselves in a >> challenging situation. Also I remember Stan Friedman once said at >> a UFO panel in California, that if aliens were watching how >> humanity conducts itself, with all the wars and killing of each >> other that we have done and still do (to a lesser extent), than why >> would we worry if they take a few people for experiments since we >> have such low respect for human life. >> >> The law of attraction stated by the ancient philosopher Hermes >> states that like attracts like ... so on our world we have both >> positive and so-called negative (energy of confusion I prefer) >> here. Thus we are drawing both types of aliens. The positive seem >> to communicate more via telepathy (channeling) so as not to >> interfer and the negative (confused or selfish) are doing things on >> a more physical manner. In the end Truth and Love will win out. > >Things can be seen from many angles. If someone gets abducted, the >first reaction often is: That's awful, what are these Greys for guys, >who do they think they are? And you may get angry and want to kill >these Greys, or you may see it from a more loving point of view, and >focus on the victims instead, feeling compassion for them and wanting >to help, and seeing the Greys as some kind of children who don't know >what they are doing. > >You may also see it from the point of view, that whatever we are >confronted with, there is a reason for it, in the name of evolution. >That whatever happens to us are for the best, no matter what it is. >Sometimes we find it hard to understand this, we feel we are >"victims" of the surroundings, and that injustice is being done to >us. But whatever happens to us of negative things, it is something we >attract ourselves, in order to show us something about ourselves, >that needs to be corrected. Until we begin to deal with these things, >we will constantly be confronted with them. It's just feedback from >evolution, to guide us into a positive direction. I try to see it >from a non-emotional point of view - it is all just a big >evolutionary process - cool - nothing personal, it just happens. It >is often when we begin to get emotional about it, we lose our insight >(and then we get corrected, till we open our eyes again). > I agree (and probably as I was readin this material I became somewhat lost for a moment) but I also think we have to be able to view many realities and possibilities, not that we give our power away to such information or situations, but have knowledge of them so we can be ready to deal with them in the most positive and loving manner. It is not right for us to judge other beings or their motivation but we can try to understand their position and see if a way of peaceful negotiation can be reached. > >> >> Good to see you are actively pursuing these subjects. Perhaps as >> more info about the Grey and Orion activities becomes more public >> (just read that such information was shared at the UFO Congress in >> Las Vegas this december) it will bring people together who normally >> wouldn't work together to bring humanity to a higher level!!! All >> is in perfection they say .... Joshua > >At least I'm tryin to understand it all. I don't think the Greys or >whoever it might be are especially important. There is just a lot of >focus on them, probably because of fear. Very few talk about (or >perhaps even know about) the Asthar Command, or other positive >E.T.'s. I think it is better to try to understand what's behind the >things that's going on, what we can learn from it. Understand the >whole process, instead of focusing on certain things, getting lost in >details. I feel this is a much more positive way to see it all. > I have studied the messages from Ashtar and positive ETs and feel we must also use discernment. Many prophecies have been given via these sources that have not come to pass and also people begin to trust in the messages too much without going within themselves to verify. It seems to me the key is the connect to our spiritual self, which when we do we find is a very powerful being linked to all knowledge and wisdom. How much of this knowledge we can manifest probably depends on how open and integrated we are with the spiritual energies. But I think it is a safe bet to say, that we are having contact with other beings and more and more of who they are is beginnning to come out. All I know is when I hear information that is true for me, my heart sings, I sense a feeling of completeness (and also realize that this new {old} truth may change in the next instance). We truely live in a remarkable time with the opportunity for incredible growth!!! Peace & Light always ... Joshua

Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 02:58:18 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard Andersen" Sender: rico7@inet.uni-c.dk Reply-To: rico7@inet.uni-c.dk To: rshapiro@interaccess.com Cc: Subject: RE: The Positive UFO friends? In message Fri, 17 Feb 1995 17:24:40 -0600, rshapiro@interaccess.com (Richard L. Shapiro) writes: > > I have studied the messages from Ashtar and positive ETs and feel we > must also use discernment. Many prophecies have been given via >these sources that have not come to pass and also people begin to >trust in the messages too much without going within themselves to >verify. It seems to me the key is the connect to our spiritual > self, which when we do we find is a very powerful being linked to >all knowledge and wisdom. How much of this knowledge we can manifest >probably depends on how open and integrated we are with the spiritual >energies. But I think it is a safe bet to say, that we are having >contact with other beings and more and more of who they are is >beginnning to come out. I think channelings are often some kind of therapeutic information, not necessarily true, but meant to start some processes in those who read them. It is said that we cannot receive any information that we do not already have within ourself, or which do not relate to ourself in some way. So if we have some illusions about certain things, it may just as well be those we hear about in the channelings. Perhaps this direct confrontation with our own illusions may reveal some things to us. Some of the Asthar channelings seems a bit sinister to me, but perhaps they have a purpose. > > All I know is when I hear information that is true for me, my heart > sings, I sense a feeling of completeness (and also realize that this > new {old} truth may change in the next instance). Yes, I know what you mean. Peace, -Rich

Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 11:58:09 +0100 Reply-To: "Light Workers List" Sender: "Light Workers List" From: Rene Mueller Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? X-To: "Light Workers List" To: "Light Workers List" Joshua: > All I know is when I hear information that is true for me, my heart > sings, I sense a feeling of completeness (and also realize that this > new {old} truth may change in the next instance). During the last years reading lot of material, and more and more followed the same "procedure", also if messages sound very "positive" on the surface, or "negative" or whatever - the ringing, the resonance within my reality is the point, which allows it to be the truth in me .... , Rene

Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 06:52:20 -0600 (CST) Reply-To: "Light Workers List" Sender: "Light Workers List" From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Joshua responding to Rene's message before) Rene -- We live now in an incredible time ... our Mother Earth's vibration is shifting, the frequency is moving faster and faster. Since my early days of awakening in 1980, I feel I have lived 10 lifetimes, being an Aries person and just jumping in to all aspects of the manifestation of the Aquarian Age. In those early days, I saw a flood of positive spiritual messages coming through ... and people feeling hope for our future. Now, older and wiser (perhaps :-) ) ... we have a mix of messages and I am finding for myself that no message is positive or negative, it is information to inform, to prepare us for tremendous change coming. Some of the information coming out related to the UFOs now is hard to shallow but I think the essence of this information can not be overlooked. Things are happening, and as I re-read UFO books for the past, the picture of this transformation is coming out. That is why before I said in an earlier message it is important to share the vibration of love with all beings living or staying on our world. The faster vibration is bringing out the truth. Even, I am sure, many people are finding that parts of themselves, which maybe we would not like to see, the faster vibration is bringing this part of ourselves out so we can work through it, become stronger, more whole. Also I read a book called the Emerald Tablets, which supposed was written by Thoth, who later became Hermes ... and it discussed the White Guardians and the Dark Guardians. That neither Guardian was good or bad, each had a job to help in the evolvement of the souls who chose the earth as their classroom to grow. This idea has always stayed with me. We have challenges which help to bring out who we are, Children of God, Eternal Souls. And I feel as we evolve and discover, it is important to share, without expectation that others will agree, the fruits of our learning. I feel we are in a time now when growth is very fast and that we will all need all our abilities (even some we do not know we have) to help Mother Earth and all life on the Planet move into the Golden Age. I clearly see the cleansing (as the Hopis discuss in their prophecy) and the graduating will be completed this cycle. One thing I feel inspired to share at this time is a story I heard from a man named Al Bielek. He claims that he was one of the sailors on the Etheridge which disappeared during their invisibility (the Navy - US) experiment in 1943, also known as the Philadelphia Experiment (there is a movie with this name that is quite close to the real story he saids). He said they received from the ETs the ability to travel through time because they repeated this experiment on the same day and month in 1983 in Montauk. A UFO fell from the past into the future with the whole they created. That at Montauk they had a time tunnel. Now maybe this story is kind of incredible but these types of things I really feel are happening. In any case, he told me at a party in Las Vegas that they traveled into the future and between the years of 2011-2013, they could not penetrate it to see what was there (also told me that there are parrallel dimensions of the Earth and they knew of four of them with Germany winning the war in one of the them (WWWII). I believe that in these years the Earth will move from 3rd - 5th dimensional energy and that life will be in a suspended animation, and brought back, as the bible discusses into a new heaven and new Earth. Also I am seeing many people talk about the Aquarian Age beginning in this time interval. And lastly it once occured to me that in 1987 (Harmonic Convergence) when the Mayan calendar ended, they use 13/26/52 year cycles, 26 years from 1987 is 2013. So, we will see what is in store for us ... but the key to being in balance will ultimately be trusting our inner guidance using our inner awarenesses and hopefully the Inner Self will be manifesting itself more visibly in our physical reality. The Second Coming could be the chain reaction (100th monkey effect) of that Christ or Inner Consciousness fully manifesting soon!!! Again just some thoughts to think about .... welcome to the Golden Age at hand .... Joshua .... alias Illinois Shapiro

Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 13:03:47 -1000 Reply-To: "Light Workers List" Sender: "Light Workers List" From: rachael davis-shea Subject: POS/NEG Visitors? The Kryon Material To: "Light Workers List" Hello. i am rachael posting from Hawaii. i have read many postings about the intriguing question of visiting entities: positive, negative, our own projections, all of the above? into my hands last fall fell a remarkable book called _KRYON: The End Times_then i read the second one __Don't Think Like a Human!__ this channeled material takes what i would term the broad view. lucid commentary on the issue of entities of all types, here for all sorts of purposes, some having nothing to do with us humans. The Kryon is here, according to these channelings, to effect the shift in the earth's magnetic grid, scheduled to take place between now and 2011. i believe the date 2013 . cropped up in another posting today. The Kryon recommends reading many different channel sources, as each has a part of the picture; in particular, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians and Ashtar, and the Ascended Masters. most of us are already familiar with these sources. this information is only a small part of the total material. our history as earth is treated, including Atlantis, and the identity of lightworkers. well, anyway, does anyone want to discuss this material? below is the address for anyone interested. the second book is devoted to answering questions mailed in. would it not be fine to conduct Q&A on the net,instead of waiting for a book to be published? Kryon, __The End Times__, 1993 (i think) & __Don't Think Like a Human!__1994 The Kryon Writings 1155 Camino del Mar #422 Del Mar, CA 92014 (800) 352-6657 rachael ------ /l / /\l/\ ------

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 14:38:47 +0100 From: Rene Mueller Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" Joshua: > One thing I have been doing is expanding my energy to experience > these Grey aliens, to see what I feel and what I got is that some of > them are interested in us because we are beginning to activate our > Light and that through our emotions, we are lead to experience joy > and love via the heart chakra. So I send a mental message to them, > wouldn't it be great if our two civilizations walked together as > equals? You made the point ... we perceive each other as respecting beings, and transcended the fear about each other. I wished more people could look at the Zeta Interaction like this, instead sharing more fear and stories which prevents us to understand ... , Rene

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 10:11:04 -0600 From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Joshua responding to Rene's message about the Greys ) Rene, Some people say they feel some affinity with the Grey aliens but still there is the law of non-interference and permission and taking people and abducting them to experiment and possibly save their race, doesn't seem to be following the respect and love of all life. I suspect, if you ever saw the tv series "V" which dealt with visitors who were a lizard race, there were some of the aliens who didn't feel they were treating humans properly. From a karmic level, who can say if the people being abducted didn't do something similar to people on other worlds, and now are experiencing the other side of this experience. Again, it is difficult to discuss these situations because we will view them from our own human perception and I am sure other beings from other worlds will view things from their own perceptions. In any case, all these scenarios seem to be helping to bring forth a new reality to the earth, at least to those people living on the surface. I believe there are civilizations underground and on the Inner Surface of the Earth too and perhaps these events will unite all the beings throughout the planet. Joshua

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 07:33:51 -0600 (CST) From: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** Franks original message at the bottom of this message) Hi Frank, Folks, my spiritual name is Joshua, so I ask that you use this, ok? I do not feel I am a walk-in. I do believe there are walk ins and Star People and Wanderers but we must remember, if we are in a physical body, than whether we feel affinity to such, we still face the same challenges as everyone else. Generally walk ins or Star People, have trouble with the so called high emotions and so-called negativity of the Earth. Some of the things which occur on the earth, are almost unthinkable to them. So they have their challenges too if they remember who they are. Seems to me, many souls are drawn to the Earth right now for the incredible challenges we are facing. Rod Steiger is not the same as Brad, Frank. Brad has written over a 100 books on many New Age and UFO subjects. I just don't know how he does this being a fellow writer and all. BTW, the books I have done include: "Journeys of an Aquarian Age Networker" (1981 -- if we setup a Web Page, I hope to include portions of this), "UFOs,Space Brothers and the Aquarian Age" (1985) and I am the co-author of the book "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed (1989). I am interested in anyone who information about crystal skulls!!! Thanks Frank and thanks for your welcome. This group here reminds me of the New Age Forum on Compuserve. Peace & Light always (now tell me if I am writing too much) .... Joshua On Fri, 17 Feb 1995, Frank Ramos wrote: > Hi Richard, > I have read a book by Rod Stieger. Are you one of the walk-ins? If > so how did it happen to you? Glad you could join us. This list is > generating light and love. Enjoy! > Frank

