About the WinFiles.com Ratings

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What do the Get It! and Try It... Buttons Mean?
These are the methods we use to tell you about software that we think you'll like. Rather than use a numeric rating scale (which provides more disagreement than value), we give any program a Try It... if stands out from the others in its category with at least a couple of must have features. We pick a Try It rather quickly; when we run it for the first time, if we yell "Cool!" then it's a Try It.

A Get It! is a well-known distinction at WinFiles.com. Previously, the Getit was our only distinction, but we added the Try It in an effort to urge software developers to provide software that is easier to install. Not being able to figure out how to install a program is the number one complaint among our visitors. Therefore, a Getit has the exact same criteria as a Try It, but it must also have at least Install Support. You usually won't be disappointed with one of these!

How Does My Program Get One?
If you're a developer and would like more information on our criteria for these ratings, please visit our Developer's FAQ.

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