6 Where to get more information

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Additional documentation is available in the XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5), XF86_SVGA(1), XF86_Mono(1), XF86_VGA16(1) and XF86_Accel(1) manual pages. In addition, several README files and tutorial documents are provided. These are available in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc in the binary distributions, and in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc in the source distribution.

The files README.Config and VideoModes.doc should be consulted for information on how to set up the XFree86 servers. All supplied documents and manual pages should be read before contacting the XFree86 team for assistance.

Documentation on SVGA driver development can be found in the directory /usr/X11R6/lib/Server/VGADriverDoc in the binary distribution, and in the directory xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/VGADriverDoc in the source distribution.

If you are totally at a loss, you can contact the XFree86 Support Team at <XFree86@XFree86.Org>.

There is a Usenet news group comp.windows.x.i386unix that contains mostly discussions about XFree86 and related topics. Many questions can be answered there. The answers to common questions are found in the corresponding FAQ.

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