This is a Diver's log book written for the Windows 3.0 environment. You need Windows 3.X to run it, plus either the run-time or full version of Toolbook. The program will NOT run under Windows 2.xx or lower. I have provided 10 pages to get you started. How big this log book grows depends on you, your dive schedual, and your hard disk. This is a fairly simple program to run. Most everything is self explanatory, with all function located on the "Page" menu. The uses are self explanitory. Both the beginner and expert Windows user will feel right at home. This is a shareware program. I wrote this originally (1.0) as an exercise to get familiar with Toolbook. Up until 10/21, I had never, ever written a program, unless you want to count batch files. I still have much to learn, but I have learned how to do many things since cracking this package open, and Diver's Log Book is the result of my first steps as a "programmer." This version you have is version 2.1, with added enhancements, more uniform program elements, and more pride from its creator. But the biggest new feature comes when you click on the little shark on the title page! Try it, you'll like it. (Note: Make sure you have no other books open that use the sound driver. MS has a problem with multiple programs wanting system resources at the same time. Also, the program will prompt you to save changes, even if you have entered no new information. Unless you have entered new data, answer "NO" to this prompt.). Also, if you only have the runtime version of Toolbook, and you register, send me a disk, and I will send back to you a registered version of this program without the beggar's box. If you have the full authoring version, I will provide you with the Author level password so you can modify the book on your own. I will not be able to support the program in the traditional sense. However, I will try, but I may know less about how the thing works than some out there who download my creation. I will continue to learn, and continue to improve the package as I move along. I would hope that anyone who downloads this program will drop me a line on CIS or America On-Line to tell me if they liked the program or not, what they think I could add to make it a better log book, give me tips for programming in Toolbook, etc. If you need help, and I can give it, or you wish to send me comments, critiques, or suggestions on how to improve the program, send them to: Dane Basch 2811 SW Archer Rd. Apt K-99 Gainesville, FL 32608 CIS # 72027,3036 AOL # DaneBasch I have tested this program with a printer, running under run-time and full versions of Toolbook, and on a couple of different systems. Still, I make no promises that it will work on your system, though I have received no messages complaining about problems as of May 1, 1991 which is about 7 months since the first version went out on CIS. While you are enjoying this program, you may wonder what else I have cooked up over the months. Well, here are some examples: Software Log Book, Version 1.4 My most popular and successful program. For a mere $5, you get the ability to place all important software information, such as company phone numbers, serial numbers, version numbers, titles, etc, into one convenient place: your computer, where it ought to be. No more diving into a stack of manuals and disks to find this information. As long as your computer boots, you have instant, total access to vital software info, be it for updates, tech support, or just to get organized. You need this. Professional Address Book, Version 1.1 A utility that can be used either as an address book for everyday use, or as a simple contact note manager for the busy Windows professional user. Includes word searching and entry sorting. A good basic program for the power Windows user. VCR Catalog, Version 1.1 A utility that operates very similar to this utility, except it is aimed at the video area instead. Has the same look and feel of Music Catalog, so it makes a good companion program. Music Catalog, Version 1.1 A utility that operates very similar to VCR Catalog and to the Home Inventory Catalog. Has the same look and feel of the VCR Catalog and the Home Inventory Catalog, so no new learning is needed. Home Inventory Catalog, Version 1.1 A utility similar to the Music Catalog and VCR Catalog, except this program keeps track of valuables at home, so that insurance claims and other such business can be done easier. Something that many people overlook. Now, disk and hard copy can be produced effortlessly, and updated easily. Cook Book, Version 1.1 Tired of all those 3 X 5 card scattered all over your kitchen? Try organizing your favorite dishes here. Comes with plenty of room to write down instructions, ingredients, etc. With a printer, you could even print out a page, take it to the market with you, and do your shopping with confidence, knowing you did not forget anything. Comic Book Catalog, Version 1.1 Can't keep track of your comics anymore? Can't seem to remember what is what, and how much something is worth, or what you paid for it? Search no further. Now do all this on your computer, with the ease of Windows and Toolbook. Coin Collection Catalog, Version 1.1 A way to keep track of you coin and currency collection. Will allow you to keep a record of your collection, its value, your investment in it, and the condition of various pieces of your collection. All these are availiable on Compuserve in the New Windows Forum. Use the Keyword "Headfirst" to find them. These are also availiable on America On-line, also in the Windows area, also using the Keyword "Headfirst." Look for them, and enjoy. WETTER IS BETTER! Dane Basch, NAUI Diver