ORIGINS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR: A brief summary The origins of the Second World War were rooted deeply in the results and greviances real or imagined of the victors and vanquished of the First World war. They may be summarised as follows:- A) Germany`s treatment through the Versailles Treaty of 1919 left her with manifold grievances which made the rise of Hitler`s National-socialism much easier. B) German expansionism towards the East based on the Nazi principle of "Lebensraum nach osten" - living space in the east, together with Stalin`s own aggressive Russian communist policy. C) The suspicion of France towards Germany which made any kind of lasting raproachment very difficult. D) The vacilliation of the French and British over Czechoslovakia the Rhineland and Austria which made Hitler feel that no real threat of war would be brought about by his settling accounts with Poland. E) A system of interlocking alliances reminiscent of the First World War which drew in numerous nations. F) The break up of the Austro-Hungarian empire which led to resurgent nationalist forces throughout Eastern Europe. G) The expansionist policy of Italy and the spread of conflict by Mussolini`s attempts to build an Italian African empire. H) Confusing Foreign Policy by the British which clouded the real issues of peace and war. The reasons for the Second World war were both many and complex and students are recommended especially to read A.J.P Taylor's - ORIGINS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR.