Face-off the demo requires following equipment and software:
. an Amiga with OS v39+,
. AGA chips or CGX system v2+,
. at last 68030 processor (there are
various versions for 030FPU, 040 and 060),
. about 4 MB of free fast memory,
. installed AHI v4+ audio system (for
the best performance use Paula 8 bit DMA mode unless you have good music
card like Delfina).
. asyncio.library v39+ by Magnus Holmgren
. dbplayer.library v1+ by Sebastian
Jedruszkiewicz (BJ Sebo/Venus Art)
. xpkmaster, xpkMASH and xpkSQSH libraries by XPK-Crew
. open mind
However, this demo requires at last 030 to run, but it is really designed for 060 users = don't try this at home unless you have one.