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 17:39:31 +0100 From: Rene Mueller Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" <*** - Rene answering one of Joshua's posts) > Again, it is difficult to discuss these situations because we will > view them from our own human perception and I am sure other beings > from other worlds will view things from their own perceptions. We may expand our perception to a wholeness ... as we are spiritual- beings, if so, we expand from a Human Perception to a Spiritual Perception ... , Rene

Date: Sun, 19 Feb 1995 00:01:28 -0800 Reply-To: "Light Workers List" Sender: "Light Workers List" From: Flemming Funch Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" At 10:11 AM 2/17/95 -0600, Richard L. Shapiro wrote: >Some people say they feel some affinity with the Grey aliens but >still there is the law of non-interference and permission and taking people and abducting them to experiment and possibly save their race, doesn't seem to be following the respect and love of all life. The thing is that we all exist on multiple levels at the same time. The Zeta's look at our whole self, not just our conscious, waking self. The one that doesn't want the abduction, and indeed the one who calls it an "abduction" is a conscious part of the person that is denying its other parts. Zetas could not carry people away unless they already agreed to it. Their conscious part might be kicking and screaming, but the whole person basically agrees and has invited the interaction with the Zetas. In my own interactions I found that the whole thing got to look very differently when I confronted my fears on the matter and dug up my own agreements. Then an abduction turned into rather being a positive spiritual booster for me. - Flemming **** Flemming Funch ******* http://www.protree.com/worldtrans/ **** ******************************************************************* Systems: Structures of interrelationships that influence behavior Synergy: The behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the parts Holonomics: The study, design and maintenance of whole systems

Date: Sun, 19 Feb 1995 10:22:37 -0600 From: Richard Shapiro Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Joshua answering Flemming Funch post above) Flemming, In this time of transformation each of us has our own unique way at looking at events. I agree on one level all experiences help us grow and that people choose such lessons before incarnating. But I also believe that the purpose of this transformation is that it is a lesson to teach us all that we are all brothers and sisters and we do not need to take things from each other. I still feel that the Zetas are learning things from us too and I feel as more acknowledgement will come out about their presence that abductions will not need to continue. But we each have our lesson to learn and this experience will probably help to empower some people past fear. But what about the others who can not find their strength to reach this channel? Interesting times .... saw your Web Page and info ... great job. Keep up the good work ... Joshua alias R. Shapiro (Illinois Shapiro)

Date: Sun, 19 Feb 1995 10:19:41 -0600 From: Richard Shapiro Subject: Re: POS/NEG Visitors? The Kryon Material To: "Light Workers List" <*** Joshua Answering Rachael's post shown below> >Hello. > > i am rachael posting from Hawaii. i have read many postings about > the intriguing question of visiting entities: positive, negative, > our own projections, all of the above? > > into my hands last fall fell a remarkable book called _KRYON: The > End Times_ then I read the second one __Don't Think Like a Human!__ > > this channeled material takes what i would term the broad view. > Lucid commentary on the issue of entities of all types, here for all > sorts of purposes, some having nothing to do with us humans. The > Kryon is here, according to these channelings, to effect the shift > in the earth's magnetic grid, scheduled to take place between now > and 2011. i believe the date 2013 . cropped up in another posting > today. > > The Kryon recommends reading many different channel sources, as each > has a part of the picture; in particular, the Pleiadians, the > Arcturians and Ashtar, and the Ascended Masters. most of us are > already familiar with these sources. > this information is only a small part of the total material. our > history as earth is treated, including Atlantis, and the identity of > lightworkers. > > well, anyway, does anyone want to discuss this material? below is > the address for anyone interested. the second book is devoted to > answering questions mailed in. would it not be fine to conduct Q&A > on the net, instead of waiting for a book to be published? > >Kryon, __The End Times__, 1993 (i think) & __Don't Think Like a >Human!__1994 > The Kryon Writings > 1155 Camino del Mar #422 > Del Mar, CA 92014 > (800) 352-6657 >rachael ------ > /l / > /\l/\ > ------ Rachel === would it be possible to post some of the insights from the _KRYON or give us a summary of what this book talks about. Also has there been a number of UFO sightings in Hawaii (as they say inquerying minds would like to know!!!) Thanks ... Joshua

