============================== COLOMBIA ============================== Columbia is situated in the northwest of South America. The Andes run north along its western, Pacific coast and gradually disappear towards the Caribbean Sea. Half of Colombia lies east of the Andes, and much of this region is covered in tropical grassland. Towards the Amazon Basin the vegetation changes to tropical forest. Very little of the country is under cultivation although much of the soil is fertile. The range of climates results in an extraordinary variety of crops, of which coffee is the most important. Colombia is rich in minerals and produces about half of the world's emeralds. Although seasons as such do not exist, there can be afternoon rains in October and November and rain at any time from April to June. The dry season is usually December to March. Area (Sq. Km.): 1,138,908 Population: 31,863,000 Capital: Bogota Language: Spanish Religion: Roman Catholic 95% Government Type: Republic Currency: Peso Embassy: Flat 3A, 3 Hans Crescent, London, SW1X 0LR 0171-589-9177 «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» Foreign Office Advice: Sporadic violence continues and in the rural areas there is particular risk of being caught up in terrorist attacks and kidnapping. Visitors should take advice from the Embassy, Tel: 2185111 and local authorities if planning to travel away from recognised tourist centres. Road travel only on major routes and by day. Be alert for con-men posing as plain clothes police asking to see wallets and handbags. For more information ring: Foreign Office Travel Unit 0171-270-4129