Contents -------- The DockIcons Directory contains 15 Icons especially designed to be used in ToolManager's Docks. They have all the same Size (50 x 25) and were drawn to look good (I hope!) on a 640 x 256 (Med-Res) 4 colours WorkBench Screen. They use each only 498 Bytes (One Image). Also included is my Palette ('palette.ilbm') so you can watch these Icons in their original Design :) The default Palette should be ok too... Disclaimer ---------- These Icons were all drawn by me and are freely distributable. The Rights of the Icons remain with the Designer of them. Ok ? :) Hope you will enjoy the Icons and use them !!! You can contact me through Email at : Pascal SCHMID aka ALFred aka Doc PSI / ZENITH PS: Greetings to all my Friends worldwide ! 8)