Introduction to the History Timetable Programmed using Hyperbook by Eddy Morrison This disk is part of our history book series, the first of which was the World War 2 hyperbook - which has been a great seller and is carried as a standard work by most UK leading PD libraries.It has also made Amiga Shopper's best 100 PD programs in the educational program. The History Timetable is designed to give an interavtive overview of world history - quite a task! We have kept things basic but informative so that the general student of history can see the general trends - political, military, social, science and technology, religion and the arts. With the very earliest dates in history, we have given the closest approximation possible. Where a (.c) appears after a date, these means that date is VERY uncertain at the moment. Each page has an index covering these major developments - items marked in WHITE are backed up by a short text article - simply click on this to read the article - then click on the close gadget in the text reader to return to the main book. All other events are in black with a prefix in front defining the character of that event:- These are as follows:- (M) Military (P) Political (S) Scientific (R) Religious/Philosophy (A) Arts (D) Social/daily Life (H) Historical We have finished the book at 1960, mainly for reasons of space (and fatugue!) At some future date we shall update it into the 1990's.The book covers every MAJOR event from 5000BC to 1960AD and the start of the space race which we thought was a suitable time to break off. We have missed out many events but have tried to give the widest possible scope covering everything important from wars to sport. Where there is an entry such as Segal:"Love Story", this refers to an important book,painting or piece of music. Our aim is to give you a wide picture of world history BUT stimulate you into finding out say who Segal was, what was "Love Story" about etc using more detailed sources. Writing World History Timetable has been a real labour of love,but if we can get just one person interested in history then it's been worth it. Just two thoughts to finish on: "The future is written in the past" and "History is bunk" - Henry Ford - what he really meant was that history AS TAUGHT was bunk and we must all look deeper for historical cause & effect - perhaps this disk-based book will prompt YOU to look deeper.... ....who knows???? Asgard Software December 1994