1Soft Corp. Technical Support for Active Life: 800/326-4391 -or- 707/987-0256 Mon-Fri 6:00am - 6:00pm (PACIFIC) Sat-Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm (PACIFIC) Product Description: Active Life 1.5 is a powerful system for planning, managing, and tracking one's active business and personal life. Flexible schedules manage work-flow effectively. All types of recurring items need be entered just once. Features pop-up calendars, alarms, timer, week-at-a-glance, printed schedules, and more. There are versions of Active Life 1.5 for DOS, Windows, and OS/2 Presentation Manager. The DOS and Windows editions also include an indexed text/graphics notebook manager with auto-dialer. Shareware by 1Soft Corporation. List $149. Active Life can plan time for everything you want to do! Active Life is very popular. Since first appearing on CompuServe in October 1989, Active Life has consistently been downloaded more often than any other business application. With more than 600,000 members, CompuServe is the world's largest BBS. System requirements: Active Life for DOS........ DOS 3.0+ Active Life for Windows.... Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 2.x Active Life for OS/2 PM.... OS/2 1.2+ Getting Started with Active Life -------------------------------- Starting Active Life for Windows: Starting Active Life for OS/2 PM: Active Life for Windows and Active Life for OS/2 PM are ready to run once you've unzipped the files. Run AL.exe. Starting Active Life for DOS: Active Life for DOS requires first running the 1Soft setup program. Run SETUP.exe. You will be asked to select which type of display and mouse (if any) that you are using. Choose among the following display adapters: 1. Monographics (Hercules compatible monochrome graphics) 2. CGA* (most laptop's and PS/2 models 25, 30) 3. EGA 4. VGA (PS/2 models 50+) (* On a CGA, Active Life requires the high resolution mode (640x200). This mode supports only 2 colors (eg. black and white). To run Active Life in full color, you need a VGA or EGA display.) To change your settings, simply run SETUP again at any time. Choosing the correct display and mouse (or no mouse) is critical. If Active Life is started with inaccurate settings it will not run. To make corrections, simply run SETUP again. When settings are correct and Active Life for DOS still does not run, it may be due to a conflict with a resident program (.exe) or driver (.sys). To pinpoint the problem, we suggest you temporarily modify your CONFIG.sys and AUTOEXEC.bat files so no resident programs and drivers are included. Re-boot your machine and try AL.bat. If AL runs OK with a clean system, add each TSR or driver back, one at a time, rebooting between each change. Call 1Soft technical support if you need any assistance. 800/326-4391 or 707/987-0256. On-line Tutorial, Help, and Reference Guides: The first time you start AL, press Enter to clear the opening welcome message. After the main window appears, choose HELP from the menu bar by pressing ALT+H (hold down the ALT key and press H). A pull-down menu will appear. Then press Enter to open the first guide: Interface Basics; or choose another guide from the list. The on-line guides are available only in the Windows and DOS editions. These guides contain complete information on Active Life. In the OS/2 PM edition, the same information appears in a text file named AL.doc. ----------------