This document contains important information that is specific the WinFiles.com Windows 95/98 Shareware Collection. You should also visit our overall Windows Shareware Collection READ ME for information that applies to our entire collection. Almost all of the questions that visitors experience in our collection regarding Windows 95/98 software can be answered here.
- Windows 95 Compatibility with Windows 98
- Since Windows 98 is not yet released software, there are no guarantees that any software in this collection that is designated as compatible with the current Beta version of Windows 98 will work with the final product. While many Windows 95 applications will run without problem on Windows 98, and many Windows 98 applications will run on Windows 95, there are certain applications that will run on only one or the other (especially applications that deal with file access functions and special registry calls). The platform field of each application's listing will display which platform(s) the software will function on.
- Themes, Icons, Etc.
- All desktop themes, cursors, screen savers, icons, etc. are located in the Windows 95/98 portion of our Shareware Collection. The large majority of these are also compatible with Windows NT, but are not listed in the Windows NT section.
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