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3.4 Using Voyager's Menus

Many of the functions in Voyager can be found in the menus. Here is a quick description of them. As with all Amiga programs, the menus are accessed using the right mouse button.

There are four menus: Voyager, Windows, Bookmarks, and Settings.

3.41 Voyager Menu

About displays Voyager's About page. Hotkey: Amiga-?

Cache List directs Voyager to an internal page which lists every page currently held in the On-Disk Cache. If your maximum cache size (see Settings) is large, then this page may take a while to be constructed. Links displayed on this page are live - click on them to send Voyager to them.

CacheBrowser runs Voyager's CacheBrowser, which is used to view the contents of Voyager's cache. It's simple to use, you select a file by left-clicking it, and then select the operation you'd like to perform - Copy the selection to an external file, or View it using Multiview (OS3.0+ only). You may also alter the way CacheBrowser orders its listing. Hotkey: Amiga-C

Network Status gives and indication of the progress of transferring data from the remote server to your machine. ie. the transfer of images etc. This is excellent for determining if there are images being download, the speed they are transferring and whether they have possibly stalled.

Quit tells Voyager that you'd like to exit as soon as it's possible. There may be a slight delay if Voyager is busy performing some tasks while it finishes them. Hotkey Amiga-Q

3.42 Windows Menu

Open New Window opens a completely new Voyager window, which inherits the original's preferences. It is subject to MUI's settings, so you can direct it to another screen if needed. Operation is asynchronous - all windows work at the same time. Hotkey: Amiga-O

Open Local File opens a file requestor, expecting a local HTML file to be chosen, which will then be displayed as normal. Hotkey: Amiga-H

Show Current Document's Source opens a window used to display the HTML source for the current page. This is also asynchronous, Voyager can carry on as normal. Hotkey: Amiga-X

Save as HTML opens a file requestor to save the current page in its original HTML format. Hotkey: Amiga-W

Save as ASCII Text opens a file requestor to save the current page in ASCII text format. All HTML codes are removed, and only text Voyager would usually display is saved. Hotkey: Amiga-T

Activate other Voyagers shows an entry for all active Voyager windows. Selecting a window makes it active, and pops it to the front. Each entry contains the Voyager window number, and the current URL.

3.43 Bookmarks Menu

Open Bookmarks opens the Bookmarks GUI. Hotkey: Amiga-B

Goto Bookmarks directs Voyager to an internal page that lists all of your bookmarks in the main listview. The links are active, you can click on them to go to those pages.

BookMark Custom allows you to configure a selection of URLs you would like to be in this menu, using the Bookmark function.

3.44 Settings Menu

Settings opens up Voyager's preferences editor. Please see the configuring Voyager page.

Show Fastlinks toggles Voyager's Fastlink buttons between off completely or top or left of the Voyager screen. The Fastlinks buttons are custom configured in the Settings.

Load HTML Images Directly is selectable, on or off. When on, Voyager will attempt to load all images on the current page without any user prompting. If this option is switched off, you can tell Voyager to load all the images in a page by clicking on the Images Button. Hotkey: Amiga-I

Ask for Downloads prompts for a path every time data is to be saved out if Autoview is off, otherwise it will be saved right away to the default download directory. Hotkey: Amiga-D

MUI Settings activates MUI's preferences program to work specifically on the Voyager window which activated the settings via this menu option.

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