1939: A SUMMARY OF THE YEAR Sept 1st: 48 German divisions including six armoured invade Poland. Plan Case White heralds start of Second World war. Sept 3rd: Britain and France decalre war on Germany as Germans smash through Polish armies and Warsaw is heavily bombed. Sept 4th: RAF attack German navy in Kiel. Sept 5th: Germans break though to Vistual River and Polish Government abandons Warsaw for Lublin. Sept 8th:The Battle of Bzura and assault on Warsaw. Sept 17th:Russians invade Poland from the East. Sept 27th:Warsaw surrenders. Oct 5th: German victory parade in Warsaw. Oct 14th: German U-boat sinks HMS Royal Oak at Scapa Flow. Nov 30th: Soviets renounce non-agression pact and invade Finland. Finns although badly outnumbered stage a brilliant defence. By end of December, the Soviets have lost 27,500 dead as opposed to only 2,700 on the Finnish side. Dec 17th: German battleship Graf Spee is scuttled by her capitain in the River Plate estuary,South America.