DEFINITION MODULE MuiD; (*$ NilChk := FALSE *) (*$ EntryClear := FALSE *) (*$ LargeVars := FALSE *) (*$ StackParms := FALSE *) (*$ DEFINE MUIOBSOLETE := FALSE *) (*************************************************************************** ** ** $VER: MuiD.def 3.3 (21.2.96) ** ** The following updates have been done by ** ** Olaf "Olf" Peters ** ** $HISTORY: ** ** 21.2.96 3.3 : updated for MUI v3.3 release ** 23.1.96 3.2 : updated for MUI v3.2 release ** 18.11.95 3.1 : updated for MUI v3.1 release. ** 17.9.95 2.3 : updated to MUI v2.3 ** ***************************************************************************) (*************************************************************************** ** ** MUI - MagicUserInterface ** (c) 1993-95 by Stefan Stuntz ** ** Main Header File ** ** Modula-Interface done by Christian "Kochtopf" Scholz '93/94 (Freeware) ** ** New Version 23.6.1994 for MUI 2.1 ** ** If you got problems with this, please contact ** ** ** **************************************************************************** ** General Header File Information **************************************************************************** ** ** All macro and structure definitions follow these rules: ** ** Name Meaning ** ** mc Name of a class ** mm Method ** mv Special method value ** ma Attribute ** mv Special attribute value ** me Error return code from MUIError() ** mi Standard MUI image ** mo Object type for MUI_MakeObject() ** ** ma... attribute definitions are followed by a comment ** consisting of the three possible letters I, S and G. ** I: it's possible to specify this attribute at object creation time. ** S: it's possible to change this attribute with SetAttrs(). ** G: it's possible to get this attribute with GetAttr(). *) IMPORT ED: ExecD; IMPORT UD: UtilityD; IMPORT S: SYSTEM; (* Types for readability *) TYPE APTR = S.ADDRESS; (* ··· Only once defined for consistency, ··· *) StrPtr = S.ADDRESS; (* ··· not in nearly every Module ··· *) (************************************************************************* ** Config items for mmGetConfigItem *************************************************************************) CONST mcfgPublicScreen = 36; (*************************************************************************** ** Object Types for MUI_MakeObject() ***************************************************************************) CONST moLabel = 1; (* STRPTR label, ULONG flags *) CONST moButton = 2; (* STRPTR label *) CONST moCheckmark = 3; (* STRPTR label *) CONST moCycle = 4; (* STRPTR label, STRPTR *entries *) CONST moRadio = 5; (* STRPTR label, STRPTR *entries *) CONST moSlider = 6; (* STRPTR label, LONG min, LONG max *) CONST moString = 7; (* STRPTR label, LONG maxlen *) CONST moPopButton = 8; (* STRPTR imagespec *) CONST moHSpace = 9; (* LONG space *) CONST moVSpace =10; (* LONG space *) CONST moHBar =11; (* LONG space *) CONST moVBar =12; (* LONG space *) CONST moMenustripNM =13; (* struct NewMenu *nm, ULONG flags *) CONST moMenuitem =14; (* STRPTR label, STRPTR shortcut, ULONG flags, ULONG data *) CONST moBarTitle =15; (* STRPTR label *) CONST moNumericButton =16; (* STRPTR label, LONG min, LONG max, STRPTR format *) TYPE MOLabelFlags = (p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, singleFrame, doubleFrame, leftAligned, centered, freeVert, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20, p21, p22, p23, p24, p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30, p31 ); MOLabelFlagSet = SET OF MOLabelFlags ; CONST moLabelSingleFrame = 100H; CONST moLabelDoubleFrame = 200H; CONST moLabelLeftAligned = 400H; CONST moLabelCentered = 800H; CONST moLabelFreeVert = 1000H; CONST moMenustripNMCommandKeyCheck = 1; (* check for "localized" menu items such as "O\0Open" *) (*************************************************************************** ** ARexx Interface ***************************************************************************) TYPE MUICommand = RECORD name : S.ADDRESS; template : S.ADDRESS; parameters: LONGINT; hook : UD.HookPtr; reserved : ARRAY[0..5] OF LONGINT; END; CONST mcTemplateId = -1 ; CONST mRxErrBadDefinition = -1; CONST mRxErrOutOfMemory = -2; CONST mRxErrUnknownCommand = -3; CONST mRxErrBadSyntax = -4; (*************************************************************************** ** Parameter structure for some Classes ***************************************************************************) TYPE mPaletteEntry = RECORD id : LONGINT; red : LONGCARD; green : LONGCARD; blue : LONGCARD; group : LONGINT; END; CONST mvPaletteEntryEnd = -1; TYPE mScrmodelistEntryPtr = POINTER TO mScrmodelistEntry; mScrmodelistEntry = RECORD name : S.ADDRESS; (* string *) modeID : LONGCARD; END; mInputHandlerTimer = RECORD millis, current : S.WORD ; END; mInputHandlerNodePtr = POINTER TO mInputHandlerNode; mInputHandlerNode = RECORD node : ED.MinNodePtr ; object : S.ADDRESS ; CASE :INTEGER OF | 0: sigs : LONGCARD ; | 1: timer : mInputHandlerTimer ; END (* CASE *) ; flags : LONGCARD ; (* see below *) method : LONGCARD ; END ; CONST timer = 1 ; (* mInputHandlerFlags - it's overkill to define a SET for just one item, isn't it? ;-) *) TYPE mListTestPosFlags = (above, below, left, right, ltpf4, ltpf5, ltpf6, ltpf7, ltpf8, ltpf9, ltpf10, ltpf11, ltpf12, ltpf13, ltpf14, ltpf15) ; mListTestPosFlagSet = SET OF mListTestPosFlags ; mListTestPosResultPtr = POINTER TO mListTestPosResult ; mListTestPosResult = RECORD       entry : LONGINT; (* number of entry, -1 if mouse not over valid entry *)       column : INTEGER; (* numer of column, -1 if no valid column *)       flags : mListTestPosFlagSet; (* see above *)       xoffset, (* currently unused *)       yoffset : INTEGER; (* y offset of mouse click from center of line        (negative values mean click was above center,        positive values mean click was below center) *) END ; (************************************************************************* ** Black box specification structures for images, pens, frames *************************************************************************) mPenSpecPtr = POINTER TO mPenSpec; mPenSpec = RECORD buf : ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR ; END ; (*************************************************************************** ** Return values for MUIError() ***************************************************************************) CONST meOK =0; meOutOfMemory =1; meOutOfGfxMemory =2; meInvalidWindowObject =3; meMissingLibrary =4; meNoARexx =5; meSingleTask =6; (*************************************************************************** ** Standard MUI Images & Backgrounds ***************************************************************************) CONST miWindowBack = 0; (* These images are configured *) miRequesterBack = 1; (* with the preferences program. *) miButtonBack = 2; miListBack = 3; miTextBack = 4; miPropBack = 5; miPopupBack = 6; miSelectedBack = 7; miListCursor = 8; miListSelect = 