Face off
Face Off the demo was made in about 6 months. Pufff! But it doesn't mean it was coded in such a long time! Together with rule: "think first - then do" the teoretical work on the demo ate 80% of our time. At the begining there were also other projects, but they are dead now. In example there was "Project Nepenthes" (perfect drug) - whole story was based upon a poem with the same title written by Dawid de Rosier. Finally it turns to be to difficult to translate into audio-video language, so the project was rejected.
Then "Project Face-Off" has come. With the help of four different philosophic systems we wanted the four faces of happiness. For this project Korbatz has written four poems, which were then translated into english (demo was to be multilingual!). Also few new movies were produced (about 20min) which after video assembling were about 5 minutes long (= were fitting perfectly for demo). But due to lack of coordination and bad luck we didn't finish it at time - for the Astrosyn Party. Although that demo isn't the same Face-Off you have seen. It's Face-Off v1. It was finished (in half an hour) after coming back home from party. SO what you have seen? It's easy - Face-Off v2! The first Face-Off is not and will not be distributed at all! Why? Because we aren't so glad from it as we could be.
In the new year 998 we decided to do another demo, and forget about the old one... To tell you the truth we have decided that it is our last demo - why do things that people dislike? The second version of this demo ate us about 3 months of life, and most of you will delete it in a 3 seconds... So, good bye to all our friends...

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   (c) venture, nkwd 998 all rights reserved.