Ikhnaton - The heretic Pharoah (1385-1358) Ikhnaton or Akhnaton - originally named Amenhotep IV, was the first king of Egypt to reject the worship of Amen-Ra, the supreme god of ancient Egypt and set up a new religion along with his queen, Nefertiti. He abolished the whole cult of the many gods of Egypt and established a new montheistic religion based on worship ofthe Aten (the solar disc). He established a new capital at Tel-el-Amarna and during his reign the frontiers of Egypt were assailed by many invaders. the Pharoah however, wrapped up in his new relgion seems to have let this happen, although much research into this obscure period is still being done. His son was the boy king, Tutankamen, under whose short rule, Amen-Ra was restored to prominence and all traces of Akhnaton were removed.