9; miListSelCur = 10; miArrowUp = 11; miArrowDown = 12; miArrowLeft = 13; miArrowRight = 14; miCheckMark = 15; miRadioButton = 16; miCycle = 17; miPopUp = 18; miPopFile = 19; miPopDrawer = 20; miPropKnob = 21; miDrawer = 22; miHardDisk = 23; miDisk = 24; miChip = 25; miVolume = 26; miPopUpBack = 27; miNetwork = 28; miAssign = 29; miTapePlay = 30; miTapePlayBack = 31; miTapePause = 32; miTapeStop = 33; miTapeRecord = 34; miGroupBack = 35; miSliderBack = 36; miSliderKnob = 37; miTapeUp = 38; miTapeDown = 39; miPageBack = 40; miReadListBack = 41; miCount = 42; miBACKGROUND = 128; (* These are direct color *) miSHADOW = 129; (* combinations and are not *) miSHINE = 130; (* affected by users prefs. *) miFILL = 131; miSHADOWBACK = 132; (* Generally, you should *) miSHADOWFILL = 133; (* avoid using them. Better *) miSHADOWSHINE = 134; (* use one of the customized *) miFILLBACK = 135; (* images above. *) miFILLSHINE = 136; miSHINEBACK = 137; miFILLBACK2 = 138; miHSHINEBACK = 139; miHSHADOWBACK = 140; miHSHINESHINE = 141; miHSHADOWSHADOW = 142; miMARKSHINE = 143; miMARKHALFSHINE = 144; miMARKBACKGROUND = 145; miLASTPAT = 145; (*************************************************************************** ** Special values for some methods ***************************************************************************) CONST mvTriggerValue = 49893131H; mvNotTriggerValue = 49893133H; mvEveryTime = 49893131H; mvNotifySelf = 1; mvNotifyWindow = 2; mvNotifyApplication = 3; mvNotifyParent = 4; mvApplicationSaveENV = 0; mvApplicationSaveENVARC =-1; mvApplicationLoadENV = 0; mvApplicationLoadENVARC =-1; mvApplicationReturnIDQuit = -1; mvListInsertTop = 0; mvListInsertActive = -1; mvListInsertSorted = -2; mvListInsertBottom = -3; mvListRemoveFirst = 0; mvListRemoveActive = -1; mvListRemoveLast = -2; mvListRemoveSelected = -3; mvListSelectOff = 0; mvListSelectOn = 1; mvListSelectToggle = 2; mvListSelectAsk = 3; mvListGetEntryActive = -1; mvListSelectActive = -1; mvListAll = -2; mvListRedrawActive = -1; mvListRedrawAll = -2; mvListMoveTop = 0; mvListMoveActive = -1; mvListMoveBottom = -2; mvListMoveNext = -3; (* only valid for second parameter *) mvListMovePrevious = -4; (* only valid for second parameter *) mvListExchangeTop = 0; mvListExchangeActive = -1; mvListExchangeBottom = -2; mvListExchangeNext = -3; (* only valid for second parameter *) mvListExchangePrevious= -4; (* only valid for second parameter *) mvListJumpTop = 0; mvListJumpActive = -1; mvListJumpBottom = -2; mvListJumpUp = -4; mvListJumpDown = -3; mvListNextSelectedStart = -1; mvListNextSelectedEnd = -1; mvDragQueryRefuse = 0; mvDragQueryAccept = 1; mvDragReportAbort = 0; mvDragReportContinue = 1; mvDragReportLock = 2; mvDragReportRefresh = 3; (*************************************************************************** ** Control codes for text strings ***************************************************************************) CONST mxR = "\033r"; (* right justified *) mxC = "\033c"; (* centered *) mxL = "\033l"; (* left justified *) mxN = "\033n"; (* normal *) mxB = "\033b"; (* bold *) mxI = "\033i"; (* italic *) mxU = "\033u"; (* underlined *) mxPT = "\0332"; (* text pen *) mxPH = "\0338"; (* highlight text pen *) (*******************************************) (* Begin of automatic header file creation *) (*******************************************) (****************************************************************************) (** Notify **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcNotify = "Notify.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmCallHook = 8042B96BH; (* V4 *) CONST mmExport = 80420F1CH; (* V12 *) CONST mmFindUData = 8042C196H; (* V8 *) CONST mmGetUData = 8042ED0CH; (* V8 *) CONST mmImport = 8042D012H; (* V12 *) CONST mmKillNotify = 8042D240H; (* V4 *) CONST mmMultiSet = 8042D356H; (* V7 *) CONST mmNoNotifySet = 8042216FH; (* V9 *) CONST mmNotify = 8042C9CBH; (* V4 *) CONST mmSet = 8042549AH; (* V4 *) CONST mmSetAsString = 80422590H; (* V4 *) CONST mmSetUData = 8042C920H; (* V8 *) CONST mmSetUDataOnce = 8042CA19H; (* V11 *) CONST mmWriteLong = 80428D86H; (* V6 *) CONST mmWriteString = 80424BF4H; (* V6 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maApplicationObject = 8042D3EEH; (* V4 ..g Object * *) CONST maAppMessage = 80421955H; (* V5 ..g struct AppMessage * *) CONST maHelpLine = 8042A825H; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maHelpNode = 80420B85H; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maNoNotify = 804237F9H; (* V7 .s. BOOL *) CONST maParent = 8042E35FH; (* V11 ..g Object * *) CONST maRevision = 80427EAAH; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maUserData = 80420313H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maVersion = 80422301H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Family **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcFamily = "Family.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmFamilyAddHead = 8042E200H; (* V8 *) CONST mmFamilyAddTail = 8042D752H; (* V8 *) CONST mmFamilyInsert = 80424D34H; (* V8 *) CONST mmFamilyRemove = 8042F8A9H; (* V8 *) CONST mmFamilySort = 80421C49H; (* V8 *) CONST mmFamilyTransfer = 8042C14AH; (* V8 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maFamilyChild = 8042C696H; (* V8 i.. Object * *) CONST maFamilyList = 80424B9EH; (* V8 ..g struct MinList * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Menustrip **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcMenustrip = "Menustrip.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maMenustripEnabled = 8042815BH; (* V8 isg BOOL *) (****************************************************************************) (** Menu **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcMenu = "Menu.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maMenuEnabled = 8042ED48H; (* V8 isg BOOL *) CONST maMenuTitle = 8042A0E3H; (* V8 isg STRPTR *) (****************************************************************************) (** Menuitem **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcMenuitem = "Menuitem.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maMenuitemChecked = 8042562AH; (* V8 isg BOOL *) CONST maMenuitemCheckit = 80425ACEH; (* V8 isg BOOL *) CONST maMenuitemEnabled = 8042AE0FH; (* V8 isg BOOL *) CONST maMenuitemExclude = 80420BC6H; (* V8 isg LONG *) CONST maMenuitemShortcut = 80422030H; (* V8 isg STRPTR *) CONST maMenuitemTitle = 804218BEH; (* V8 isg STRPTR *) CONST maMenuitemToggle = 80424D5CH; (* V8 isg BOOL *) CONST maMenuitemTrigger = 80426F32H; (* V8 ..g struct MenuItem * *) CONST mvMenuitemShortcutCheck = -1; (****************************************************************************) (** Application **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcApplication = "Application.