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Publisher:- Unknown
Programming:- Ferenc Zavacki
Graphics:- Csaba Kemeri
Webpage:- http://www.klte.hu/~zavacki
Price:- TBA
Release Date:- Early '97
Machine Requirements:- AGA, HDR
Demo:- (Available soon)
Forgotten Forever is a soon to be released Command & Conquer/Dune II inspired
game for the Amiga computer. Being a massive fan of Dune II myself I was very excited
when I first heard about this game.
As you can see from the screenshots the game is looking very good, I'd
say as good if not better then Command & Conquer. It's not all just
graphics though as the game boasts a massive range of features that
will hopefully make the game just as good as the graphics.....
The game is played in 256 colours on a 320x256 resolution of
which 256x256 is the actual playfield (Although this could change as
cybergrahics support may be added), all this on an OS screen. The game
will also be Multitasking for all that demand that sort of thing.
Other features include Digitally Sampled Speach, over 20 different
vehicles and about 20 different buildings, 50-60 missions, different
terrain types and much more. A full feature list that has been
released can be found below:-
- - 256 colours, 320×256 resolution, on an OS screen
- - multitasking, HD installable
- - 4096×4096 maximum terrain size, 256×256 visible
- - fantastic, thrilling missions
- - 5-6 different terrain types (snow, desert, rocky, forest, night, ...)
- - 50-60 mission, expandable with mission disks
- - digitally sampled speech during game
- - 20-25 different vehicles (ground, sea, air), 20-25 different buildings,
all objects with 3-8 frames of animation
- - selectable language (english, german, french, hungarian)
- - interesting history
- - two machines connectable with nullmodem for two player mode
- - minimum configuration: AGA, 68020 14 MHz, 2 MB chip RAM, 6-10 MB HD
(with fast RAM the game speed is increased)
- - recommended configuration: 68030 50 MHz, 2 MB fast RAM
- - tested on:
- AMIGA 1200, 2 MB chip RAM
- AMIGA 1200, 2 MB chip RAM, 4 MB fast RAM
- AMIGA 1200, Blizzard 1230 IV 50 MHz, 8 MB fast RAM
- AMIGA 1200, Blizzard 1260 50 MHz, 16 MB fast RAM
Hopefully there may also be some Cybergraphics support and maybe some
TCP support but it is not decided yet.
An archive containing screenshots from the game, of which the above are
some is available. To download the full archive of screenshots click here.
You can find out more information about this game by going to the web
page, this can be reached by clicking here
If you want to send any ides to the authors or just to send
encouragement (Which I'm sure will be greatfully received) then email
them on this address zavacki@dragon.klte.hu
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