'MessageBox 'by Jonathan Zuck 'User Friendly, Inc. 'This macro assists the WinWord BASIC programmer in the 'construction of the "MsgBox" syntax. After simple selections 'are made from a dialog box, the "MsgBox" statement is 'constructed, along with a "select Case" construct to handle 'the return codes from the function. 'To use this macro, select "Edit" from the Macro menu, 'type "MessageBox" as the name of the macro, make sure that '"global is selected and click OK. Then copy and paste the text 'below beginning with "Begin Dialog...." into the macro and save. 'You may then wish to associate the macro with a button for easier 'use. Hope this is as usefull to you as it is to me! -=- JZ Sub MAIN Begin Dialog UserDialog 400, 250 Text 120, 8, 250, 10, "Message Box Definition" OKButton 120, 220, 64, 18 CancelButton 220, 220, 64, 18 GroupBox 30, 25, 150, 110, "Buttons" OptionGroup .Buttons OptionButton 35, 35, 70, 18, "Ok" OptionButton 35, 50, 150, 18, "Ok/Cancel" OptionButton 35, 65, 150, 18, "Abort/Retry/Ignore" OptionButton 35, 80, 150, 18, "Yes/No/Cancel" OptionButton 35, 95, 150, 18, "Yes/No" OptionButton 35, 110, 150, 18, "Retry/Cancel" GroupBox 210, 25, 150, 95, "Icon" OptionGroup .Icon OptionButton 225, 35, 70, 18, "None" OptionButton 225, 50, 150, 18, "Hand" OptionButton 225, 65, 150, 18, "Question" OptionButton 225, 80, 150, 18, "Exclamation" OptionButton 225, 95, 150, 18, "Asterisk" Text 30, 140, 150, 10, "&Title" TextBox 30, 155, 340, 15, .Title Text 30, 175, 150, 10, "&Message" TextBox 30, 190, 340, 15, .Msg End Dialog Dim MType As Dialog UserDialog Dialog MType Quote$ = Chr$(34) CR$ = Chr$(13) Insert "MTitle$ = " + Quote$ + MType.Title + Quote$ + CR$ Insert "MMsg$ = " + Quote$ + MType.Msg + Quote$ + CR$ Insert "MType = " + Str$(MType.Buttons +(MType.Icon * 16)) + CR$ Insert "Button = MsgBox (MMsg$, MTitle$, MType) " + CR$ If MType.Buttons > 0 Then Tab$ = Chr$(9) Insert "Select Case Button" + CR$ Select Case MType.Buttons Case 1 Insert Tab$ + "Case -1 'pressed OK" + CR$ + CR$ Insert Tab$ + "Case 0 'pressed Cancel" + CR$ Case 2 Insert Tab$ + "Case -1 'pressed Abort" + CR$ + CR$ Insert Tab$ + "Case 0 'pressed Retry" + CR$ + CR$ Insert Tab$ + "Case 1 'pressed Ignore" + CR$ Case 3, 4 Insert Tab$ + "Case -1 'pressed Yes" + CR$ + CR$ Insert Tab$ + "Case 0 'pressed No" + CR$ If MType.Buttons = 3 Then Insert CR$ Insert Tab$ + "Case 1 'pressed Cancel" + CR$ End If Case 5 Insert Tab$ + "Case -1 'pressed Retry" + CR$ + CR$ Insert Tab$ + "Case 0 'pressed Cancel" + CR$ End Select Insert "end select" + CR$ End If End Sub