PD Reviews
Quick LHA
This program is, basically, an easy to use, quick, GUI for compressing and Decompressing files.
It is irreplacable to anyone not lucky enough to own DOpus or similar system manager, or if you are not to sure about the wonders of Shell/Cli. Don't be confused by the name, it does support compression formats other than LHA. Amongst tools used are LHA, LZX, UnLZX....the author says that if you'd like any other types to be included, to get in contact with him, and he'll see what he can do.
Right, so, just how quick and easy is it to use?

- Choose whether you want to Decompress or compress, by clicking on these simple buttons. (In this example, I'm compressing some pictures)
- Choose your compression type, LHA, LZX etc..
- Select the files you wish to compress, (you cannot compress directories).
- Click the Go! button.
- This handy requester pops up to inform you of what you're about to do, and allows you to correct any errors you may have made.
- Right, here we go....this progress bar appears, telling you much of the file has been done, this is rather pointless, as the compression is so fast, but it is a nice touch, and is handy if you're compressing big files.
- Bingo, the job is done, this window pops up, and there you have it, your files have been compressed.
It really is that simple, and it's so fast.
This is invaluble to any people who want to compress files often or come accross lots of Compressed stuff on magazine coverdisks or Aminet, and don't have a filing system like DOpus. With the interface so easy to use, and the near complete lack of bugs*, I have to give this a high recommendation, it certainly has it's place on my Harddisk....
* (The only problem I found, was that if it has trouble [de]compressing files, it doesn't tell you, which can be annoying, but doesn't happen very often)
QuickLHA 88%
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