I like your pages. Lots of info. Very little BS. Keep up the good work!
Very good Mag I Like it. Keep using the Amiga. I use my 1200 for pleasure and the PC for business. I have a hard drive and Blizzard.
I would be willing to subsribe if the price is right. First Virtual Account ONLY-www.fv.com
[But it's free! - Ed.]
I have owned A2500 and A3000 systems. I am currently in the process of purchasing an A4000 w/Toaster 4000 card and DPS PAR card sytem. I have used a variety of software for my business. I am the co-founder of Rebis Galleries (1930 South Broadway, Denver, CO, 80210). We are currently setting up an animation/video festival which would feature the Amiga as a viable alternative to the Win/Tel jaggernaut. The festival will be in the last quater of '97. Thanx