THE SS AND THE WAFFEN SS `Loyalty is my honour` The double lightning flash runes of the Schutzstaffel or as it is more popularly known, the SS struck fear and resepect throughout Europe, both in the occuiped terratories and on the battle front. At its height the SS was a vast military and commercial empire ruled by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. The SS was originally the special elite protection squad of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) and when it was founded in the early 1920 and was originally subservient to the much large SA or Brownshirts. In 1934, however after the `Night of Long Knives` when the rebellious SA leaders who had been leaning towards the left, were eradicated - by the more loyal SS, the SS were given their independence and were soon to eclipse their former comrades, the SA. In 1933, the bodyguard section of the SS, the Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler became full time troops and the foundations of the Waffen or armed SS was born. By the outbreak of the war, the Liebstandarte SS had achieved regimental strength and distinguished itself in the fighting in Poland and France, eventually it was to become 1st SS Panzer Division and under its General, Sepp Dietrich was to take part in just about every major battle in the war. The Waffen SS expansion during the course of the war was very rapid and the 1st SS was soon joined by a number of other elite armoured formations, the most outstanding of which were SS Viking,SS Das Reich and SS Hitler Jugend.However, many of the later divisons such as SS Handschar were divisions in name only and were but pale shadows of the original big SS divisions. In the end , the SS had well over a million men under arms. The General SS, as opposed to the Waffen SS was a part time NSDAP organisation and functioned still as part of the Nazi Party. Its members were drawn from all walks of life and it was from these that the Totenkopf Guards (not to be confused with the Totenkopf Panzer Division) which guarded the concentration camps were drawn. Many people in different social circles in National Socialist circles held honorary SS rank both as a mark of support for the regime and as an aide to climbing up the rapidly expanding SS social ladder. The SS was also a big industrial employer running through labour camps and projects. One of the main features of the Waffen SS was the large number of foreign nationals in its ranks.By the end of the war, the SS had Dutch,French,Spanish,Italian,British,Norwegian,Russian, Baltic,Ukranian,Croatian,Slovenia elements in it. In the Battle for Berlin (April 1945), the French SS of the Regiment Charlemagne particularly distinguished themselves, the unit of 1500 Frenchmen fighting to the last against the Bolsheviks. Though the SS will always remain the centre of a controversial storm and was indeed branded a `criminal organisation` by the occupying powers after the war, Allied troops who fought against its soldiers all testify to the courage and tenacity of the ordinary SS soldier.In later years, they were scattered to the four corners of the earth. Many never returned from Russian captivity, other with names changed fought on in the French Foreign legion and other elite organisations.