Using your gear should be second nature, but here are a few tips for beginners using this tutorials. Many of the points made apply to still and video. 1. Keep fingers from viewfinders and flashguns. 2. When taking the picture, have a quick look round the edge of the viewfinder to make sure there are no bad intrusions - the lamppost out of the top of the head ! When ready to shoot, squeeze the shutter release, don't jab at it ! 3. Don't take pictures with the sun included except early morning and evening, when it is less bright. 4. Think if it is worth switching on the flash in bright sun. This is a favorite professional trick to reduce contrast and produce more flattering results. 5. Watch for wind blown sand and salt/water spray. They will ruin your gear. 6. Make sure you have plenty of film and change it in the shade if at all possible. 7. Watch for thieves. Never leave your gear unattended. 8. If using longer lenses, try and find something to lean on to help prevent shake. Take time to make sure of your focusing. Blur spoils more pictures than anything else.