Mail Notification Tools - Disc 3
Agent-e - Version 1.5.3 |
Allows you to check email without having to start your email application. Agent-e minimizes to your task tray and tells you not only when you have new mail, but allows you to customize who you want to see mail from, how often to check, and it even supports multiple email accounts! |
All-Mail - Version 1.0b1 |
An application that resides in the system tray and checks for new e-mail in a single or multiple POP3 mail accounts. Any new e-mail is automatically *retrieved* to the user's computer by All-Mail. The user is *notified* of the arrival of the new mail and can then either view the mail from within All-Mail or launch the email client associated with their mail account. |
AutoJunoMD - Version 12.01 |
An automated e-mail retreiving and message displaying utility that works with Juno Version 2.0. It makes retrieving andviewing your e-mail easier by giving you more control over what you want to read, when you want to read it, and how often you want your mail checked. |
CheckIMAP Lite for LANs - Version 1.15 |
An IMAP compliant e-mail notification utility. The software periodically checks for new e-mail in an IMAP mailbox and will pop-up details of new e-mail as they arrive. Features audio and visual notifications, and MIME header support. |
CheckMail 32 - Version 2.0 |
A small e-mail notifier. Some of the features is several different notifications (sounds, AVIs, start e-mail program and more) that can be combined, unlimited number of mail boxes, dial up functions, easy online registration, using theconfiguration from Internet Mail, Eudora and Netscape Mail and helping the user manage multiple mailboxes in Internet Mail and Netscape Mail. |
Cie-Check Lite - Version 3.75 |
The Lite version of Cyber-Info E-Mail Notify which is an e-mail notification utility that can check multiple accounts for new mail and optionally delete spam. A pop up message with sound lets you know that mail has arrived, or you can use various visual effects such as blinking light of Num-, Caps- and Scroll-Locks, notification wallpaper and color mailboxnotification for different accounts. You can also use specified Time Mail Checking. In addition, you can launch an external mail reader or rem |
Cyber-Info E-Mail Notify - Version 3.78 |
An e-mail notification utility that can check multiple accountsfor new mail and optionally delete spam. From 3.6 version, Hotmail Accounts are supported. A pop up message with sound lets you know that mail has arrived, or you can use various visual effects such as blinking light of Num-, Caps- and Scroll-Locks, notification wallpaper and color mailboxnotification for different accounts. You can also use specified Time Mail Checking. In addition, you can launch an external mail reader or quickly |
DCS MailWatcher - Version 4.1 |
Sits in your system tray and waits for you to receive messages from Exchange Sever. Since MailWatcher uses the same transports as Outlook and Exchange, no polling is necessary for you to be notified, no additional network traffic is generated and no wasted CPU time for your inbox to be checked. You get the notification as soon as your mail arrives in your inbox. MailWatcher can also be used as a lite E-Mail client in place of Outlook. |
Email Pro - Version 1.01 |
A small program that checks your mail server and reports how many messages you have. Also launch your default email program to download new mail! Easy to use and minimizes to the system tray. |
ESP Mail Check - Version 2.0 |
Notifies you of new POP3 and Web-based email. Supported Web-based services include: Hotmail, Rocketmail, EudoraMail, MailExcite, Angelfire, MailCity, ZDNetMail, and NetAddress. Supports an unlimited number of POP3 and Web-based accounts. Dial-Up Networking support including on-line/off-line/specific-time checking. Can launch another email client and send key strokes to download new mail.Notification options include displaying a numbered icon in the system tray, animating/flashing the tray icon, |
Hotmail Pro (all files included) - Version 1.40 |
A simple program that will log in to your Hotmail account and check to see how many new messages you have, and optionally who they are from. After it is done, it will log you out of your account for you. Includes the VB4 runtimes and all other required files. |
Hotmail Pro (executable file only) - Version 1.40 |
A simple program that will log in to your Hotmail account and check to see how many new messages you have, and optionally who they are from. After it is done, it will log you out of your account for you. This installation includes only the executable file, and may not run properly without having first installed it. |
HotNoti - Version 1.51 |
A simple program that check your Hotmail account for new mail. The program just send the data Hotmail wants: name, password, type of frames etc, and get the response page with no picture downloading (FASSST), this page has the number of new e-mails in the InBox. No browser load... check Hotmail Fast... Use HotNoti! Working fine with the new minor changes in Hotmail. |
LetterBox - Version 1.1.2 |
A small but fully functional POP3 e-mail notification program that sits quietly in your System Tray and, at a preset interval, checks to see whether any e-mail has arrived for you. Fully configurable. Plays WAV files, runs your e-mail client or whatever when new e-mail is found. Can be set to check for new e-mail only when you're already on-line so that it doesn't keep dialling up when you don't want it to. |
