
Gadgets of the Preferences Window:

   Icon        : show / hide PSCalc's icon on the Workbench.
   X Pos       : horizontal position of PSCalc's icon.
   Y Pos       : vertical position of PSCalc's icon.
   Name        : put this string under PSCalc's icon.
   Icon        : file name of the icon to use as PSCalc's icon.
   Angle       : sets the calc angle mode.
   Precision   : sets the calc precision.
   Base        : sets the results calc base.
   Line number : sets the max line number of the history.
   Default mode: sets which part of a result line will be used for paste.
   Save        : save your changes in PSCalc's icon tooltypes.
   Use         : use and close the Prefs window.
   Cancel      : cancel all changes and close the Prefs window.

Converted with gtoh, © 24.06.1997 N. DARNIS