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmApplicationAboutMUI = 8042D21DH; (* V14 *) CONST mmApplicationAddInputHandler = 8042F099H; (* V11 *) CONST mmApplicationCheckRefresh = 80424D68H; (* V11 *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmApplicationGetMenuCheck = 8042C0A7H; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmApplicationGetMenuState = 8042A58FH; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmApplicationInput = 8042D0F5H; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST mmApplicationInputBuffered = 80427E59H; (* V4 *) CONST mmApplicationLoad = 8042F90DH; (* V4 *) CONST mmApplicationNewInput = 80423BA6H; (* V11 *) CONST mmApplicationOpenConfigWindow = 804299BAH; (* V11 *) CONST mmApplicationPushMethod = 80429EF8H; (* V4 *) CONST mmApplicationRemInputHandler = 8042E7AFH; (* V11 *) CONST mmApplicationReturnID = 804276EFH; (* V4 *) CONST mmApplicationSave = 804227EFH; (* V4 *) CONST mmApplicationSetConfigItem = 80424A80H; (* V11 *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmApplicationSetMenuCheck = 8042A707H; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmApplicationSetMenuState = 80428BEFH; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST mmApplicationShowHelp = 80426479H; (* V4 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maApplicationActive = 804260ABH; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maApplicationAuthor = 80424842H; (* V4 i.g STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationBase = 8042E07AH; (* V4 i.g STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationBroker = 8042DBCEH; (* V4 ..g Broker * *) CONST maApplicationBrokerHook = 80428F4BH; (* V4 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maApplicationBrokerPort = 8042E0ADH; (* V6 ..g struct MsgPort * *) CONST maApplicationBrokerPri = 8042C8D0H; (* V6 i.g LONG *) CONST maApplicationCommands = 80428648H; (* V4 isg struct MUI_Command * *) CONST maApplicationCopyright = 8042EF4DH; (* V4 i.g STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationDescription = 80421FC6H; (* V4 i.g STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationDiskObject = 804235CBH; (* V4 isg struct DiskObject * *) CONST maApplicationDoubleStart = 80423BC6H; (* V4 ..g BOOL *) CONST maApplicationDropObject = 80421266H; (* V5 is. Object * *) CONST maApplicationForceQuit = 804257DFH; (* V8 ..g BOOL *) CONST maApplicationHelpFile = 804293F4H; (* V8 isg STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationIconified = 8042A07FH; (* V4 .sg BOOL *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST maApplicationMenu = 80420E1FH; (* V4 i.g struct NewMenu * *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST maApplicationMenuAction = 80428961H; (* V4 ..g ULONG *) CONST maApplicationMenuHelp = 8042540BH; (* V4 ..g ULONG *) CONST maApplicationMenustrip = 804252D9H; (* V8 i.. Object * *) CONST maApplicationRexxHook = 80427C42H; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maApplicationRexxMsg = 8042FD88H; (* V4 ..g struct RxMsg * *) CONST maApplicationRexxString = 8042D711H; (* V4 .s. STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationSingleTask = 8042A2C8H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maApplicationSleep = 80425711H; (* V4 .s. BOOL *) CONST maApplicationTitle = 804281B8H; (* V4 i.g STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationUseCommodities = 80425EE5H; (* V10 i.. BOOL *) CONST maApplicationUseRexx = 80422387H; (* V10 i.. BOOL *) CONST maApplicationVersion = 8042B33FH; (* V4 i.g STRPTR *) CONST maApplicationWindow = 8042BFE0H; (* V4 i.. Object * *) CONST maApplicationWindowList = 80429ABEH; (* V13 ..g struct List * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Window **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcWindow = "Window.mui"; (* Methods *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmWindowGetMenuCheck = 80420414H; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmWindowGetMenuState = 80420D2FH; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST mmWindowScreenToBack = 8042913DH; (* V4 *) CONST mmWindowScreenToFront = 804227A4H; (* V4 *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmWindowSetCycleChain = 80426510H; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmWindowSetMenuCheck = 80422243H; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST mmWindowSetMenuState = 80422B5EH; (* V4 *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST mmWindowToBack = 8042152EH; (* V4 *) CONST mmWindowToFront = 8042554FH; (* V4 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maWindowActivate = 80428D2FH; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maWindowActiveObject = 80427925H; (* V4 .sg Object * *) CONST maWindowAltHeight = 8042CCE3H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maWindowAltLeftEdge = 80422D65H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maWindowAltTopEdge = 8042E99BH; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maWindowAltWidth = 804260F4H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maWindowAppWindow = 804280CFH; (* V5 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowBackdrop = 8042C0BBH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowBorderless = 80429B79H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowCloseGadget = 8042A110H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowCloseRequest = 8042E86EH; (* V4 ..g BOOL *) CONST maWindowDefaultObject = 804294D7H; (* V4 isg Object * *) CONST maWindowDepthGadget = 80421923H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowDragBar = 8042045DH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowFancyDrawing = 8042BD0EH; (* V8 isg BOOL *) CONST maWindowHeight = 80425846H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maWindowID = 804201BDH; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maWindowInputEvent = 804247D8H; (* V4 ..g struct InputEvent * *) CONST maWindowIsSubWindow = 8042B5AAH; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maWindowLeftEdge = 80426C65H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST maWindowMenu = 8042DB94H; (* V4 i.. struct NewMenu * *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST maWindowMenuAction = 80427521H; (* V8 isg ULONG *) CONST maWindowMenustrip = 8042855EH; (* V8 i.g Object * *) CONST maWindowMouseObject = 8042BF9BH; (* V10 ..g Object * *) CONST maWindowNeedsMouseObject = 8042372AH; (* V10 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowNoMenus = 80429DF5H; (* V4 is. BOOL *) CONST maWindowOpen = 80428AA0H; (* V4 .sg BOOL *) CONST maWindowPublicScreen = 804278E4H; (* V6 isg STRPTR *) CONST maWindowRefWindow = 804201F4H; (* V4 is. Object * *) CONST maWindowRootObject = 8042CBA5H; (* V4 isg Object * *) CONST maWindowScreen = 8042DF4FH; (* V4 isg struct Screen * *) CONST maWindowScreenTitle = 804234B0H; (* V5 isg STRPTR *) CONST maWindowSizeGadget = 8042E33DH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowSizeRight = 80424780H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maWindowSleep = 8042E7DBH; (* V4 .sg BOOL *) CONST maWindowTitle = 8042AD3DH; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maWindowTopEdge = 80427C66H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maWindowUseBottomBorderScroller = 80424E79H; (* V13 is. BOOL *) CONST maWindowUseLeftBorderScroller = 8042433EH; (* V13 is. BOOL *) CONST maWindowUseRightBorderScroller = 8042C05EH; (* V13 is. BOOL *) CONST maWindowWidth = 8042DCAEH; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maWindowWindow = 80426A42H; (* V4 ..g struct Window * *) CONST mvWindowActiveObjectNone = 0; CONST mvWindowActiveObjectNext = -1; CONST mvWindowActiveObjectPrev = -2; CONST mvWindowAltHeightScaled = -1000; CONST mvWindowAltLeftEdgeCentered = -1; CONST mvWindowAltLeftEdgeMoused = -2; CONST mvWindowAltLeftEdgeNoChange = -1000; CONST mvWindowAltTopEdgeCentered = -1; CONST mvWindowAltTopEdgeMoused = -2; CONST mvWindowAltTopEdgeNoChange = -1000; CONST mvWindowAltWidthScaled = -1000; CONST mvWindowHeightScaled = -1000; CONST mvWindowHeightDefault = -1001; CONST mvWindowLeftEdgeCentered = -1; CONST mvWindowLeftEdgeMoused = -2; CONST mvWindowMenuNoMenu = -1; CONST mvWindowTopEdgeCentered = -1; CONST mvWindowTopEdgeMoused = -2; CONST mvWindowWidthScaled = -1000; CONST mvWindowWidthDefault = -1001; (****************************************************************************) (** Aboutmui **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcAboutmui = "Aboutmui.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maAboutmuiApplication = 80422523H; (* V11 i.. Object * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Area **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcArea = "Area.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmAskMinMax = 80423874H; (* V4 *) CONST mmCleanup = 8042D985H; (* V4 *) CONST mmContextMenuBuild = 80429D2EH; (* V11 *) CONST mmContextMenuChoice = 80420F0EH; (* V11 *) CONST mmDragBegin = 8042C03AH; (* V11 *) CONST mmDragDrop = 8042C555H; (* V11 *) CONST mmDragFinish = 804251F0H; (* V11 *) CONST mmDragQuery = 80420261H; (* V11 *) CONST mmDragReport = 8042EDADH; (* V11 *) CONST mmDraw = 80426F3FH; (* V4 *) CONST mmHandleInput = 80422A1AH; (* V4 *) CONST mmHide = 8042F20FH; (* V4 *) CONST mmSetup = 80428354H; (* V4 *) CONST mmShow = 8042CC84H; (* V4 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maBackground = 8042545BH; (* V4 is. LONG *) CONST maBottomEdge = 8042E552H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maContextMenu = 8042B704H; (* V11 isg Object * *) CONST maContextMenuTrigger = 8042A2C1H; (* V11 ..g Object * *) CONST maControlChar = 8042120BH; (* V4 isg char *) CONST maCycleChain = 80421CE7H; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maDisabled = 80423661H; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maDraggable = 80420B6EH; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maDropable = 8042FBCEH; (* V11 isg BOOL *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST maExportID = 8042D76EH; (* V4 isg ULONG *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST maFillArea = 804294A3H; (* V4 is. BOOL *) CONST maFixHeight = 8042A92BH; (* V4 i.. LONG *) CONST maFixHeightTxt = 804276F2H; (* V4 i.. STRPTR *) CONST maFixWidth = 8042A3F1H; (* V4 i.. LONG *) CONST maFixWidthTxt = 8042D044H; (* V4 i.. STRPTR *) CONST maFont = 8042BE50H; (* V4 i.g struct TextFont * *) CONST maFrame = 8042AC64H; (* V4 i.. LONG *) CONST maFramePhantomHoriz = 8042ED76H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maFrameTitle = 8042D1C7H; (* V4 i.. STRPTR *) CONST maHeight = 80423237H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maHorizDisappear = 80429615H; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maHorizWeight = 80426DB9H; (* V4 isg WORD *) CONST maInnerBottom = 8042F2C0H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maInnerLeft = 804228F8H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maInnerRight = 804297FFH; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maInnerTop = 80421EB6H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maInputMode = 8042FB04H; (* V4 i.. LONG *) CONST maLeftEdge = 8042BEC6H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maMaxHeight = 804293E4H; (* V11 i.. LONG *) CONST maMaxWidth = 8042F112H; (* V11 i.. LONG *) CONST maObjectID = 8042D76EH; (* V11 isg ULONG *) CONST maPressed = 80423535H; (* V4 ..g BOOL *) CONST maRightEdge = 8042BA82H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maSelected = 8042654BH; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maShortHelp = 80428FE3H; (* V11 isg STRPTR *) CONST maShowMe = 80429BA8H; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maShowSelState = 8042CAACH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maTimer = 80426435H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maTopEdge = 8042509BH; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maVertDisappear = 8042D12FH; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maVertWeight = 804298D0H; (* V4 isg WORD *) CONST maWeight = 80421D1FH; (* V4 i.. WORD *) CONST maWidth = 8042B59CH; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maWindow = 80421591H; (* V4 ..g struct Window * *) CONST maWindowObject = 8042669EH; (* V4 ..g Object * *) CONST mvFontInherit = 0; CONST mvFontNormal = -1; CONST mvFontList = -2; CONST mvFontTiny = -3; CONST mvFontFixed = -4; CONST mvFontTitle = -5; CONST mvFontBig = -6; CONST mvFontButton = -7; CONST mvFrameNone = 0; CONST mvFrameButton = 1; CONST mvFrameImageButton = 2; CONST mvFrameText = 3; CONST mvFrameString = 4; CONST mvFrameReadList = 5; CONST mvFrameInputList = 6; CONST mvFrameProp = 7; CONST mvFrameGauge = 8; CONST mvFrameGroup = 9; CONST mvFramePopUp = 10; CONST mvFrameVirtual = 11; CONST mvFrameSlider = 12; CONST mvFrameCount = 13; CONST mvInputModeNone = 0; CONST mvInputModeRelVerify = 1; CONST mvInputModeImmediate = 2; CONST mvInputModeToggle = 3; (****************************************************************************) (** Rectangle **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcRectangle = "Rectangle.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maRectangleBarTitle = 80426689H; (* V11 i.g STRPTR *) CONST maRectangleHBar = 8042C943H; (* V7 i.g BOOL *) CONST maRectangleVBar = 80422204H; (* V7 i.g BOOL *) (****************************************************************************) (** Balance **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcBalance = "Balance.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Image **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcImage = "Image.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maImageFontMatch = 8042815DH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maImageFontMatchHeight = 80429F26H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maImageFontMatchWidth = 804239BFH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maImageFreeHoriz = 8042DA84H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maImageFreeVert = 8042EA28H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maImageOldImage = 80424F3DH; (* V4 i.. struct Image * *) CONST maImageSpec = 804233D5H; (* V4 i.. char * *) CONST maImageState = 8042A3ADH; (* V4 is. LONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Bitmap **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcBitmap = "Bitmap.