The Windows 6 Pak

Welcome to Disc 1

This 6-CD set has been compiled by InfoMagic, Inc. from sources around the Internet. We are now operating our own web site and FTP server providing access to everything you could ever want for Windows 95, 98 and NT.  Unlike other archives the files listed on the site are stored on a local FTP server, so when you find something you want you can be assured of downloading it.  Please come check out the site WWW.WindowsMegaSite.COM  We will be adding an upload facility to accept contributions of new material.  Meanwhile we will continue to monitor many of the other shareware sites and keep adding new material.


Each of the 6 discs in this set has all of the HTML files for all categories of software.  Each HTML file indicates which CD that category is on.   To make best use of these discs we suggest you open this file index.html in the root directory of each disc.  From there you can open the disc specific index file that lists all the categories on that CD, by clicking the links in the table below.   It is useful to have WinZip installed on your system.  If you don't already have this program you can find it on Disc 1 in the Compression-and-Zip-Utilities directory as winzip70.exe.

The main groupings are as follows:

Disc 1:

  • Games
  • Themes
  • Compression and Zip Utilities
  • Web Browsers
  • Game Utilities


Disc 2:

  • Cursors
  • Icons
  • Screen Savers
  • Startup Screens
  • Wallpaper
  • File Utilities
  • Information Databases

Disc 3:

  • Browser Plugins
  • Sound Utilities
  • Web Browser Addons
  • HTML Tools and Utilities
  • Mail Clients & Utilities


Disc 4:

  • Graphics Utilities
  • Network Tools & Utilities
  • Miscellaneous Tools & Utilities

Disc 5:

  • Programming Tools
  • Anti Virus Utilities
  • Calculators

Disc 6:

  • Desktop Managers & Utilities
  • System Analysis and Repair Tools
  • Editors
Microsoft and Windows are Registered Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.  Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Notes concerning Shareware on InfoMagic CD-ROMs:

Shareware is an exciting marketing method which allows you to try top-quality software before you pay the author. With Shareware, you cannot be disappointed spending money for a program that's not right for you. The small fee you pay to us covers only the duplication and distribution costs, and permits you to evaluate the program.

If you continue to use the program, you must send the author an additional payment which may entitle you to technical support, printed manual, bonus programs, and more. Your payment supports authors, enabling them to continue writing newer and better Shareware programs.
InfoMagic Inc is a member of "The Association of Shareware Professionals"
If you have any questions regarding this CD set or other InfoMagic products you may contact us at 800-800-6613 within the US and Canada or at (520) 526-9565 from outside the US, or by FAX at (520) 526-9573 or email at

  This compilation and the organization of these CD's is © 1999 InfoMagic Inc All Rights Reserved.