Due to the graphical nature of this book, apart from the Table of Contents below we are not able to provide online sample text from First Steps Amiga. But you can get an idea of what the book looks like by clicking on the links to the sample pages.

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Table of Contents

    How to read this book
Important first steps
    What's it all about?
    When the chips are down
    Taking precautions
Looking after your disks
    Why we use disks
    Good and bad habits
Computer viruses
    What is a virus?
    Carry on don't lose your hair
    An automatic solution
    Is your amiga ill?
introducing workbench
    Point and click
    It's your selection
    Wonderful windows
Workbench windows
    A moving experience
    Try this for size
    Just scrolling along
    Back to front and zooming
Workbench menus
    Pull down magic
    Working with windows
    In control of icons
Copying files and disks
    Copy cat copies
    Formatting floppies
    What a drag!
Workbench programs
    Sum program!
    And there's more...
    Icon see clearly now
    Clocking on
    About face
    Lookie here
    On the Multiview menus
    Silent slaves
AmigaGuide documents
    Practice makes perfect
The AmigaDOS connection
    More than just a name
    You can be sure of shell
    Being in command
    Search me!
    An AmigaDOS experiment
    Starting your Ed
    Using your Ed
    Try experimenting!
    Going on assignment
    Mind your language!
Getting cross about the dos
    Bit of a drag
    Using CrossDOS
Some words in your shell-like
    The importance of making backups
    It's not clever and...
    Public domain
Where to go from here
    Programs galore
    Getting serious about things
    One more thing before we go...
And finally

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