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maBitmapBitmap = 804279BDH; (* V8 isg struct BitMap * *) CONST maBitmapHeight = 80421560H; (* V8 isg LONG *) CONST maBitmapMappingTable = 8042E23DH; (* V8 isg UBYTE * *) CONST maBitmapPrecision = 80420C74H; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maBitmapRemappedBitmap = 80423A47H; (* V11 ..g struct BitMap * *) CONST maBitmapSourceColors = 80425360H; (* V8 isg ULONG * *) CONST maBitmapTransparent = 80422805H; (* V8 isg LONG *) CONST maBitmapUseFriend = 804239D8H; (* V11 i.. BOOL *) CONST maBitmapWidth = 8042EB3AH; (* V8 isg LONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Bodychunk **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcBodychunk = "Bodychunk.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maBodychunkBody = 8042CA67H; (* V8 isg UBYTE * *) CONST maBodychunkCompression = 8042DE5FH; (* V8 isg UBYTE *) CONST maBodychunkDepth = 8042C392H; (* V8 isg LONG *) CONST maBodychunkMasking = 80423B0EH; (* V8 isg UBYTE *) (****************************************************************************) (** Text **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcText = "Text.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maTextContents = 8042F8DCH; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maTextHiChar = 804218FFH; (* V4 i.. char *) CONST maTextPreParse = 8042566DH; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maTextSetMax = 80424D0AH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maTextSetMin = 80424E10H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maTextSetVMax = 80420D8BH; (* V11 i.. BOOL *) (****************************************************************************) (** Gadget **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcGadget = "Gadget.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maGadgetGadget = 8042EC1AH; (* V11 ..g struct Gadget * *) (****************************************************************************) (** String **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcString = "String.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maStringAccept = 8042E3E1H; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maStringAcknowledge = 8042026CH; (* V4 ..g STRPTR *) CONST maStringAdvanceOnCR = 804226DEH; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maStringAttachedList = 80420FD2H; (* V4 i.. Object * *) CONST maStringBufferPos = 80428B6CH; (* V4 .sg LONG *) CONST maStringContents = 80428FFDH; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maStringDisplayPos = 8042CCBFH; (* V4 .sg LONG *) CONST maStringEditHook = 80424C33H; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maStringFormat = 80427484H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maStringInteger = 80426E8AH; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maStringLonelyEditHook = 80421569H; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maStringMaxLen = 80424984H; (* V4 i.g LONG *) CONST maStringReject = 8042179CH; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maStringSecret = 80428769H; (* V4 i.g BOOL *) CONST mvStringFormatLeft = 0; CONST mvStringFormatCenter = 1; CONST mvStringFormatRight = 2; (****************************************************************************) (** Boopsi **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcBoopsi = "Boopsi.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maBoopsiClass = 80426999H; (* V4 isg struct IClass * *) CONST maBoopsiClassID = 8042BFA3H; (* V4 isg char * *) CONST maBoopsiMaxHeight = 8042757FH; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maBoopsiMaxWidth = 8042BCB1H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maBoopsiMinHeight = 80422C93H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maBoopsiMinWidth = 80428FB2H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maBoopsiObject = 80420178H; (* V4 ..g Object * *) CONST maBoopsiRemember = 8042F4BDH; (* V4 i.. ULONG *) CONST maBoopsiSmart = 8042B8D7H; (* V9 i.. BOOL *) CONST maBoopsiTagDrawInfo = 8042BAE7H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maBoopsiTagScreen = 8042BC71H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maBoopsiTagWindow = 8042E11DH; (* V4 isg ULONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Prop **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcProp = "Prop.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maPropEntries = 8042FBDBH; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maPropFirst = 8042D4B2H; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maPropHoriz = 8042F4F3H; (* V4 i.g BOOL *) CONST maPropSlider = 80429C3AH; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maPropUseWinBorder = 8042DEEEH; (* V13 i.. LONG *) CONST maPropVisible = 8042FEA6H; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST mvPropUseWinBorderNone = 0; CONST mvPropUseWinBorderLeft = 1; CONST mvPropUseWinBorderRight = 2; CONST mvPropUseWinBorderBottom = 3; (****************************************************************************) (** Gauge **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcGauge = "Gauge.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maGaugeCurrent = 8042F0DDH; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maGaugeDivide = 8042D8DFH; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maGaugeHoriz = 804232DDH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maGaugeInfoText = 8042BF15H; (* V7 isg STRPTR *) CONST maGaugeMax = 8042BCDBH; (* V4 isg LONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Scale **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcScale = "Scale.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maScaleHoriz = 8042919AH; (* V4 isg BOOL *) (****************************************************************************) (** Colorfield **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcColorfield = "Colorfield.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maColorfieldBlue = 8042D3B0H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maColorfieldGreen = 80424466H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maColorfieldPen = 8042713AH; (* V4 ..g ULONG *) CONST maColorfieldRed = 804279F6H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maColorfieldRGB = 8042677AH; (* V4 isg ULONG * *) (****************************************************************************) (** List **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcList = "List.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmListClear = 8042AD89H; (* V4 *) CONST mmListCreateImage = 80429804H; (* V11 *) CONST mmListDeleteImage = 80420F58H; (* V11 *) CONST mmListExchange = 8042468CH; (* V4 *) CONST mmListGetEntry = 804280ECH; (* V4 *) CONST mmListInsert = 80426C87H; (* V4 *) CONST mmListInsertSingle = 804254D5H; (* V7 *) CONST mmListJump = 8042BAABH; (* V4 *) CONST mmListMove = 804253C2H; (* V9 *) CONST mmListNextSelected = 80425F17H; (* V6 *) CONST mmListRedraw = 80427993H; (* V4 *) CONST mmListRemove = 8042647EH; (* V4 *) CONST mmListSelect = 804252D8H; (* V4 *) CONST mmListSort = 80422275H; (* V4 *) CONST mmListTestPos = 80425F48H; (* V11 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maListActive = 8042391CH; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maListAdjustHeight = 8042850DH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maListAdjustWidth = 8042354AH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maListAutoVisible = 8042A445H; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maListCompareHook = 80425C14H; (* V4 is. struct Hook * *) CONST maListConstructHook = 8042894FH; (* V4 is. struct Hook * *) CONST maListDestructHook = 804297CEH; (* V4 is. struct Hook * *) CONST maListDisplayHook = 8042B4D5H; (* V4 is. struct Hook * *) CONST maListDragSortable = 80426099H; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maListDropMark = 8042ABA6H; (* V11 ..g LONG *) CONST maListEntries = 80421654H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maListFirst = 804238D4H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maListFormat = 80423C0AH; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maListInsertPosition = 8042D0CDH; (* V9 ..g LONG *) CONST maListMinLineHeight = 8042D1C3H; (* V4 i.. LONG *) CONST maListMultiTestHook = 8042C2C6H; (* V4 is. struct Hook * *) CONST maListPool = 80423431H; (* V13 i.. APTR *) CONST maListPoolPuddleSize = 8042A4EBH; (* V13 i.. ULONG *) CONST maListPoolThreshSize = 8042C48CH; (* V13 i.. ULONG *) CONST maListQuiet = 8042D8C7H; (* V4 .s. BOOL *) CONST maListShowDropMarks = 8042C6F3H; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maListSourceArray = 8042C0A0H; (* V4 i.. APTR *) CONST maListTitle = 80423E66H; (* V6 isg char * *) CONST maListVisible = 8042191FH; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST mvListActiveOff = -1; CONST mvListActiveTop = -2; CONST mvListActiveBottom = -3; CONST mvListActiveUp = -4; CONST mvListActiveDown = -5; CONST mvListActivePageUp = -6; CONST mvListActivePageDown = -7; CONST mvListConstructHookString = -1; CONST mvListDestructHookString = -1; (****************************************************************************) (** Floattext **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcFloattext = "Floattext.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maFloattextJustify = 8042DC03H; (* V4 isg BOOL *) CONST maFloattextSkipChars = 80425C7DH; (* V4 is. STRPTR *) CONST maFloattextTabSize = 80427D17H; (* V4 is. LONG *) CONST maFloattextText = 8042D16AH; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) (****************************************************************************) (** Volumelist **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcVolumelist = "Volumelist.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Scrmodelist **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcScrmodelist = "Scrmodelist.mui"; (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Dirlist **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcDirlist = "Dirlist.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmDirlistReRead = 80422D71H; (* V4 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maDirlistAcceptPattern = 8042760AH; (* V4 is. STRPTR *) CONST maDirlistDirectory = 8042EA41H; (* V4 isg STRPTR *) CONST maDirlistDrawersOnly = 8042B379H; (* V4 is. BOOL *) CONST maDirlistFilesOnly = 8042896AH; (* V4 is. BOOL *) CONST maDirlistFilterDrawers = 80424AD2H; (* V4 is. BOOL *) CONST maDirlistFilterHook = 8042AE19H; (* V4 is. struct Hook * *) CONST maDirlistMultiSelDirs = 80428653H; (* V6 is. BOOL *) CONST maDirlistNumBytes = 80429E26H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maDirlistNumDrawers = 80429CB8H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maDirlistNumFiles = 8042A6F0H; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST maDirlistPath = 80426176H; (* V4 ..g STRPTR *) CONST maDirlistRejectIcons = 80424808H; (* V4 is. BOOL *) CONST maDirlistRejectPattern = 804259C7H; (* V4 is. STRPTR *) CONST maDirlistSortDirs = 8042BBB9H; (* V4 is. LONG *) CONST maDirlistSortHighLow = 80421896H; (* V4 is. BOOL *) CONST maDirlistSortType = 804228BCH; (* V4 is. LONG *) CONST maDirlistStatus = 804240DEH; (* V4 ..g LONG *) CONST mvDirlistSortDirsFirst = 0; CONST mvDirlistSortDirsLast = 1; CONST mvDirlistSortDirsMix = 2; CONST mvDirlistSortTypeName = 0; CONST mvDirlistSortTypeDate = 1; CONST mvDirlistSortTypeSize = 2; CONST mvDirlistStatusInvalid = 0; CONST mvDirlistStatusReading = 1; CONST mvDirlistStatusValid = 2; (****************************************************************************) (** Numeric **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcNumeric = "Numeric.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmNumericDecrease = 804243A7H; (* V11 *) CONST mmNumericIncrease = 80426ECDH; (* V11 *) CONST mmNumericScaleToValue = 8042032CH; (* V11 *) CONST mmNumericSetDefault = 8042AB0AH; (* V11 *) CONST mmNumericStringify = 80424891H; (* V11 *) CONST mmNumericValueToScale = 80423E4FH; (* V11 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maNumericDefault = 804263E8H; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maNumericFormat = 804263E9H; (* V11 isg STRPTR *) CONST maNumericMax = 8042D78AH; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maNumericMin = 8042E404H; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maNumericReverse = 8042F2A0H; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maNumericRevLeftRight = 804294A7H; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maNumericRevUpDown = 804252DDH; (* V11 isg BOOL *) CONST maNumericValue = 8042AE3AH; (* V11 isg LONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Framedisplay **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcFramedisplay = "Framedisplay.mui"; (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Popframe **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPopframe = "Popframe.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Imagedisplay **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcImagedisplay = "Imagedisplay.mui"; (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Popimage **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPopimage = "Popimage.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Pendisplay **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPendisplay = "Pendisplay.