JAVA Programming Tools - Disc 5
1 Cool Button Tool - Version 4.0 |
You don't need to know Java or HTML. 1 Cool ButtonTool generates all the code for you. 1 Cool Button Tool lets you create any number of button styles and behaviours. Button attributes include; color, depth, transparency, GIF or JPEG images, AU or WAV sounds, text color, border color...even drag and drop buttons! and you can arrange buttons however you like. |
Anfy Java - Version 1.3 |
Adds a touch of magic to HTML pages. With an easy and fast interface apply to GIF/JPG images realtime graphics like: 3d texturemap cube menu, lake effect, crossfade advertising banners, waving flag, animation, scrolling text, fractals, and a lot more.Freely usable even if not registered, never expires,but paying shareware will enable extra features. |
Apirc - Version 1.1 |
A free multi-threaded IRC applet (with private msg, channel, nickname control, channel list, ban windows), that allows visitors to your site to connect to IRC servers. |
Applet Button Factory - Version 4.0 |
Allows non-programmers to create Java Applet Buttons without needing to know any Java or HTML code. These Java buttons add motion and color to normally static boring buttons and clickable images usually found on web sites. It employs a simple interface that guides you through the creation process creating all the code and testing the applet for you. Buttons can have gif or jpeg images, varied text styles, colors and motion styles. |
Applet FX Freeware Edition Prerelease - Version 1.1 |
A package of 20 HIGH-quality Java effects for your home page. The package includes Visual Applet Configurator (VAC), a configuration tool that makes it possible to changetext, colors, links, images, and sounds without any knowledge of Java programming. |
Applet Headline Factory - Version 3.0 |
Allows non-programmers to create Java Applet scrolling headlines for web pages without the user needing to know any Java or HTML code. Now have your Text, Images, and Links scroll up (or down) to announce your news, updates, or descriptions of your website. Includes an AppletPreviewer and Tester. If your WWW page looks dull, give this program a try and watch it come to life! |
Applet Navigation Factory - Version 1.0 |
Applet Navigation Factory allows you to create Java enabled navigation menus to easily direct your visitor to the most important areas on your Website. Use any text or images you want, or use the ones that come preloaded. Also included are gradient filled backgrounds, pre-loading message, and extensive Help file. |
Applet Password Wizard - Version 1.1 |
Allows you to create usernames and passwords to protect your Web pages. Without knowing Java or HTML you cancreate an unlimited number of username/password entries. This allows you to secure sensitive content on your Website. It works in frames and tables easily, and allows you to control border styles, widths, and background colors. The applet previewer displays your work as you create. A shortcut helps you browser-test your work while you create. |
AppletEase - Version 1.0 |
Java application that allows you to visually configure any applet directly into web pages. This means that AppletEase finds and shows you all the parameters supported by the applet, then you configure the applet (by means of visual tools) and finally AppletEase creates the right html code and it merges it into your web page. This way when you read that web page with your browser you have the applet running with the configuration you selected. Saves you time and anyapplet or html knowledge. Its a |
ClassSpy - Version 1.1 |
A new Java class analyzer and obfuscator. It allows you to see just how much information a potential adversary can learn from your class file. It allows you to protect yourself from decompilation and injects a copyright notice into all of your classes. |
ClassVista - Version 1.0 |
A Win32 application written using MFC which allows easy viewing of the contents of Java class files. It displays allattributes of Java classes using a convenient tree view, and provides a disassembly of method byte code similar to that of javap. Italso allows easy browsing of classes stored incompressed or uncompressed zip and jar files. | - Version 1.0 |
Small Java applet to display local time on your web page. Very easy to implement in your web page all instructions are in the readme.txt file. |
CooWild - Version 1.00 |
A live menu system (java applet) where waterfowl fly over rivers, lakes, oceans - under sunset - in Spring - Winter. Each fly object represents one or more web objects (pages). |
Durius Java Applets - Version 1.35 |
This is the highly acclaimed Durius package! This appliesstate-of-the-art algorithms to images! Fully customizable and easy to use! |
ECalendar Suite - Version 1.01 |
Graphical Calendar and Time spinner for choosing Date/Time. Uses JFC/Swing (both Swing 1.0.3 & 1.1).Very flexible class libarary. Change color, font, grid, and Look & Feel during runtime. Check out demo page for example of functionality. |
ET Applet Collection - Version 2.1 |
A collection of small and well-written Java applets for the professional Web developer. The package includes scrollers, menus, image buttons, and more. |
Evans Java Toolkit - Version 1.0.1 |
True GUI functionality for java applets. FormTool Class - Adds built-in GUI features to your java frames. MsgBox Class - Popup dialog box. ClientIO Class - Write to a web server (Server and client side programs are provided). |
FreeJava - Version 1.01 |
A 32-bit Windows Integrated Development Environment for building Java applets and applications. Requires a recent version of the JDK available from JavaSoft. |
GeoApplets - Version 1.1 |
A collection of more than 40 java applets, with manyparameters for easy customization. The package includesvertical and horizontal scrollers with many options, typewriter applets, image faders, image and text menu applets, both horizontal and vertical, photo album applets and many more. |
InstallWiz - Version 1.1 |