Date: Sun, 19 Feb 1995 22:01:38 -0700 From: gerardus Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" (*** - Gerardus responding to one of Joshua's Post ) Hi Joshua... You arrived at Lightwork-l. Welcome! You are the Joshua, the author right? Still have your book, yes! Most revealing and a possible answer to these Crystals might be in the book: You are becoming a Galactic Human. What do you think/feel about the support of the Firmaments in the past? Greetings and as always from a good old friend... .!, Light... Love... and Laughter... *!* Gerardus {-^o} \~/ Love at first byte! ` ! All Realities are Virtual Realities ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every Human Being is a very special designed Instrument of its Higher Self. We are what we are on purpose, and our work is to learn to grasp, that we and the Designer are one and the same Creative Force. This Force is the only Force in the Universe and it expresses itself into different Dimensions, Entities and Functions so that it may enjoy its own spontaneous and infinite creativity. klmget7@aztec.asu.edu or 72704.731@compuserve.com

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 15:16:01 -0700 From: gerardus@indirect.com To: "Richard L. Shapiro" Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? (*** - Answering Joshua's question on firmaments .... ) > Not sure what you mean by firmaments of the past (the skulls). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Joshua... Yes! I know. The book explains that two layers of ice-crystals or just frozen water was put into orbit and formed 'ceilings' (Firmaments) over the entire Earth at different heights. The entire Earth then becomes a Shopping Mall! Controled climate and no radiation. This increases our lifespan many folds. And 70 degree temp. all over! I could wear my shorts in the winter in Edmonton, Canada. Whoopie Deloo! These 'ceilings' or Firmanents were held up there by means of crystals in some way. Most fascinating to read about for me and as soon as I read it I thought about you! And look, here you are on LightWork-L... Great Show! .!, Light... Love... and Laughter... *!* Gerardus {-^o}

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 16:34 MST From: Marcus Reinart Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" >> The second is, in order to help others, one must understand the >> current situation and not walk blindly. (From Joshua) > > I have reservations about "helping others," although I offer > whatever I can from a certain perspective. Commonly, to "help > others" implies that they are somehow helpless, ignorant, unknowing, > a victim, or lacking in some way. I know that they are not.... > (From KenDon) I would like to say that is an EXCELLENT point KenDon. Unless the help is specifically requested, it will fall on deaf ears. It is best to sit, and allow those in need to come to you. If you are indeed a vehicle for assisting others, then that situation will make itself *readily* available for you! > I am not absolutely sure the Earth will ascend; I am, however, > confident enough to "bet my life on it." I am spending my life in > service to this probable Event, but there are no guarantees...... > My eyes are currently focused on my moment-to-moment experience. The > information I share with others is based on these observations. > Although I like to chat about the Ascension, I also talk about how > humanity has this "being right" thing, their suffering, and other > things.... (KenDon) I agree, humanity needs to take a moment and look back inside, it has more abilities at its disposal than it appears. Humanity *CAN* overcome the obstacles before it. There are many groups waiting to help you, in case of almost anything, but please, first check inside, you might be suprised to find out you can very well take care of it yourself. Allexzander

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 16:34 MST From: Marcus Reinart Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" >My name is Joshua Shapiro, just joining this mailing list thanks to a >few e-mails with Rene (who is doing a great job)!!! Ditto. >However, when I start to read information from more loving and > non-intervening races (Pleiadians, Andromadeans, etc ) Might I add "so-called non-intervening races"? >there are so many scenarios, it is incredible. One thing I do know >is that humanity will need to cooperate and work together to survive >the coming transformation and according to this guide (my future me >perhaps?) a Golden Age will result. But with all the interference >apparently going on, who is really helping us? I hear about landings >(via Sheldon Nidle) and this and that ... but it seems to me that the >receiving of messages from spirit or Space Brothers there is a great >deal of interference. My only vision is for each of us to visualize >the most loving energy surrounding the planet, all living >creatures... (Joshua) My question back to you is, are these messages from the Space Brothers also a form of interference? I believe that before you will see a landing the people of Earth must first decide if that is really in their best interest. This type of thing is clearly in violation of the Non-Interference Objective put in place by the Galactic Council, of which the Plieadians are a *member*. Does Earth want to be just another planet in the Federation? A slave source to the Orion Empire? A communication grid line for the Sirians? Or does it want to be an independent unit, with its own representative for the Galactic Council? Without this independent classification, the planet Earth will simply fall under the representation of whoever takes control of it. I think the reason we have not seen a landing is that the critical point has not been reached yet, not enough members of this planet have made the decision that is what they want. Allexzander