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmPendisplaySetColormap = 80426C80H; (* V13 *) CONST mmPendisplaySetMUIPen = 8042039DH; (* V13 *) CONST mmPendisplaySetRGB = 8042C131H; (* V13 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maPendisplayPen = 8042A748H; (* V13 ..g Object * *) CONST maPendisplayReference = 8042DC24H; (* V13 isg Object * *) CONST maPendisplayRGBcolor = 8042A1A9H; (* V11 isg struct MUI_RBBcolor * *) CONST maPendisplaySpec = 8042A204H; (* V11 isg struct MUI_PenSpec * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Poppen **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPoppen = "Poppen.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Knob **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcKnob = "Knob.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Levelmeter **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcLevelmeter = "Levelmeter.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maLevelmeterLabel = 80420DD5H; (* V11 isg STRPTR *) (****************************************************************************) (** Numericbutton **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcNumericbutton = "Numericbutton.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Slider **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcSlider = "Slider.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maSliderHoriz = 8042FAD1H; (* V11 isg BOOL *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST maSliderLevel = 8042AE3AH; (* V4 isg LONG *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST maSliderMax = 8042D78AH; (* V4 isg LONG *) (*$ ENDIF *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST maSliderMin = 8042E404H; (* V4 isg LONG *) (*$ ENDIF *) CONST maSliderQuiet = 80420B26H; (* V6 i.. BOOL *) (*$ IF MUIOBSOLETE *) CONST maSliderReverse = 8042F2A0H; (* V4 isg BOOL *) (*$ ENDIF *) (****************************************************************************) (** Group **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcGroup = "Group.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmGroupExitChange = 8042D1CCH; (* V11 *) CONST mmGroupInitChange = 80420887H; (* V11 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maGroupActivePage = 80424199H; (* V5 isg LONG *) CONST maGroupChild = 804226E6H; (* V4 i.. Object * *) CONST maGroupChildList = 80424748H; (* V4 ..g struct List * *) CONST maGroupColumns = 8042F416H; (* V4 is. LONG *) CONST maGroupHoriz = 8042536BH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maGroupHorizSpacing = 8042C651H; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maGroupLayoutHook = 8042C3B2H; (* V11 i.. struct Hook * *) CONST maGroupPageMode = 80421A5FH; (* V5 i.. BOOL *) CONST maGroupRows = 8042B68FH; (* V4 is. LONG *) CONST maGroupSameHeight = 8042037EH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maGroupSameSize = 80420860H; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maGroupSameWidth = 8042B3ECH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maGroupSpacing = 8042866DH; (* V4 is. LONG *) CONST maGroupVertSpacing = 8042E1BFH; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST mvGroupActivePageFirst = 0; CONST mvGroupActivePageLast = -1; CONST mvGroupActivePagePrev = -2; CONST mvGroupActivePageNext = -3; CONST mvGroupActivePageAdvance = -4; (****************************************************************************) (** Mccprefs **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcMccprefs = "Mccprefs.mui"; (****************************************************************************) (** Register **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcRegister = "Register.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maRegisterFrame = 8042349BH; (* V7 i.g BOOL *) CONST maRegisterTitles = 804297ECH; (* V7 i.g STRPTR * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Settingsgroup **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcSettingsgroup = "Settingsgroup.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Settings **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcSettings = "Settings.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Frameadjust **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcFrameadjust = "Frameadjust.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Penadjust **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPenadjust = "Penadjust.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maPenadjustPSIMode = 80421CBBH; (* V11 i.. BOOL *) (****************************************************************************) (** Imageadjust **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcImageadjust = "Imageadjust.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Virtgroup **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcVirtgroup = "Virtgroup.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maVirtgroupHeight = 80423038H; (* V6 ..g LONG *) CONST maVirtgroupInput = 80427F7EH; (* V11 i.. BOOL *) CONST maVirtgroupLeft = 80429371H; (* V6 isg LONG *) CONST maVirtgroupTop = 80425200H; (* V6 isg LONG *) CONST maVirtgroupWidth = 80427C49H; (* V6 ..g LONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Scrollgroup **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcScrollgroup = "Scrollgroup.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maScrollgroupContents = 80421261H; (* V4 i.. Object * *) CONST maScrollgroupFreeHoriz = 804292F3H; (* V9 i.. BOOL *) CONST maScrollgroupFreeVert = 804224F2H; (* V9 i.. BOOL *) CONST maScrollgroupUseWinBorder = 804284C1H; (* V13 i.. BOOL *) (****************************************************************************) (** Scrollbar **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcScrollbar = "Scrollbar.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maScrollbarType = 8042FB6BH; (* V11 i.. LONG *) CONST mvScrollbarTypeDefault = 0; CONST mvScrollbarTypeBottom = 1; CONST mvScrollbarTypeTop = 2; CONST mvScrollbarTypeSym = 3; (****************************************************************************) (** Listview **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcListview = "Listview.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maListviewClickColumn = 8042D1B3H; (* V7 ..g LONG *) CONST maListviewDefClickColumn = 8042B296H; (* V7 isg LONG *) CONST maListviewDoubleClick = 80424635H; (* V4 i.g BOOL *) CONST maListviewDragType = 80425CD3H; (* V11 isg LONG *) CONST maListviewInput = 8042682DH; (* V4 i.. BOOL *) CONST maListviewList = 8042BCCEH; (* V4 i.g Object * *) CONST maListviewMultiSelect = 80427E08H; (* V7 i.. LONG *) CONST maListviewScrollerPos = 8042B1B4H; (* V10 i.. BOOL *) CONST maListviewSelectChange = 8042178FH; (* V4 ..g BOOL *) CONST mvListviewDragTypeNone = 0; CONST mvListviewDragTypeImmediate = 1; CONST mvListviewMultiSelectNone = 0; CONST mvListviewMultiSelectDefault = 1; CONST mvListviewMultiSelectShifted = 2; CONST mvListviewMultiSelectAlways = 3; CONST mvListviewScrollerPosDefault = 0; CONST mvListviewScrollerPosLeft = 1; CONST mvListviewScrollerPosRight = 2; CONST mvListviewScrollerPosNone = 3; (****************************************************************************) (** Radio **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcRadio = "Radio.