Loveletter Mail Notification - Version 1.2 |
Check mail arrival and notify it to user with various method. The number of server and profile is unlimited. Recommand permanent connection users. |
Mail Check Pro - Version 2.2 |
A small tray program which is a POP3 mail account checker which can check multiple accounts for emails, and launch email clients or play sounds according to how many emails are in a particular account. Supports up to 5 POP3 accounts. |
Mail Checker - Version 1.00 |
Lets you check your e-mail server automatically at regular intervals. It can play a sound or start your e-mail program.Mail Checker can stay in your system tray at all time, since it leaves a small footprint (500kB) in memory. |
MailChecker - Version 2.0 |
Allows you to control your mailbox easily. MailChecker periodically checks the mailbox and announces whether you have new messages. It resides the Windows taskbar and its icon changes when new mail is deliverd to your mailbox.The number of messages and their headers are also displayed.Not as other e-mail utilities, which download all the messages, MailChecker loads only message headers(usually less than 10% of the whole message), which saves over 90% of your time. MailChecker features an ultimat |
McFly - Version 2.0b |
A simple tray-based e-mail notification program for those who don't need a bunch of complex, useless features. Version 1.0 supports only one POP3 account. Version 2.0 coming soon with many new complex, useless features. |
Mobile Mail - Version 1.1 |
A utility for gathering your email from up to 3 POP3 internet mail accounts and forwarding it to your alphanumeric pager. It can be setup to send the message header (Date Sent, From, and Subject) or the entire message. Supports alphanumeric and numeric pagers, PCS phone paging, and SMTP paging. Includes SPAM filtering and many other features. |
Pobox - Version 2.1 |
This is a tiny e-mail checker for Win9x/NT. It sits in your system tray and checks for new mails from time to time, playing a sound and showing the subjects and headers of new messages if any. Tiny. Funny. Free. Watch for updates! |
POP3 Mail Checker - Version 2.1 |
A POP3 client which runs over TCP/IP (either a network or dial-up connection) checking at regular intervals for new mail.New mail is not downloaded but the user is advised of new mail via a pop-up window. POP3 server, POP3 loin name, and time interval are configurable. Uses very small amountof memory, |
POPAlarm - Version 1.8 |
A tool-tray program for Windows 95 & Windows NT that monitors your email POP3 account for activity. Its tool tip displays the number of messages currently waiting to be retrieved. It differs from most such programs in that when offline, it does not display error messages. |
POPCount - Version 1.0 |
Small application to sit in the tray and check for new mail messages. Moving the cursor over the icon will display the number of messages on the server. Works with POP servers only.Requires the VB 5.0 Runtimes. |
POPIt Mail Notifier PLUS - Version 1.895 |
A small and easy to use mail notification program for multiple mailboxes. A separate icon for each mailbox monitored (up to 20) is displayed in the Taskbar tray. Dial-Up Networking support for unattended retrieval. Audible, visual and program launch notifications can be configured. You can scan the message headers and preview the first 10 lines of any message without downloading! Messages can be viewed, saved, printed and deleted easily. A built in anti-SPAM tool filters out SPAM junk mail. Quic |
ReconMail 98 - Version 2.1 |
An email notification client. Some of it's many features include support for multiple POP3 accounts, Automatic Mail forwarding and Automatic Mail Response to messages thatmatch filters you create. The visual interface allow to you have settings specific to a particlar account, email can be viewed, deleted or replied to without having to download the full body of the message or load your full featured email program. Outgoing mail now supports file attachments.Other features include the ability to |
Ristra Mail Monitor - Version 1.1 |
Brings the convenience of automatic and on demand e-mail checking to the user of web-based mail services include: Hotmail, Net@ddress(, RocketMail, MailExcite, MailCity, Angelfire Mail and EudoraMail. Multiple accounts of different services are supported. In addition, it will allow user to log in to the account more conveniently by launching default web browser and open up the log in page of the specified mail service. |
TurboMail - Version 4.6 |
Sits at the system tray, and plays your choice of sound and/or your choice of a message when new mail arrives. When this happens, you can view the message details(without having to download all of the messages themselves), and double-click on a message to view it.Supports multiple accounts and MIME attachments. Canspawn another POP3 client. |
webMail - Version 0.2.3 |
Are you tired of checking for new mail at hotmail and other web based mail-server by using netscape and explorer. WebMail fixes this. It is a notify program for checking for mail at these servers. Support for mulitple accounts, very fast and easy to use. |