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 16:34 MST From: Marcus Reinart Subject: Re: Sirians, Pleiadians & Rigelians etc. To: "Light Workers List" Rene, I have been out of town for about a week, so my mailbox got a bit full while I was gone, 170 messages I believe! I am slowing working on replying to these, I just now finished organizing things to make them a little easier to attack. In any case, my first reply... >I see. Earlier we talked on lw-l for a short period about Zetas, and >Zeta-Reticuli system, and the way to interpret 'Abduction' scenario, >from "negative" until "helping" point of view. For myself, I had some >time until I was able to understand the "negativity" of the process >of interaction of Zetas and Humankind on Earth, anyway, without >getting into details, the negativity is a kind of disturbing energy, >which lack, in a way, of its own counterpart to be balanced. I came >very rarely across 'negative' energies: somehow more bounded >presences (astral-entities), and also the way the energies got >expressed in past 80 years in Europe - some feelings are coming back >also from the 'time' of Atlantis, which lot of people seeming more >and...... I think that 'negative' is quite a relative term. I have a slightly different view on the Zetas than most, I don't think that the abductions are negative at all. How could a species which has no ability to perceive or generate emotions produce negative emotions? On that note, how could they produce positive ones? The Zetas are very neutral in their emotional standing, it is the human abductees that make the situation a negative one. Now I am not saying I would jump at the chance to be abducted by a Zeta, quite the contrary. However, I am enlightened enought to know that it is *I* who will producing the negative emotions and feelings with that situation should it occur, and therefore have no right to blame these intense feelings of negative energy on the Zeta collective. >more also conscious. Hm, how you would describe the energy of >Betelguese and it's possible connection or influence here on Earth? The concept of the Orion Wars, and the continuing struggles of Betelguese are alive here on Earth. Humans live that struggle every single day. The weak overcoming the powerful, and then they become so big that they are now the powerful, and they fulfill the same thing they fought against many years ago. We see this in the Roman Empire, Christianity, and even the United States. All once underdogs, grew to be very powerful, and then start doing the same thing they fought against, and so they too will be replaced by some other upstart group. It is duality, a universal concept, alive and well. >Oh, you remind me to look bigger, thank's :) It's somehow very >similar when people talk about Pleiades in a manner, hmm, where I >think, they are describing just a time-frame by selecting it, and the >try to describe the whole expression, but they are even missing other >periods. The Pleiadians are notorious for doing this. They are galactically known for "leaving out things" in their explanations. It is never done as some kind purposful event, but nonetheless is very common. Many of those members of this list who have known me in the past are aware of my feelings of the Pleiadians, and their actions on this planet, more of that to come... There is much to learn from the Orions, they provided the template for duality for many eons. This planet is reliving that endless struggle everyday, we have not overcome this most basic concept. Duality exists up to the very edge of the source itself, the Pleiadians have not overcome it, the Sirians have not overcome it, the Arcturians have not overcome it. As much as they like to think they have, if they are trying to convince you they have done it, then by that very argument, they haven't. Allexzander

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 22:04:10 -0700 From: Flemming Funch Subject: Re: The Positive UFO friends? To: "Light Workers List" At 10:22 AM 2/19/95 -0600, Richard Shapiro wrote: >In this time of transformation each of us has our own unique way at >looking at events. I agree on one level all experiences help us grow >and that people choose such lessons before incarnating. But I also >believe that the purpose of this transformation is that it is a >lesson to teach us all that we are all brothers and sisters and we do >not need to take things from each other. I still feel that the Zetas >are learning things from us too and I feel as more acknowledgement >will come out about their presence that abductions will not need to >continue. But we each have our lesson to learn and this experience >will probably help to empower some people past fear. But what about >the others who can not find their strength to reach this channel? Right. The Zeta are learning as much from us as we from them. And the result will inevitably be some integration and now more need for stressful abduction scenarios. In part it is simply a change of mind. If the only way one can imagine interacting with aliens very different from oneself is as being the victim of an abduction, then that is how it will appear. Once one expands one's view and become willing to have other types of experiences, that is what they will appear as. Alien interactions is a powerful instrument to overcome fear through. As is earthquakes. - Flemming **** Flemming Funch ******* http://www.protree.com/worldtrans/ **** ******************************************************************* Systems: Structures of interrelationships that influence behavior Synergy: The behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the parts Holonomics: The study, design and maintenance of whole systems

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