Lets have a look at a holiday by car, this country or abroad. The luggage space will be better than air or coach travel, but may still be restricted by family and the size of the car. However, the chances are that a fair amount of gear can be taken, but there is still a need to ask - is there any chance that I will need it ? Of course, if you have a caravan, within the loading restrictions, things can ease even more - but be wary of security. I tend to leave my gear locked in the car boot as being out of sight and in the most secure place. Don't attempt to carry a huge camera bag on an evening stroll along the sea front - not if you value your marriage ! So, I take a medium size tripod laying tight to one side of the boot. Big tripods are - big - and small ones are of little use, they blow about in a wind. I also take a monopod, which is a one legged tripod. In fact, I take this almost everywhere that I take a camera except by air. It provides support directly to the ground and is easily carried - a good strong one can also be a defensive weapon. My monopod cost less than £20 and is a substantial Manfroto design. The ball and socket head was a further £15 - but the regular use of a monopod, which can also double as a walking stick, will give generally sharper pictures. If a video is taken, then the charging lead and battery flattener are also included in a separate polythene bag. Camera gear depends on the holiday, or day out. If it is to a likely photo spot - lets say the open air museum at BEAMISH, then I might try and take, and carry, a lot. People laugh, but you are likely to get the results. Everything is in a stout, medium sized soft bag - mine is from JESSOPS - their make - you don't need the big names. It was 1/3 the cost of the equivalent big name and does the same job. But, if the weather is good, I rarely carry it with me, preferring to hang gear from shoulders and put film in pockets. I have a small shoulder bag - not meant to be photographic - for family walks, days out etc. It carries all I need and doesn't say 'camera' to a thief. EXHIBITIONS... these can be a bit different. Lets take the motor show. I go in the car, so have lots of room - but you have to remember the conditions in the hall. Crushed and cramped. I've also found that the type of picture that can be taken is limited by crowds and lighting. So many people over-estimate the ability of the tiny flash in most compacts and some SLR's. I use faster film and try for shots without flash, or to assist the flash. There are plenty of hand rails to rest cameras on. So, this time the camera bag gets used but, the first job at home is to empty it. Then I decide on cameras - say video and an SLR with short zoom. They go in at each end. Video batteries, fully charged and a spare tape - but I've never needed one. Flash gun with spare batteries for it, and the camera. Some diffusers for the flash and plenty of film. Film leader retriever and a changing bag, the latter in the car boot. The rest of the space is for light waterproof, sandwiches etc, but NOT drinks. Never put drinks in with your cameras !!!