Welcome to my Gallery

Here's a collection of my best/most effective rodent manipulations...Click on the thumbnails to see the full versions...

You may experience some difficuly in loading the Chaosity.gif, Independance.gif and Jurassic.gif thumbnails, this is because the thumbnails are in IFF format, which most PeeCees can't handle without blowing up, the Pictures themselves though, are in GIF.
You may also have problems with the Bill Gates thumbnail, if using Voyager, Nutscrape or Exploder...this is your browser's fault, not mine..

All Images are ©JamesCaygill1997

Mark Of Chaosity

chaosity.gif [30k]

A rather warped and twisted picture, from the darkest corners of my equally warped and twisted mind...hoohoohahahh..ahem...

Jurassic Park

jurassic.gif [6k]

I copied this freehand directly from the book cover, I used DPaint.

Independance Day

independance.gif [14k]

Again, this was copied freehand, from an article in SFX Magazine, and was, once again drawn in DPaint.


outlanders.gif [20k]

The original idea was based on a picture in White Dwarf Magazine, I concentrated on one particular part of the picture - in this case, a badge on a character - and then enhanced it, and gave it that touch of class...:)

Bill Gates

billgates.gif [74k]

A fine rendition of the Evil-Global-Mega-Corporation-Underlord himself..

Warped Sense of Humour

warped.gif [11k]

I started off with the Nick Vietch and Ben Vost Icons from the Amiga Format CDs, I loaded them into DPaint, and played with the smear tool, I then did some other visual tricks, and, well, left it at that.

Apologies to my Uncle...[ he got a little pissed about the picture of him..hehe..]

JC 97

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