Awesome Power, Friendly Face
Product Information
Name: REDShapeZ - Blitz Support Suite
Price: 19.99 UKP (14.99 UKP for registered Blitz users)
Release Date: 26th August 1996
Availability: Contact Guildhall Lesuire Services on (+44) 01320 890000
ShapeZ, developed by Nigel Hughes, is an extreemly powerful shape creating, editing, manipulating and
storing tool. It all started out as a little package for scanning Blitz shapes in from an IFF file,
because the other tools about at the time were quite poor. ShapeZ is not only able to load in IFF's
and scan them, it can piece together multiple shape files, manage multiple palettes, build animations
from shapes and allow full D-paint style editing of shapes. Although shapez has its' own screen, it
is able to open on other screens as well. Click here to see ShapeZ running with all of its' windows
open on my CyberGraphics Workbench, editing a MWB icon! A list of ShapeZ's features follows:
- Scanning of IFF files to extract shapes. Uses two different algrorythms as standard.
- Supports by default LEShape format, Acid Shape format, Acid Sprite format, WB Icon format, and XBS chunky format.
- Support multiple palettes, and shape-colour remapping, palette reduction etc.
- Open on ANY public screen
- Fully functional AREXX port allowing ShapeZ to be controled by other programs.
- AREXX port allows other shape file formats to be supported (WB Icon and Chunky are supported using an
AREXX server). This means you can devise your own format and allow ShapeZ to load and save it. Full example
source for AREXX shape servers included.
- Full D-paint style editing facilities.
- Animator tools allows you to test your animations at all frame rates from 1-50fps (you chose).
- Graphics card friendly, it LOVES the speed boost!
A fully functional demo of ShapeZ is available in our archives. The demo is of
an older version, but does allow you to do most of the things in the full version.