Guest book - Page 1

Name = Paul Napper
Country = Calgary, Alberta, Canada
E-mail =

Hello, I am Amiga Librarian for the Calgary Commodore User Group. I am always on the lookout for interesting things on the internet for the Amiga users of our group.
I am running an Amiga 500, OS 3.1, 5megs memory, 150 megs of hardrive space, the GVP's A500-HD+, and LineLink144e (mac) modem.

Name = Vader
Country = hmmmm ... !
E-mail =

At bloomin last !! Your old guest book never bloody worked !!
Erm, nice site though, bet you're glad I finally managed to push you into doing it now :^)

Name = Geoff Milnes
Country = Huddersfield West Yorkshire
E-mail =
Using A1200/030 50mhz +FPU OS3.0

Having taken three days to finally reach you it has worthwhile if only for the Steve Jones interview. I am now going through the rest and appreciate the effort you have put into the pages.Well done. If it will be of any use, I have written three articles for the Third Dimension Disk Mag on Real 3d Classic which, whilst now well outdated, is still a usable rendering engine eminently suitable for beginners. Please let me know if you would like to use them.

Name = Rob van der Veer
Country = The Hague/Netherlands
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Name = Henry
Country = Wrexham, UK
E-mail =

A great looking site; looks like it's gonna go far!

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