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maRadioActive = 80429B41H; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maRadioEntries = 8042B6A1H; (* V4 i.. STRPTR * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Cycle **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcCycle = "Cycle.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maCycleActive = 80421788H; (* V4 isg LONG *) CONST maCycleEntries = 80420629H; (* V4 i.. STRPTR * *) CONST mvCycleActiveNext = -1; CONST mvCycleActivePrev = -2; (****************************************************************************) (** Coloradjust **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcColoradjust = "Coloradjust.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) CONST maColoradjustBlue = 8042B8A3H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maColoradjustGreen = 804285ABH; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maColoradjustModeID = 8042EC59H; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maColoradjustRed = 80420EAAH; (* V4 isg ULONG *) CONST maColoradjustRGB = 8042F899H; (* V4 isg ULONG * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Palette **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPalette = "Palette.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maPaletteEntries = 8042A3D8H; (* V6 i.g struct MUI_Palette_Entry * *) CONST maPaletteGroupable = 80423E67H; (* V6 isg BOOL *) CONST maPaletteNames = 8042C3A2H; (* V6 isg char ** *) (****************************************************************************) (** Popstring **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPopstring = "Popstring.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmPopstringClose = 8042DC52H; (* V7 *) CONST mmPopstringOpen = 804258BAH; (* V7 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maPopstringButton = 8042D0B9H; (* V7 i.g Object * *) CONST maPopstringCloseHook = 804256BFH; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maPopstringOpenHook = 80429D00H; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maPopstringString = 804239EAH; (* V7 i.g Object * *) CONST maPopstringToggle = 80422B7AH; (* V7 isg BOOL *) (****************************************************************************) (** Popobject **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPopobject = "Popobject.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maPopobjectFollow = 80424CB5H; (* V7 isg BOOL *) CONST maPopobjectLight = 8042A5A3H; (* V7 isg BOOL *) CONST maPopobjectObject = 804293E3H; (* V7 i.g Object * *) CONST maPopobjectObjStrHook = 8042DB44H; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maPopobjectStrObjHook = 8042FBE1H; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maPopobjectVolatile = 804252ECH; (* V7 isg BOOL *) CONST maPopobjectWindowHook = 8042F194H; (* V9 isg struct Hook * *) (****************************************************************************) (** Poplist **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPoplist = "Poplist.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maPoplistArray = 8042084CH; (* V8 i.. char ** *) (****************************************************************************) (** Popscreen **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPopscreen = "Popscreen.mui"; (* Attributes *) (****************************************************************************) (** Popasl **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcPopasl = "Popasl.mui"; (* Attributes *) CONST maPopaslActive = 80421B37H; (* V7 ..g BOOL *) CONST maPopaslStartHook = 8042B703H; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maPopaslStopHook = 8042D8D2H; (* V7 isg struct Hook * *) CONST maPopaslType = 8042DF3DH; (* V7 i.g ULONG *) (****************************************************************************) (** Semaphore **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcSemaphore = "Semaphore.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmSemaphoreAttempt = 80426CE2H; (* V11 *) CONST mmSemaphoreAttemptShared = 80422551H; (* V11 *) CONST mmSemaphoreObtain = 804276F0H; (* V11 *) CONST mmSemaphoreObtainShared = 8042EA02H; (* V11 *) CONST mmSemaphoreRelease = 80421F2DH; (* V11 *) (****************************************************************************) (** Applist **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcApplist = "Applist.mui"; (* Methods *) (****************************************************************************) (** Dataspace **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcDataspace = "Dataspace.mui"; (* Methods *) CONST mmDataspaceAdd = 80423366H; (* V11 *) CONST mmDataspaceClear = 8042B6C9H; (* V11 *) CONST mmDataspaceMerge = 80423E2BH; (* V11 *) CONST mmDataspaceReadIFF = 80420DFBH; (* V11 *) CONST mmDataspaceRemove = 8042DCE1H; (* V11 *) CONST mmDataspaceWriteIFF = 80425E8EH; (* V11 *) (* Attributes *) CONST maDataspacePool = 80424CF9H; (* V11 i.. APTR *) (****************************************************************************) (** Configdata **) (****************************************************************************) CONST mcConfigdata = "Configdata.mui"; (* Methods *) (* Attributes *) (*****************************************) (* End of automatic header file creation *) (*****************************************) (****************************************************************************) (** Boopsi-Support **) (****************************************************************************) (* this is send to the boopsi and must be used as return value *) CONST mmBoopsiQuery = 80427157H; (****************************************************************************) (** The additional Procedures for window-class **) (****************************************************************************) PROCEDURE mvWindowTopEdgeDelta(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowWidthMinMax(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowWidthVisible(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowWidthScreen(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowHeightMinMax(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowHeightVisible(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowHeightScreen(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowAltTopEdgeDelta(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowAltWidthMinMax(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowAltWidthVisible(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowAltWidthScreen(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowAltHeightMinMax(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowAltHeightVisible(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE mvWindowAltHeightScreen(p:LONGINT): LONGINT; END MuiD.