
7 - Tooltypes

   7.1  - CX_PRIORITY=<number>

   Sets the priority of PSCalc.

   Default value: 1

   7.2  - CX_POPUP=YES|NO

   If sets to YES, the Main window will
   open at each start of PSCalc.

   Default value: YES

   7.3  - CX_POPKEY=<HOTKEY>

   Sets PSCalc's hotkey.

   Default value: Ctrl Alt c

   7.4  - ABOUT=YES|NO

   If sets to YES, an anoying About window will
   open at each start of PSCalc.

   Default value: YES

   7.5  - WINTOP=<number>

   Sets the top position of the Main window.

   Default value: 0

   7.6  - WINLEFT=<number>

   Sets the left position of the Main window.

   Default value: 0

   7.7  - APPICON=YES|NO

   If you want an icon on the Workbench, sets it to YES.

   Default value: YES

   7.8  - APPICONNAME=<name>

   If sets to YES, the string <name> will be placed under PSCalc's icon.

   Default value: "Calculator"

   7.9  - APPICONFILE=<nom>

   Sets the icon file name used for PSCalc's icon.

   Default value: ""

   7.10 - APPICONTOP=<number>

   Sets the top corner of the icon.

   Default value: 0

   7.11 - APPICONLEFT=<number>

   Sets the left corner of the icon.

   Default value: 0

   7.12 - ANGLE=RAD|DEG

   Sets the default angle mode.

   Default value: RAD

   7.13 - PRECISION=8|16|32

   Sets the default precision (for Programmers calc mode only).

   Default value: 32

   7.14 - LINES=<number>

   Sets the max line number of the history (must be in 16-256 range).

   Default value: 16


   Sets the default calc mode.

   Default value: SCIENT


   Sets the results calc base.

   Default value: DEC

   7.17 - USEENV=YES|NO

   If set to YES, PSCalc will use ENV: and ENVARC: to save / load
   variables and users functions.

   Default value: YES


   Sets the default mode for clics in the results listview.

   Default value: VAL

   7.19 - DOCVIEWER=<nom>

   Full file name of the guide file viewer.

   Default value: "SYS:Utilities/MultiView"

   7.20 - HELPFILE=<nom>

   Full file name of the PSCalc's guide file.

   Default value: "HELP:english/"

Converted with gtoh, © 24.06.1997 N. DARNIS