A feature rich Installation Program maker for Java. It makes cross-platform installers for your software. All of your files are merged into a single class file, which is the installer for your program. |
Java Digital Clock - Version 2.0 |
Small Java applet to display local time in military format on your web page. Very easy to implement in your web page all instructions are in the readme.txt file. |
Java Pot Editor - Version 1.0 |
A great program for anyone that is interested in programming in Java, one of today's hottest programming languages. With a easy to use User Interface, you will have no problem navigating through our program. If you use Sun's JDK, you can compile your java program straight from Java Pot! |
JavaDeveloper.exe - Version 2.02 |
This is a MUST HAVE for JDK developers. Support for all JDKs, including Swing. This allows the user to compile/build .java files, test/run .class files. This does not include the JDK (which is available elsewhere) but does offer a GUI interface not available with the JDK. Also, this serves as a good replacement to Notepad because of its multidocument interface. (Do your HTML and any txt files in here!) |
javaIDE - Version 0.98 |
This is a small and efficient Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment written in Java 1.1. You can create html files, copy and paste code, compile and run java programs just with the press of a button. New features in version 0.98 are the addition of an output area, a recent file menu and the correction of some bugs. |
JDEX - Java Development Environment using Explorer - Version 1.0 |
Provides the tools to use Windows Explorer as a GUI front end to Sun's Java Development Kit. It is NOT a full featuredIntegrated Development Environment (IDE) nor is it a 'Visual' Java development tool. JDEX uses a few simple batch files and common Windows 95 components to create a simple and easy to use Java Development Environment. |
JLAN Lite - Version 1.0 |
A pure Java implementation of the Windows networking API that allows access to remote disk/print shares from any 1.1 compatible Java VM. |
JLAN Pro - Version 1.1 |
Supports all SMB dialects (except NT 0.12, available soon). Provides access to remote disk, print and admin shares. Allows spooling file to remote printers. Supports long file names. Implements the Remote Admin Protocol that allows access to remote domain, node, share, user, printer and print queue information. Allows print queues t be paused/restartedand jobs to be paused/restarted/deleted. Can find a list of domains and servers without any knowledge of the network. JDK 1.1 and 1.2 compatible. |
Larry's Paint - Version 1.0 |
A free Java applet program that allows you to make various paintings. You can draw two ways. A simple way of drawing is to use premade images, called stamps, to put in your painting. The other way to draw, is by hand, using acoloring pen. Your paintings can even have a background. The program comes with stamps and backgrounds, however you are able to change them to your own images. This program can be used in a small way to display a slide show that you can annotate. |
MagicTouch - Version 1.0 B1 |
A program for creating Java Buttons. It can create several Buttons on one applet (even one on another) and put images and text labels for all three states (Up, Over and Pressed). You may also attach sounds in Sun's au format. It's FreeWare and there are no limitations. |
MenuMaster - Version 1.0 |
A collection of 20 of the best applet menus on the netfrom the creators of Applet FX. In this demo, 5 of 20 applets can be used for free. The package is delivered with Visual Applet Configurator (VAC), a configuration tool that makes it possible to customize the applets without any knowledge of Java programming. |
MY J-BUTTON - Version 1.51 |
You don't have to be a programmer to use Java! MY J-BUTTON is intended for easy creation of JAVA buttons without the need to write even a single line of code. |
Outline Browser - Version 2.3 |
This Java applet provides a dynamic outline of your site's contents in a graphic tree structure, and gives your site a professional appearance. You control the applet's content by creating a plain-text site map, and you may set many appearance options. You may use your own custom images with the applet. |
PopMenu Wizard - Version 1.01 |
No need to remember the html code to use the applet, simply supply the text that appears on the buttons in the applet and the url of the webpage the button will open and the program supplies the code. Copy to the clipboard for pasting into your webpage. Also allows for saving and re-loading to enable editing of a previous project. |
RiadaButton - Version 1.0 |
Goes way beyond standard web buttons, by incorporating audio, animated images, tool tips, dynamic text, dragable buttons, frame control, a large range of border, image and text styles and much more, yet its tiny size means it's quick to load. With its friendly design environment and innovative pre-emptive help, anyone can quickly create interactive web siteelements without HTML/Java editing. Comes with a powerful scripting language for web designers who still want more. |
Source Explorer for Java - Version 0.1 |
This tool enables Java devlopers to import Java Source files and binary bytecodes (zip/jar files) to create a compact symbol database. Users can use this database to view/navigate/search/query the database using elaborate user interface and elaborate command set. This tool eliminates the need to use "Find in Files" command. Developers can find implementers, extenders, dependents for a given interface or class in few milli seconds. Tool provides commands to search and view Java Documentation in-p |
traceJ - Version 1.2 |
If you need a commercial-scale, run-time trace facility which will let you (the developer) define what information is relevant; one with which the trace granularity (or detail level) can be specified at execution time; a facility which is hardware and JVM independent, then you need traceJ. traceJ is a set of Java classes which allow developers to enable run-time, granular tracing of their applications. |